
Roaming abroad will transfer the datas to NAV?

According to the article of Népszabadság, it seems that the domestic traders have to contract with foreign mobile companies in order to the proper use of their new cash machines....

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The EU would make the control of agricultural products more efficient and more simple

The European Commission would simlify the rules on animal health and on plant protection and would make the control of agricultural products more efficient – Tonio Borg, member of the...

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Euro zone’s retail sales decreased in March

Retail sales declined in the Euro zone and in the EU in March – Eurostat, the EU's statistical office announced on Monday. In March this year the retail sales in...

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Sunflower is less popular this year

Sunflower seed drills are taking advantage of the favorable weather of the recent days. According to the information of the National Agricultural Association, farmers are intended to sow sunflower on...

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TiJöttök! Science and engineering career promotion program

The “TiJöttök” (It’s Your turn) program was launched with the support of the European Union. The program aims to present the scientific and technical careers and attracting the young Hungarians...

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Expressz response to the changes

The way of getting information has fundamentally changed as well as its collection, allocation and management – Matusek László, Operation and Development Director of the Expressz Zrt. analyzed the situation...

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Two bottles from the stocks of “Whisky Galore” were auctioned

Two rare bottles salvaged from the shipwreck that inspired the book and film Whisky Galore are being auctioned. The collectors' items were part of the cargo on the 8,000-tonne SS...

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Big environmental savings with the ÖkoKör groups

The households that took part in the ÖkoKör program of the Association of Conscious Consumers (TVE) have reached significant environmental savings; for example they have produced a quarter less food...

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Analysts expect a slowing decline in retail sales

Analysts surveyed by MTI expect decline in retail sales this year. But it may be significantly lower than last year’s downturn. The Central Statistics Office (KSH) announced on Monday, that...

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KSH: retail sales decreased in March

In March, the volume of retail sales decreased by 2.8 percent compared to a year ago – the Central Statistics Office (KSH) announced on the basis of preliminary calendary adjusted...

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Mobile shopkeepers ask for exemption in vain

A reader of asks what those people should do who are running mobile shops. After they are almost constantly moving, there is no guarantee that when the AEE unit...

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The Conscious Purchasing System is under development

A research and development project, which won EU structural funds can expand the marketing tools of the merchants, as well as it can develop the awareness of customers – told...

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VM: more kids can get fruit in the next school year

In the school year beginning in September, the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) continues the School Fruit Program that is co-financed by the EU – the ministry told. The maximum...

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Over one hundred wineries participate at the Pentecost open cellar-days

More than one hundred wineries throughout the country await those who interested in the Pentecost open cellar-days between 18 and 20 May. Most of the open cellars are awaiting the...

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Hundred thousands packs of cigarettes were found in a farm in Téglás

Finance officers seized 60 million HUF worth cigarettes in a farm in Téglás on Sunday. A total of 116 thousand packs of cigarettes were found in a truck and at...

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Dead pigs’ meat was sold in several provinces of China

The Chinese authorities initated proceedings against two people, due to more than 40 tonnes of pig meat derives from dead animals. The meat that is unfit for human consumption may...

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Kardeván Endre: the Hungarian product regulation was necessary

There was a need and demand for the Hungarian product regulation and the associated marking system in Hungary, which can eliminate the still existing chaotic food labeling – Kardeván Endre...

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The trade professionals expect more governmental help

It is impossible to replace all cash machines until 30 June – Vámos György, General Secretary of the National Retail Federation (OKSZ) told. The industry expects the Ministry of National...

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Losses and unused facilities at pig farmers

The Tolna county farmers have 10-12 HUF per kilogram losses on the sales of live pigs, and due to the decreases of stocks EU supported facilities remain unused – the...

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The 1st of May is not the celebration of cash machine replacement

The first important deadline has expired, but the first online cash registers cannot be purchased from Wednesday yet. According to the Minister of State responsible for the cash register replacements,...

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Are you diving to a red or blue ocean?

Szabó Ervin, managing director of the Laurel Számítástechnikai Kft. presented ther two possible behaviors; the red and blue ocean strategies at the Retail Conference in Siófok. While in the previous,...

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Conference on building a brand – coming soon!

Mediapiac.comis launching a new conference on 29th May 2013, mainly revolving around brand construction, ROI and many other interesting topics. Find out more about the event here. ....

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Bridge of the Future 2013 Science Popularization Program

The” Bridge of the Future on the Chain Bridge” („Jövő Hídja a Lánchídon”) program will be expanded with the support of the European Union. The highly successful program is also...

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The Romanian government would place Romania’s miccs sausage under protection against the blacklist of the EU

The Romanian government would place the miccs sausage under protection as a national dish. In opposite case, the popular food would be added to the blacklist of the EU from...

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The online cash register will choose a mobile operator on the basis of signal strength

The GSM technology will be the basic for the mobile data communications and industrial SIM chip will be installed to the online cash machines – Brasnyó Péter expert of Mobil...

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The pálinka can be a leading agricultural product

The Hungarian pálinka can become a leading agricultural product and a worldwide brand in the next ten years. Experts are examining the necessary conditions to reach this goal – V....

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Garage fairs are spreading in Hungary

More and more people are organizing garage fairs during the weekends, where the unwanted household objects can find new owners. This form of trading was spontaneously took root in Budapest,...

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The first cash register system for the new tobacco shops is ready

The ProgAdat Kft. developed a cash register system that meets the requirements of the new tobacco regulation. The ProgAdat Kft. is the member of the Laurel Group, which developed the...

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SuperShop: mobile payments to be tested in the summer

SuperShop’s latest developments allow the introduction of targeted offers as well as the introduction of mobile payments – Hovanyecz Norbert, s Managing Director of SuperShop Kft. said on the first...

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Festival of Czech Beers in Nyíregyháza

Well-known Czech breweries will offer the world famous Czech writer Bohumil Hrabal's favorite beer, the Nymburk to the 1st Czech Beer Days, which will be held between 1 and 5...

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