
Frozen barcodes

Barcodes and barcode-based identification, storage, transportation and logistics are all very important at Kedvenc JM Kft., a retailer and wholesaler of frozen meat and meat products. Informatics director Julianna Szauter...

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Soft drink and fruit juice consumption fell by 10 percent last year

Hungarian soft drink and fruit juice consumption decreased by 10 percent last year – the Association of Hungarian Soft Drinks, Juices and Mineral Water Manufacturers told MTI on Thursday. According...

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FruitVeB: the development of the fruit and vegetable sector can bring hundreds of thousands of new jobs

Hundreds of thousands of new jobs would be created through the development in the fruit and vegetable sector in the Hungarian agriculture Mártonffy Béla, chairman of the Hungarian Fruit and...

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Who will pay the ferryman?

The participants of the food chain put up this question literally in connection with the new toll payment system, planned from July. The broadening of the road toll system will...

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Caloric values on food labels are inaccurate

Caloric values on food labels are inaccurate – state researchers, who are suggesting the revision of the currently used calorie calculation method. Previous studies have shown that the method of...

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The horsemeat scandal in Britain goes on

The meat content of some beef lasagne products recalled by Findus was up to 100% horsemeat, the Food Standards Agency has said. Findus withdrew its beef lasagne from retailers in...

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EU budget summit opens hours late

EU leaders opened tough talks over a trillion-euro budget hours late Thursday amid sharp differences over spending cuts and investment for growth and jobs. The meeting got underway almost six...

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Wine Wandering in the Badacsony wine region

The Wine Wandering series of events of the Badacsonyi Céh Turisztikai Egyesület aims to promote Badacsony and its surroundings in order to reach that the popular summer holiday region to...

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MagyarBrands, the brand value

The Superbrands Hungary Council and its heads felt the growing need for paying special attention to Hungarian products, so in 2010 they launched the MagyarBrands programme. MagyarBrands is a trade...

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Trends, whys and answers – part 8

Shopping and consumption are most useful if they help to uncover what lies behind the trends. With this knowledge more targeted market strategies can be developed. Just recently Irish firms...

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Smartphone for tracking shoppers

Fortinet and Euclid developed a new product called Euclid Zero: this system senses the MAC address of mobile phones and monitors it while the phone’s owner is in-store, collecting information...

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Half of shoppers feel they know more than shop assistants

According to a study by Motorola on the last Christmas season, because of their smartphones with internet access shoppers feel they are better informed abut products and promotions than shop...

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It doesn’t disappear, it just transforms!

A study by NRC, conducted in August 2012 with 1,000 participants from the 18-49 age group, revealed lots of interesting facts about pálinka. Only 3 percent said they consume alcoholic...

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Thailand: a smiling case study

Thailand has a population of 65 million and is called ‘the country that is smiling’. Bangkok is the capital city where we can get to anywhere by taking the Sky...

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Having fun and networking for the fifth time

On the evening of 15 November we gathered for the fifth time in the Grand Hotel on Margaret Island to meet and greet – and to do a bit of...

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Less wine sold – at higher prices

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and KSH’s market price information system (PÁIR) reveal that the production price of raw milk in Hungary was HUF 89.47/kg in November...

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Less detergent sold in promotion

Detergent retail sales in January-October 2012 surpassed HUF 27 billion. Value sales didn’t change from the base period but volume sales fell 9 percent, according to the Nielsen Retail Index....

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Products with an added value and manufacturer brands increase their share from sales

Data from GfK Hungária’s Household Panel indicate that the expansion of the mineral water market also has to do with the advancement of manufacturer brands and products with an added...

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Frozen food brands are looking for added value

Just like previous years, 2012 was all about the expansion of private label and cheap products on the frozen fruit/vegetable and frozen meals market. László Markovits, owner and managing director...

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The Easter bunny brought sales growth to chocolate figure manufacturers last year

Sales grew again last year, despite that the elevated public health product fee (NETA) and 2 percent higher VAT burdened chocolate rabbits and eggs. Andrea Szabó, junior brand manager of...

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Purchasing via mobile phone: we spent almost one billion HUF last year

Purchasing via mobile devices increased explosively in Hungary. The number of visitors through mobile devices on the sites of, which operates Vatera as well, reached almost 29 million. This...

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Global e-commerce rose to 1 trillion USD last year

According to the estimates of eMarketer, the global value of digital purchases increased by 21.1 percent to 1 trillion USD in 2012. The researcher estimates that sales in 2013 will...

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GfK: the wealthier spend on health maintenance

According to GfK Hungária’s Health Economic Monitor 2012 annual survey, the Hungarian population has increased their spendings on health maintenance over the past year. The study concludes that although the...

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Czech retail sales decreased last year

Retail sales in the Czech Republic decreased by an annual 1.1 percent last year – the Czech Statistical Office announced on Tuesday. In December, without including the seasonal fluctuations the...

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The Human Telex organizes the Hungarian Flavours' Ball

The Human Telex Advertising Agency starts the year with the organizing of a large-scale ball. The Hungarian Flavours Trade Association (MIKSZ) asked Human Telex to organize the Hungarian Flavours' Ball....

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The German Super Cow already gave 150 thousand liters of milk

The black and white Holstein cattle gave 150 thousand liters of milk in the last thirteen years, on a farm in Talling, Germany. The farmer explains the good lactation results...

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The confidence index of the Hungarian consumers is no longer the lowest in the world

The confidence index of the Hungarian consumers is no longer the lowest among the studied fifty-eight countries. In Hungary, the index in the in the fourth quarter was 37 points,...

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The dairy industry expect bankruptcies after a controversial year

If theVAT rate of dairy products will not be reduced below 10 percent in time, than the dairies expect mass bankruptcies – Mélykúti Tibor, Co-Chairman of the Milk Marketing Board...

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Fazekas Sándor: the target is to double the Hungarian pig population until 2017

The Ministry of Agriculture would like to ensure that the Hungarian pig population will be doubled until 2017. In order to reach this goal, the ministry’s pig program provides a...

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The Association of Local Currencies will be formed

The issuers of regional vouchers the so-called local currencies will establish a professional organization – confirmed Perkovátz Tamás, the issuer of the first Hungarian local currency of Sopron to  MTI...

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