
The NAV seized one ton of pig fat

The National Tax and Customs Authority (NAV) seized one ton of pig fat in Hegyeshalom. The consignor and the consignee of the shipment were both Hungarian firms, but the driver...

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The Chinese population spent more than 500 billion yuan during the Lunar New Year holiday in China

Spendings of the Chinese population during the Chinese Lunar New Year broke a record, although compared to the previous year it has showed a slowdown in growth – the official...

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Kopint-Tárki: the manufacturing industry closed its worst 12 months last year

The confidence index of the Hungarian manufacturing industry closed its worst 12 months last year since. It is the worst recorded data since the system change. The situation has not...

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The regulation fixing the technical parameters has been published

The Ministry of National Economy (NGM) published the regulation of the technical requirements on the distribution, use, and servicing of cash registers and taximeters. The regulation was published in the...

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The EU would tighten the traceability of goods

While there are stringent requirements for raw products, we do not know the origin of processed goods. The EU would change this situation, and not only among food products, but...

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ZEW: a significant improvement in economic expectations in Germany

Economic expectations in Germany are surpassing all expectations in February. After the presentation of the data the euro has strengthened and European share prices have increased. According to the datas...

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A sip of literature – Wine tastings in the Katona József Theatre

The Katona József Theatre launches literature wine tasting series; the first time with Bächer Iván and with his writings. The guests can meet also with Fullajtár Andrea and Elek Ferenc...

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Even more success for Hungary

While the budget for the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has decreased by some 11%, Hungary will be receiving 12.3 billion euros in agriculture funding within the next financial...

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The price of basic foodstuffs may significantly rise in Ukraine

The price of several basic foodstuffs may significantly rise in Ukraine soon. The competent ministry drafted a proposal under which the state regulation on the price of various meat, egg,...

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The National Assembly has decided: tobacco shops can sell alcohol, coffee, soft drinks and newspapers

The national tobacco shops can sell spirits and energy drinks, coffee, mineral water, soft drinks, and newspapers – the Parliament decided on Monday. The national tobacco shops can sell spirits...

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Product range expansion is needed at the tobacco shops

Lázár János justified the product range expansion in the national tobacco shops with long-term functionality issues. Lázár János, Minister of State said this in relation to MTI on Monday, that...

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There is a chance to resurrect combined transportation

The Hungarian Association of Logistics Service Centres (MLSZKSZ), believes that the intermodal (combined) transport can be made competitive without state aid. According to the MLSZKSZ, 5 percent of the road...

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Slovak retail: the percentage of domestic products can be read on the door

In Slovakia, the retail chains were required to inform the purchasers of the origin of products: the tables containing theses informations must be placed on the entrance of the store....

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Romanian consumer protection authorities fined distributors of Székely products in Csíkszereda

The representatives of the Brasov Consumer Protection Inspectorate visited the Fair of Traditional and Local Products in Csíkszereda accompanied by TV crews. The inspectors identified several irregularities. According to the...

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Spirits made of washer fluids were seized

The finance guards of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) seized spririts made of presumably washer fluid, from a person in Hejőkeresztúr. The National Tax and Customs Office (NAV)...

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Slowdown in food price increase

As expected, agricultural producer prices continued to increase in December, after the peak of October. According to datas from the Central Statistical Office (KSH) in December producer prices rose by...

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Premium category Hungarian pálinka producers would like break into the Russian market

The producers of premium category Hungarian pálinkas would like break into the Russian market with their products, so 11 Hungarian companies and manufactures presented their products in Moscow and in...

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VM: According to the Hungarian-French agricultural working group the EU budget is acceptable

The Hungarian-French Working Group on Agriculture and Rural Development assessed the EU budget for the 2014-2020 period as acceptable – the Rural Development Ministry (VM) informed MTI on Friday. At...

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VM: Hungarian participation was successful at the world's largest trade fair for organic products

Hungarian participation was successful at the BioFach in Nuremberg. Next year Hungary can be a the key partner of the event – Tóth Katalin, Deputy Secretary of State at the...

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Catfish Salami and Asian delicacies at the Fish Festival in Budapest

The Budapest Fish Festival awaited its guests between 15 (Friday) and 17 (Sunday) February 2013. The organizers of the event invited Németh József, the representative of the National Culinary Association...

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Pálinka vendors been caught in Borsod

Several people offered their pálinkas for sale on the internet Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county. The advertisement has also attracted the attention of tax inspectors. The sellers can expect a substantial fine –...

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Horsemeat scandal: Germany pulls lasagne off shelves

Horsemeat has been detected in frozen lasagne on sale in Germany and supermarkets have started removing the product from their shelves. The Real supermarket chain said it had withdrawn TiP...

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KSH: GDP decreased by 2.7 percent in the fourth quarter of 2012

Last December, industrial production was 7.6 percent lower tha a year before. In the whole year, decline was 1.7 percent – the Central Statistics Office (KSH) published on Thursday. According...

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Euro area GDP down by 0.6% and EU27 down by 0.5%

GDP fell by 0.6% in the euro area1 (EA17) and by 0.5% in the EU271 during the fourth quarter of 2012, compared with the previous quarter, according to flash estimates2...

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Analysts: inflation may continue to fall, to 3.2 – 3.6 percent by the end of 2013

Analysts said that inflation certainly continues to decline until mid-year will and can decrease to 3.2 – 3.6 percent by the end of the year, so according to the projections,...

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The National Economy Ministry examines the possibility of VAT reduction on food products

The Ministry of National Economy Ministry examines the possibility of VAT reduction on basic food items, but no decision was born yet – InfoRádió writes. According to the recent study...

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The Ministry of Rural Development initiated to certificate fruit wines as intermediate alcohol product

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) initiated to certificate fruit wines as intermediate alcohol product at the Ministry of National Economy and initated strict controls at the National Food Chain...

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Connections should be established between NAV and the cash registers until 1 May

According to the most recent Magyar Közlöny, Connections should be established between the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) and the cash registers until 1 May. The government decision calls...

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Thirty tonnes of pig meat was blocked by Nébih

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) forbidden the marketing of thirty tons of frozen pork, after a check held at a wholesale warehouse in Budapest – Nébih informed MTI...

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