
The Ministry of Rural Development supports the producers' markets

The Ministry of Rural Development supports the producers' markets mainly with legal tools and also by providing the necessary financial background. The aim is to establish producers' markets in as...

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The tobacco industry received the Commission's proposal well

According to the Hungarian Association of Tobacco Industry Investors (DBMSZ), the Parliamentary Budget Committee’s proposed amendment will be beneficial for both the state and the manufacturers. According to the proposed...

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Swedish-Hungarian Innovation Forum in Budapest

The Embassy of Sweden, the Swedish Trade Council and leading Swedish companies are organizing a Swedish-Hungarian Innovation Forum on October 4, 2012. The key note address will be held by...

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Nébih – large quantities of expired candies were seized by the authorities

The Tax and Customs Administration of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county and the Food Chain Safety and Animal Health Directorate of the county seized about 6,650 kilograms of expired candies at a plant...

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Open Cellars at the Wine Days of Mór

Open cellars, international brass band festival, new town center and a variety of music programs will wait the guests at this year’s Wine Days of Mór from Thursday to Sunday....

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Coca-Cola, Apple, IBM are the world's most valuable brands

Coca-Cola remains the world's most valuable brand, but Apple is closing the gap –shows the study of the Interbrand consultancy company. Just like in 2011, Coca-Cola occupies the first place...

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Euro zone’s retail sales continued to increase

The volume of Euro zone’s retail was increasing for the fourth consecutive month in August, despite the rising unemployment and worsening economic outlook – EU's statistical office, Eurostat announced on...

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Pálinka and Sausage Festival in the Castle of Buda: Tequila beer, chili con carne and pálinka novelties on the weekend

Chicken burrito, lime chicken wrap, chili con carne, chicken chipotle with rice – just to mention a few delicacies from the offer of the of the Mexican court at the...

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The 116th International Fair has opened its gates at the Budapest Fair Centre

The 116th International Fair (BNV) has opened at the Budapest Fair Centre as well as the Kölyökparádé (Parade of Kids), which is taking place at the same time next to...

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SIA EXPO 2012: the future of payments shows off

SIA EXPO 2012 aims to draw the map of the next-generation payments to make innovation generate benefits for all subjects involved: citizens, corporates, public administration bodies and banks. > Which...

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Romanian woman became Central Europe’s Somellier Champion

The 1st Central European Sommelier Championship was held between 30 Setember an 1 October in the Diamant Hotel, in Dunakiliti. The event was organized by the Hungarian Sommelier Association and...

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The Hungarian meat industry is on the edge

The meat companies of Gyula and Kapuvár are on the edge of bankruptcy, Gallicoop wich had a 1.5 billion HUF profit last year, will also produce loss this year. The...

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National Food Chain Safety Strategy under development

The Ministry of Rural Development is developing a food chain safety strategy. The objective of the document is to determine the measures and instruments through which the protection of the...

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OKSZ still calls for VAT cut

The VAT rate reduction of basic foods would be advantageous both for the customers and for the market participants – provides the communication of the National Trade Association (OKSZ). The...

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Grain exports increased by almost one quarter

In the first seven months,1200 billion HUF surplus was accumulated in the foreign trade balance. The exports were driven by vehicle manufacturing, but a sharp increase was measured in imports...

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KSH: External trade turnover continued to increase in July

In July 2012 exports and imports increased by 5.6 percent and 4.8 percent, respectively, compared to the corresponding period of 2011. According to the latest flash report of the Hungarian...

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Muscat Lunel and Furmint tasting at the vintage days in Tokaj

The Winemakers of Tokaj occurs with two tastings on Saturday: six wineries will present a “fragrant Muscat Lunel-show”, in the Museum garden of Tokaj, while in the Dobogó cellar the...

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French social security deficit will be reduced by the tobacco and beer tax increase

The French Government announced a series of measures, including the tax increase of tobacco and beer, in order to reduce next year's deficit in the social security budget – the...

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Red Wine Festival in Villány

Renowned wineries, spirit houses and craftsmen will offer their products at the Villányi Red Wine Festival, which begins on Friday in the small Baranya County town. Béni Gábor main organizer...

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Nielsen: food retail sales increased in the first half of the year

The food retail sales in value increased by 6 percent, in volume by 1 percent, between last December and July 2012, compared to the same period of the previous year...

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The British families are facing with huge food price increases in the next ten years

The food spendings of the British families will grow a lot over the next ten years – shows the study of a British governmental body. The British population may suffer...

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Cherries may reduce the risk of gout attacks

Cherry consumption may reduce the risk of gout attacks – U.S. researchers found in their study. In the study published in the Arthritis & Rheumatism journal, the risk of gout...

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Electronic shelf label at a MOL petrol station

In Hungary electronic shelf labels are already used in many places, especially in food and DIY stores. Petrol stations have long been targeted by electronic shelf labels because of their...

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The price of corn falls: food price explosion may not occur

Despite the drought the price of corn is falling, if the trend continues, the price of food and ethanol may reduce. In the last two weeks the price of corn...

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The forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. for 2012-2013

In the first half of 2012 the Hungarian economy got into recession. It further deepened in the second half of this year due to the drought. Consumption, investments and lending...

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Harvest panorama – we can expect less grapes, but high quality wine

Less grapes but high quality wine is expected in the historical wine growing regions – shows the harvest panorama of MTI. 24 to 25 thousand hectares falls to the Danube...

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Nébih: the botulism in Békés county did not affect the food chain

The examination on botulism disease in Békés county has completed. It was found that the botulism did not affect the food chain – said the National Food Chain Safety Office...

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Increased household food expenditure in Slovakia

The Slovak household food expenditure rose by 5 percent in the first half of 2012, compared to last year – the Postová banka told MTI on Friday. The analysis is...

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Mangalitsa Festival in Székesfehérvár for the first time

The Mangalitsa Festival will take place in Székesfehérvár for the first time: farmers, vendors will introduce themselves and offer their products at the festiva lasts from Friday until Sunday. Veégh...

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More than 430 Hungarian webstores at the Shop of the Country competition

The sales of the Hungarian web stores increase year on year, while traditional shops are often difficult to stand the competition. The webstores are standing still despite the general recession...

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