
Hungarian strawberry’s superb performance

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and KSH’s market price information system (PÁIR) show that 11 percent more cattle was slaughtered in Hungary (calculated in live weight) in...

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50m² and smaller

Altogether 17,808 general food stores sell household chemicals and cosmetics too, and 54 percent of them (9,580 shops) have a floor space of 50m² or smaller – 5 percent less...

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Online retail sales will be 200 billion HUF this year

2.7 percent of the Hungarian retail sales were transacted through the Internet in 2012 – eNET’s recently published annual survey shows. The 177 billion HUF turnover continues to grow strongly...

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Knowledge-forum for the leaders and decisionmakers of small- and mediumsized businesses – spring 2013

The Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Organization of Entreprenours and Employers (VOSZ) is launching its event “Knowledge-forum for the leaders and decisionmakers of small- and mediumsized businesses – spring 2013” on 13th May....

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Foreign trade poses a serious potential for SMEs

“According to the latest foreign trade datas the value of export calculated in euros decreased by 2.8 percent this March, compared to the the same period of the last year....

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The weather and the import affect the domestic peppers and tomato growers badly

Greenhouse tomato and pepper are grown on nearly five hundred thousand hectares in Hungary. This season started badly for the domestic producers. This year's spring caused extraordinary difficulties for the...

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Branded products need marketing spendings

The Médiapiac and the Thinkdigital have launched a series of roundtable discussions under the Think Digitally! title. For the first time, the participants of the FMCG industry shared their experiences...

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Greater experience increases efficiency

The effectiveness of a corporate body can also be increased if people can communicate with each other much richer – Szabó Péter, exprert at T-Systems Magyarország Zrt. pointed out in...

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HNT: The National Wine Competition will be held at the Balatonfüred-Csopaki wine region

Hungary's largest and most traditional wine competition the 34th National Wine Competition will be organized by the National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) this year at the Balatonfüred-Csopaki wine region...

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MEOSZ asking for the accessibility of the disabled people in tobacco shops

The National Federation of Disabled Persons' Associations (MEOSZ) calls the government to review the unsuccesful retail concession tenders of the disabled people – the organization told MTI. The MEOSZ emphasized...

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A tea bag weights one and a half hundred kilogram

A one and a half hundred kilogram tea bag was made in Australia. The content of the pyramidal filter is sufficient to 100 thousand cups of tea. The gigafilter, containing...

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Szintézis traffic system for national tobacco store

Szintézis Ltd. has launched its solution for the freshly opening national tobacco stores. The solution contains its necessary devices, softwares, even for networks. The system contains a full technical support...

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OTP: trillion HUF investment need in animal breeding

In the next seven years, approximately one trillion HUF needs to be invested in livestock production in order to raise the Hungarian pig, poultry and cattle breeding and dairy sector...

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The Hungarian Fruit Wine Makers Association has been formed

Every year 110-130 thousand liters of real fruit wine is made in Hungary, from the cheap fruit wine imitation wines an estimated millions of liters are marketed in Hungary. The...

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If you do not want online cash registers, than you should avoid the anonymous buyers

A reader of posed the question, that is it necessary to have online cash machines for those who are giving handwritten invoice receipts instead of invoices from machines? According...

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Bisnode: major sales but losses on the tobacco market

The sales of the tobacco wholesale companies are constantly increasing since 2009, while both their pre-tax profit as well as their net profit declined significantly in recent years: for example...

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What does the consumer like?

Cetelem has been investigating global consumer trends for more than 60 years. According to their latest survey, 2012 has been about everyday life in the midst of recession, and how...

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Thirteen Hungarian wines received medals at the Monde Selection Competition

Hungarian wineries won thirteen medals, including eight gold medals at the Monde Selection International Wine Competition in 2013. The 2009 vintage Kővilla Cabernet Franc selection of the Villány-based Csányi Pincészet...

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Considerable reserves in the internal functioning of the stores

Instead of cutting the costs innovation should be used to rationalize the internal operations of the stores – was stressed by the participants of the roundtable discussion held at the...

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Cofidis: no change in the buying sentiment of the population

According to the first quarter survey of the Cofidis Credit Monitor, the buying sentiment of the population has not changed compared to the previous quarter, but the number of those...

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Magazine: International Sweets Business Forum (part 3)

On the first day of the forum Dr Philipp Schöller, vice-president of the Zurich-seated company Barry Callebaut (the world’s biggest chocolate manufacturer) gave a lecture on the future of chocolate....

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Tobacco shops may sell ice cream

The Budget Committee of the Parliament will continue to expand the range of products, that can be solf in tobacco shops, allowing them to sell ice cream. On the basis...

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The tobacconists will be the first to face the delay of the new cash register replacement

The mandatory replacement of cash register is expected to delay further, because the repeatedly modified deadline does not seem to be sustainable. The equipment authorization has begun only recently. The...

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Beer novelties at the third Budavári Beer Festival

Honey, elderberry, plum, and even herbal craft beers, as well as beers from England, Ireland, Belgium Croatia, the Czech Republic and Germany, a total of two hundred beers can be...

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The Mobil Adat Kft. is the fourth mobile operator, virtually

The GSM technology will be the basic of the mobile data communications. An industrial SIM chip will be placed into the machines – Brasnyó Péter, expert of Mobil Adat Kft....

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Nébih: the end of May is the deadline for filing the food supply chain management fees

31 May 2013 is the filing deadline for the food supply chain management fee – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told on Tuesday. According to the communication, the...

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More money goes to bath development

The Thermal Bath of Eger will be enriched with new indoor swimming pools and a wellnes pool from a more than 700 million HUF investment – Habis László, Mayor of...

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Hipercom: How did the market of special offer leaflets change in 2012

After having closed the third quarter, Hipercom has carried out its newest research about the market of special-offer leaflets. A lot has changed in the market of retailers since 2011,...

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GfK: 2012 was a good year on the syrup market

The winners of the cold non-alcoholic beverages segment of last year – in addition to mineral waters – were syrups that are available on favorable prices. Contrary to carbonated soft...

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K&H: moderately increasing investment activity

According to the datas of the K&H SME confidence index, conducted among managers of domestic SMEs, the investing intention among domestic companies has passed the low point. In this year's...

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