
VAT reduction: Product Advice Marketing Boards ask for the resolution of the government

The Product Advice Marketing Boards are urging the government to decide in case of VAT reduction and called them for the disclosure of the decision. In their joint communication, the...

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KSH: trade surplus was nearly 7 billion euros in 2012

Last year, export in euros was 0.1 percent higher than in 2011, while imports rose by 0.5 percent. The trade balance surplus was 6.8 billion euros, 237 million euros less...

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Nielsen: Costumers purchased easter sweets for about 3.3 billion HUF last year

Hungarian food retail increased its turnover on the field of Easter sweets: almost 900 tons of chocolate bunnies, eggs and other holiday sweets were sold in teh shops in the...

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Analysts: Hungarian foreign trade performance was poor in 2012

Analysts polled by MTI considered the performance of Hungarian foreign trade in 2012 as poor, referring to the Central Statistics Office’s flash report published on Monday. The Ministry of National...

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So far, 60 thousand people visited the Fairs of Handicraft Hungarian Flavours

The Fair of Handicraft Hungarian Flavours and Gastro Fair will be organized for the fifth time at the B building of the Budapest Millenáris, between 8 –10 March. The visitors...

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International Conference dealing with food analytical methods in Budapest

The Codex Alimentarius, international organization’s (Sampling and Analytical Methods Technical Committee) important task is to provide safe, high-quality and healthy foods all over the world – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of...

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GKI: Falling behind more and more

The 2012 forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. proved to be almost completely accurate: GDP fell by 1.7 per cent in Hungary. Only stagnation can be expected this year, and...

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50 m2 és kisebb

Stores with a floor space of 50m² and below held on to their 9-percent market share from grocery value sales in the December 2011-November 2012 period – reported the Nielsen...

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Innovation: word of mouth propaganda, product sample, store shelf

Two out of three products are doomed to fail on the market and half of innovations cannot perform as well in the second year as in the first. There is...

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Twofold oversubscribe on the National tobacco shop tender

About twice as many applications were submitted for the tobacco shop tender than the number of licenses can be given. The picture, however is deceptive: in big cities oversubscribe was...

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HITA: Hungarian food industrial successes at the Gulfood

Ten Hungarian companies debuted at the leading food industrial of the Middle East at the Gulfood in Dubai, for the 17th time this year between 25 – 28 February –...

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The Yves Rocher and the big chain of stores are the most popular brands in France

The Yves Rocher cosmetics company and the big chain of stores are the most popular brands in France. The long time popular major public utility companies and car manufacturers were...

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“Art Nouveau” sweets in Gödöllő

After the thematic years of the Baroque era and in honor of the women an “Art Nouveau” series of events will be launched in in Gödöllő. The local Solier pastry...

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Retail sales fell further in Greece

Greek retail sales decreased significantly in December as a result of the government's austerity measures. According to the datas of the Greek statistical office; retail sales in December fell by...

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180 hectoliters of Whisky accidentally flushed at bottling plant

Thousands of liters of Whisky has been flushed down the drain by accident at a bottling plant in Dumbarton, Scotland. It is reported that the incident occurred during the night...

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The AEE knows everything

The requirements of the tax control unit (AEE) were thoroughly developed at NAV. It seems that the tax officers are trying to fend off even the most devious scams. You...

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eNET: online coupon market expanded significantly last year

The online coupon market expanded significantly by almost 45 percent last year. The online coupon market’s turnover was 6.5 billion HUF in 2012 after the 4.5 billion HUF of 2011...

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The Hungarian Quality Product Award® Application was published for the sixteenth time

The sixteenth Hungarian Quality Product Award® application was launched with the introduction of a new category and with the establishment of a new special award. The aim of Hungary’s most...

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Horse Meat Scandal: horse meat found in another French products

The Panzani company belonging to the Spanish Ebro group announced on Tuesday that horse meat was found in the company’s canned ravioli products marketed in France. The product was prepared...

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Wines from Tolna county in the Flatlab home workshop

In the framework of the Wine & Female thematic program the wines of TheWinery of the Month, the wines of the Fabro winery, from Tolna country will debut at the...

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The EuroCIS commercial information technology trade fair successfully ended in Düsseldorf

How to install the mobile solutions into trade, via smartphones and tablets? What kind of changes the spread of multi-channel commerce and marketing cause in trade ? These two topics...

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Budai Gyula: the government solves the problems in the meat industry

Budai Gyula, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) was negotiating over the issues of the meat sector at the Sajó-hús Kft. on Wednesday in Felsőzsolca, where...

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Hungary also received lasagne made of horse meat

Hungary also received lasagne made of horse meat – National Director of Food and Feed Safety department of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI. It was expected...

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It will be tough where there is no mobile data connection

According to the release of NAV, retailers will need mobile connectivity if they want to meet the requirements of the online cashier system. In special cases, exemptions may be granted,...

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Twenty thousand packets of cigarettes were seized in Tata

When checking an Italian shipment twenty thousand packs of cigarettes were without tax stamps – the press officer of the Mid-Transdanubian Regional Crime Directorate of the National Tax and Customs...

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POPAI Hungary Association celebrates its 10th birthday this year

POPAI Hungary Association celebrates its 10th birthday this year. ‘Innovation around the world’ is the motto of this year’s programmes and the first event will be the ‘Trade marketing, my...

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HUF 600 billion in municipal debt consolidation on the agenda

Easing the burden on municipalities was again on the agenda of Tuesday’s cabinet meeting. It was decided that HUF 600 billion of local council debt, including 60 per cent of...

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Food VAT cut and new agricultural tax system?

In mid-March, the the possibility of reduced VAT on foodstuffs will be once again submitted to the government. Interdepartmental negotiations and product-level impact studies are being conducted in the case,...

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Half of the costs can be saved with a webshop

Those webshops may lose up to half of their customers, that do not introduce credit card or other online payment options, as the customers tend to buy in webstores that...

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The cashiers can be only serviced with new licenses

It is an important change for servicers and technicians that they have to trigger new technician cards and seal printers to able to mend the new cashiers. From now a...

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