
15th March is the international day of consumers

World Consumer Rights Day (WCRD) is an annual international occasion. The day aims to enhance solidarity within the international consumer movement. March 15 gives us an opportunity to promote the...

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Sausage Muster Festival at the Castle Garden in Gyula

The fourth International Sausage Festival begins on Saturday at the Castle Garden in Gyula. The event aims to promote and present smoked sausages and the making of them. Butcher plants...

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How long may the fast winds blow for the Hungarian meat industry?

Is this the nadir, or is it possible to screw more on the machine pressing the sector? – Éder Tamás president of the Meat Association gave this title of his...

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KSH: agri producer prices rose by 18.1 percent in January

In January, the agricultural producer prices rose by 18.1 percent, compared to the same period of last year – the Central Statistics Office announced on Wednesday. The data corresponds to...

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Fierce competition and a steep increase in e-commerce

More and more people choose online shopping instead of classical in Hungary – shows the comprehensive market analysis of Olcsó and UNAS involving more than 2,000 partners of webshops. 68...

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The Hungarians like schnitzel and fried potatoes the most

Cottage cheese, stew, schnitzel and fried potatoes or pancakes? These are foods that the Hungarian housewives like to prepare. But which meal is on the table of the Hungarian families...

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Agricultural Conference: irrigation could increase grain yield

The annual 15 – 16 million domestic cereal production can be increased to 20 million tons per year with proper irrigation – Jakab István, Vice President of the National Assembly...

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Budapest Bank: 14 percent of the small businesses have loans

Currently, only 14 percent of the micro and small enterprises have loans. 46 percent of them has overdraft loans, 19 percent have Széchenyi Card Overdraft Loan, and 10 percent have...

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U.S. retail sales rose in February

U.S. retail sales rose by 1.1 percent in February, above the expected 0.7 percent – the Ministry of Commerce announced. The owners of websops and construction department stores have experienced...

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Investigation was launched in Romania, due to contaminated turkey meat

Romanian authorities have initiated an investigation after turkey meat treated with antibiotics from Romania was found by German authorities in Germany. Vladimir Manastireanu, vice president of the Romanian Animal Health...

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GKI: An economic recovery plan, apart from a fairy tale

A blueprint of the government's actions for the 2014-2018 period. You can download the report from here....

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Hungarians purchase milk and bread more often than the European average

Most people considers the favorable price / performance ratio as the most important factor when buying milk, meat, poultry, and deli goods. The majority of the Hungarian costumers purchase meat,...

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GfK: mineral water is still a good business

The Hungarian population consumes mineral water several times a week, in practice it has become part of the daily diet. An average household is purchasing about 330 liters a year,...

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Analysts: Inflation in the coming months can fall to 2.1 – 2.6 percent

Consumer prices fell by 0.1 percent in February, compared to January, and were 2.8 percent higher than a year earlier – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced on Tuesday. The...

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The mandatory deposit can ruin selective waste collection

The introduction of deposit on the single-used beverage packagings can eliminate selective waste collection and would cause unreasonable additional costs for the state and the economy – was said at...

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The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) would easen the damage of dairy producers caused by aflatoxin

The Ministry of Rural Development has been working on the regulation, which would provide assistance to producers who are forced destroy their milk that excess the limit of aflatoxin content...

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The Hungarian-Azerbaijani agro and food industrial working group holds its first session

The Hungarian-Azerbaijani agro and food industruial working group holds its first session on Tuesday in Baku – the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) told MTI on Monday. The Hungarian working...

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A New York judge has decided that the mayor can not ban high-sugared drinks

A judge struck down New York’s limits on large sugary drinks on Monday, one day before they were to take effect, in a significant blow to one of the most...

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Decline in retail sales is slowing down in Croatia

In January 2013 the volume of retail sales fell by 5.3 percent in Croatia, compared to the previous year, which is less than the 6.1 percent decline of December –...

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Nike and Adidas are expanding in China

Adidas and Nike are expanding in China this year. Both companies seek to slit a bigger slice from the 24 billion USD Chinese market with new market strategies. Nike, which...

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The CAP’s system will be more complex

EU's new Common Agricultural Policy’s (CAP) system that will be introduced in 2014 will be more complex than now – Czerván György, Minister of State for the Rural Development Ministry...

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KSH: foreign trade balance was 318 million euros in January

In January, exports grew by 4.3, imports increased by 5.2 percent calculated in euro, compared with a year earlier – the Central Statistics Office (KSH) announced on Monday on the...

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Food and beverages brands are the most mentioned on Twitter

The food and beverages, clothing, and the retail sector generate the most direct mentions among Twitter users in the UK – the new study of BrandWatch Institue states. The survey...

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The Tokaj Trading House opened a representation in Tokyo

The Tokaj Kereskedőház Zrt. (Tokaj Trading House Co.) opened a representation in Tokyo. The repesentation will serve the Hungarian national image as well. Several months of preparatory work preceded the...

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More than 18 thousand people were interested in Hungary's new gastronomic market

Even in the last moments customers were standing in filled rows in front of the desk of the world sensational aurochs salami at the 5th Handicraft Hungarian Flavors Fair and...

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Nébih subtracted counterfeit Polish cheese from the markets

As the result of several weeks of investigation, several tens of tons of fake cheese products were withdrawn from circulation by the staff of the National Food Chain Safety Office...

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The Árkád 2 shopping centre soon to be opened

The Árkád 2 shopping centre opens its gates on 20 March 2at the Örs vezér square. The 20 thousand square meters Árkád 2 together with Árkád 1 will be the...

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Sándor's day Wine Muster in Tapolca

The Balaton Wine Region’s most important professional meeting, the Wine Muster on Sándor's day will be held at the start of the spring. Vistors and professionals can becme aquanted with...

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Eighty billion pairs of chopsticks are consumed in China every year

A leader of a northeast Chinese wood industrial company named disposable chopsticks as one of the causes of deforestations at the ongoing session of China's parliament: He claims that every...

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VM: seeds are strategic products

The Hungarian seeds are strategic products. Production is implemented currently on 130 thousand hectares. The expansion of the production area is a national security interest – Szépe Ferenc, internationally renowned...

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