
Festival of Czech Beers in Nyíregyháza

Well-known Czech breweries will offer the world famous Czech writer Bohumil Hrabal's favorite beer, the Nymburk to the 1st Czech Beer Days, which will be held between 1 and 5...

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Nébih: 17.2 tons of vegetables were seized at the wholesale vegetable market in Miskolc

The inspectors of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) seized 17.2 tons of vegetables during a night raid at the wholesale vegetable market in Miskolc – the agency told...

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A part of the French presidental office’s wine stock will be auctioned

One-tenth of the French presidental office’s wine stock will be auctioned on 30 and 31 of May. One can then bid for about 1,200 glasses of wine from the 1990...

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A research program started in Szeged for the dietary utilization of triticale

A research program was launched in Szeged for the dietary utilization of triticale funded by the European Union. Bóna Lajos, specialists of the Gabonakutató Nonprofit Kft. (Grain Research Nonprofit Ltd.)...

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Hungary's consumer confidence index improved, though it is still low

Hungarian consumers consider their personal financial situation much more favorably forthe next twelve months, than in the survey in first quarter carried out three months ago. As a result Hungary’s...

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Leftover food on the table

Every year residue enough for 200 million people is left on the table in China – The Chinese leadership  and the society promoted fight against the wasting on many fronts....

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IVSZ asks for a new deadline

Despite the grace period, which lasts until 30 June, the Association of Information Technology, Telecommunications and Electronics Companies (IVSZ) is already asking the government to extend the implementation deadline of...

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Hungarian apples, peaches and peppers will also be promoted this year

Promotion campaign will start to promote Hungarian melons, apples, peaches and peppers in 2013. The technical preparatory work has satred in the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) recent days –...

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One-third less barley and peas are expected

The barley and pea crops may be reduced by one-third as the result of the long winter, while the sown area of corn may be 5 percent less nationwide –...

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MNB: Mobile application against counterfeit banknotes

Cash payment continues to dominate in the domestic trade – said Pataki Tibor, leader of the National Cash Expert Center of the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) on the first day...

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New shopping center to be built in the city center of Százhalombatta

The third phase of the so-called Main Square project starts in the first week of May in Százhalombatta. A shopping center will be built as the third phase of the...

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Gárdonyi Memorial Year: the winemakers of Eger are preparing with special wines

The winemakers of the Eger wine region will make the Gárdonyi Memorial Year memorable with special wines: They prepare the wine named after Gárdonyi Géza and the Egri Csillag Grand...

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Changing of the malls

The modernization of the first generation of shopping centers, and the comformation to the changing consumer needs have become dominant trend among retail real estates – shows the joint analysis...

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Fazekas Sándor: Hungary is a bee superpower

Hungary is a bee superpower, but the stability of the sector can be maintained only with a lot of work and collaboration – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Rural Development said...

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The OKSZ opposes to expand the product range in the tobacco shops but supports the increase of price margins

The National Retail Federation (OKSZ) supports the 10 percent increase of price margins in case of tobacco products but opposes the extension of the range of products which can be...

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Bilibók Botond: global financial repression to come

Bilibók Botond, CEO of the Concorde Asset Management Ltd. (Concorde Alapkezelő Zrt.) spoke about the background of the economic crisis, and about the global business environment in his presentation held...

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IDC: Smartphones overtook traditional phones

The number of smartphone sales overtook the sales of traditional (feature) mobile phones in the first quarter for the first time – shows the quarterly survey of the American International...

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The NGM reviews the exchange deadline of cash registers

The Secretary of State of the Ministry for National Economy (NGM) is confident that they can keep the deadline for the replacement of cash machines. According to Szatmáry Kristóf, the...

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The Kővilla earned Gold medal

March brought remarkable international results for the Csányi Winery. The winery’s 2009 vintage Kővilla Selection Cuvee gained silver medal at the French Vinalies Internationales wine competition 2013, and won the...

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Findings of the GfK Consumer Climate Europe and USA for the first quarter of 201

High unemployment and the continued slowdown in economic growth in the Southern European crisis countries in particular is still hampering economic development in the European Union (EU). While the countries...

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Vámos György: small shops are the losers of the last few years

The commercial consumption in Hungary decreased steadily between 2007 and 2012, it can remain on level this year and a growth can come in 2014 – Vámos György, general secretary...

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Price margin can be ten percent on tobacco products

The law on the reduction of juvenile smoking continues to tighten. Lázár János (Fidesz) submitted his recent amendment on Thursday as an independent MP proposal. In this context, the politician...

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NAV: they could write a hacker book on cash machine frauds

The specialists of NAV have met stunning fraud schemes in the cash registers. This fact largely contributed to the introduction of the new online cash registers that will have electronic...

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Marketing to increase the consumption of pork

Accurate records will be created over the domestic pig population – Horváth István, comissioned Minister told Világgazdaság. A marketing campaign will also be launched to clarify that the consumption of...

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Berbence Bitter, Hungary’s first gourmet liqueur became the Best of Europe

The new craft bitter drink of the Tokaj-hegyaljai Likőr- és Pálinkamanufaktúra received an European recognition. The special Berbence Bitter gourmet liqueur was chosen as the best bitter liqueur at Europe's...

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Tokaji wine auction held for the first time

Auction featuring wines solely from Tokaj will be held for the first time. The event is organized by the Wine Order of Tokaj (TBE) and will take place in the...

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Ladybugs in the shopping center

About 72,000 Ladybugs were released at a U.S. shopping center to fight against aphids — the pesky insects that feed on plants. And some 72,000 ladybugs have found a home...

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Multisense realism is what people are looking for

Part of multisense realism is a new interpretation of light. As I am not a physicist, there is no way to introduce this idea without sounding like a crackpot, but...

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KSH: monthly household expenditure decreased last year

The monthly consumption expenditure of households in Hungary was an average of 65 790 HUF per person last year. This is 2.1 percent lower than in 2011 – states the...

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