
Printing companies and packaging

There are still great differences between Western Europe and Hungary concerning printing services for packaging. – On the domestic market, it is mostly small ”garage” companies offering printing services to...

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The price of shopping

The communications war between Hungary’s two FMCG giants, Tesco and Spar keeps raging. A few weeks ago, Spar filed a complaint against Tesco at the Hungarian Trade Association’s Ethics Committee...

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Deli counter meat product sales are revitalising

Despite lobbying by the Hungarian Meat Industry Federation, meat products were not included on the list of products with a reduced VAT. Although the 5 percent increase is not catastrophic...

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Price increase lowest in the food industry

In comparison with the previous month, domestic industrial sales prices increased by 0.9 percent in June; compared with June 2008 they grew by 2.1 percent. KSH’s report reveals that in...

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Bartender competition in Siófok

Hungary’s best bartenders were competing at the 5th Bols competition in Siófok on 29 June. Miklós Járfás won the classic category and Roland Urbán finished first in the Flair category....

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Less sausage and salami sold in the first four months

Gfk Hungária’s data indicate that Hungarian households purchased less sausage and salami than a year ago. In the first four months of 2009 sausage sales went down by 7 percent,...

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Strengthening forint slows down meat imports

Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) monitors and regularly publishes the world’s poultry and fruit/vegetable product trends. Their latest report reveals that the price of Hungarian slaughter pigs decreased early July....

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Award winning STI-displays

STI’s two display solutions won the POPAI prize in Poland. Scrabble won in the ”everyday use” category with an island type solution, while the Lübbe suitcase finished first in the...

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High quality sells better

Nielsen Retail Index reveals that lemon juice retail sales grew by 13 percent in terms of value in June 2008-May 2009, compared to the previous period a year before. The...

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Waiting for the nadir

According to economic projections by GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. and Erste Bank, the worse is yet to come for the Hungarian economy, with GDP expected to decrease to 6.5 percent. Agriculture...

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We are No.1 in CSR in the region

Based on the CSR 24/7 evaluation Hungarian and Polish companies did the best. Bulgarian and Romanian companies were also analysed. Magyar Telekom occupies the number one spot on the Hungarian...

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Lemon juices are in top condition

Trying to eat healthier opened the way for a more creative usage of lemon juices. Another significant step forward has been taken in packaging. New designer bottles gradually replace the...

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Hungarian households switch from ”A” to ”B”?

According to data by Gfk Hungária, in the first quarter of 2009 we bought 7 percent less daily consumer goods than a year before. Brands with a higher price level...

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Hungarian wine and pálinka in Düsseldorf

This year the famous ”Die Düsseldorfer Jonges” association’s annual reception put Hungary in the limelight. On 12 May, more than 450 politicians and businessperson participated in the event in the...

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Mouth care brands expand with specialties

Sales expectations in the mouth care product category focus on keeping up the present level. Toothbrush is the leading segment of innovation, but toothpaste and mouth wash novelties are also...

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Hungarians not taken to shopping malls yet

According to a survey conducted by Gfk in June 2009, Hungarian shoppers prefer separate shops to shopping malls. 83 percent shop in the store type they like the most. More...

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”Find your future business partners!”

– 45 Hungarian companies will present their products in Cologne on 10-14 October and 160,000 businesspersons are expected from all over the world – says Márta Kakuk, the Hungarian representative...

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100 ml tubes strengthen on an expanding market

Retails sales of toothpaste augmented by 6 percent in July 2008-June 2009, compared to the previous period, surpassing HUF 10 billion. In terms of quantity, the market did not change....

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Price increase slowing down

In June consumer prices augmented by 0.1 percent, totalling at 3.7 percent higher than in the same period of 2008. According to a report by KSH (Central Statistical Office), there...

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Top 10 trends in petrol station shops

Petrol station shops excel in cigarette sales: sales in terms of value increased by 15 percent in June 2008-July 2009 and exceeded HUF 34 billion. Beer and carbonated soft drinks...

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September? Education!

Several manufacturers and retailers are involved in the mouth care weeks. They try to raise awareness of the importance of dental hygiene. With support from the Hungarian Association of Dentists,...

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Half of the unemployed have been looking for work for more than a year

In the second quarter of 2009, the unemployment rate was 9.6 percent, with 3,797,000 people being employed and 402,000 unemployed in the 15-64 age group. Compared to the second quarter...

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Diversification among wine consumers

Our own sales data and Nielsen surveys both indicate the increasing dominance of sweet red wines and rosé in the past five years. It is a favourable development that the...

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Three exhibitions: In-Out-Everybody!

In – as in packaging, out – as in printing and everybody – as a possible target group: on 22-25 September printing, packaging/logistics and marketing-communication companies introduce themselves at HUNGEXPO’s...

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Average wage increase at 1 percent

In the first five months of 2009, the gross average wage 1.4 percent higher than a year earlier; in the case of net wages the increase was 1 percent. KSH’s...

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Everything for the friends of wine

After a glass of grand wine one realises that he would like to relive the same experience, but does not have pen and paper with him to jot down the...

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European packaging novelties – from Hungary

While companies try to cut packaging costs, most actors on the market decided to go forward: they invent cheaper, greener and more consumer-friendly solutions. – Annual average packaging material use...

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Foreign markets – Czech Republic

According to Nielsen’s Prague affiliate, FMCG retail sales growth is slowing down in terms of value in the Czech Republic. Supermarkets’ share surpasses that of discount stores. Last March-April FMCG...

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ProWein trade fair in Düsseldorf

Europe's largest wine and distilled spirits trade fair is the ProWein in Düsseldorf. Next year more than twenty Hungarian companies are expected to exhibit similarly to this year's event. In...

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The price of milk does not reduced

Despite the fact, that from 1st July the milk and milk products’ reduced VAT will be 18 percent, the prices did not reduced, rather further increased by 1 percent, compared...

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