
More than 430 Hungarian webstores at the Shop of the Country competition

The sales of the Hungarian web stores increase year on year, while traditional shops are often difficult to stand the competition. The webstores are standing still despite the general recession...

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Free pálinka distillation is two years old

The free pálinka distillation called attention to the importance of fruit landraces, however, the number of competitions have shown that private distilerries can produce high-quality distillates – V. Németh Zsolt,...

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DHL Express favours small- and medium-sized businesses

DHL's focus on selected industry sectors means customers benefit from working with specialists – not just in logistics, but also in their particular marketplace. Our aim is to build long-term...

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Two hundred kinds of foods at the Demecser cabbage days

About two hundred kinds of food delicacies are waiting the guests at the eighth Demecser cabbage days, which is one of the biggest culinary festival  of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. Gyula Kiss,...

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GKI: GDP decreases by 1.5 percent this year and increases by 0.8 percent next year

The gross domestic product (GDP) decreases by 1.5 percent this year and increases by 0.8 percent next year – shows the forecast of the GKI Economic Research Company. Vértes András,...

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Egg festival of Siófok cancelled

The egg festival of Siófok on 12th to 14th October is cancelled, as the organizers are not pleased with the new venue the town's local government has offered. Main organizer...

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A courier takes Fórum’s VAT-proposal to the Prime Minister

The Fórum “Board for the reduction of basic foods” trade bloc, propose on the basis of the study of Ernst & Young (E&Y), to reduce the VAT of basic foods...

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Billions could be saved with the production of domestic cultivar potatoes

According to the leader of the Keszthely-based  potato cultivar working group, if the domestic potatoe producers would turn to the breeding of domestic cultivated potatoes, the sector could save billions...

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Scotch whisky industry unaffected by recession

The whisky industry in Scotland, one of the most popular in the world, has not been affected by the economic downturn because of developing overseas markets, especially in India, China...

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The luxury goods market is changing in China

Chinese no more buy tired and worn luxury brands for thousands of dollars without thinking, but the segment in the country will surely continue to spin for many years only...

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American farmers feed cattle with sweets

The destructive dryness of the recent years made American cattle, sweet lover: due to the increased feed prices, more and more farmers find alternative in sweets. Mike Yoder, farmer who...

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VAT rate will increase to twenty percent in Serbia

From 1 October the rate of Value Added Tax will increase to 20 percent in Serbia, from the current 18 percent. The Serbian parliament decided beside the increase on Tuesday...

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Olympians Pálinka – and Sausage Festival at the Castle of Buda

Top athletes will visit the the Castle of Buda between 4-7 October to relax one last time before starting hard training again. Csernoviczki Éva, Olympic judo bronze medalist, Detre Diána...

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The food price increase can reach seven percent within a few months

Up to 7 percent food price increases may come by the end of the year. According to the industry: without raising there is no future in the industry, and the...

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The domestic egg production covers only the three-quarters of the demand

A year ago, no one expected that the European Commission will carry out a decision within two months to ban the use of conventional cages – was said at the...

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The state will not buy a meat factory

The government has no plans to purchase state ownership to help meat companies in trouble – Budai Gyula. State Secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development told Magyar Nemzet. Budai...

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The Chocolate Queen was elected

Szalkai Nikolett became winner of the Bonbonetti Group's Miss Cherry Queen Chocolate Queen in the scope of the Sweet Days. The election took part on 23 September,2012 in the Castle...

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Lecture on the regions of Italy

The lecture called the Regions of Italy will be held on 1 October 2012, on Monday at the Italian Institute of Culture (1088 Budapest, Bródy Sándor u. 8) with the...

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Boy, a skunk please!

A guest has asked for a living skunk at his hotel room, while others have requested coffins, dead roses or even a ghost. Metro magazin in Britain put together the...

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OKSZ: annual decline in retail sales can be 1-2 percent

The International Trade Association and the analyst of Savings Bank calculate with a 1-2 percent retail sales decline this year. According to the Ministry of National Economy, the sales decline...

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KSH: volume of retail sales declined by 2.6 percent in July

In July, the volume of retail sales declined by 2.6 percent, while in the first seven months of the year declined by 1.3 percent compared to the same period of...

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Domestic economic expectations remained pessimistic in September

GKI-Erste economic confidence index adjusted for seasonal effects has been essentially unchanged since May. A modest increase at the beginning of the year was followed by a fall in May,...

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The big supermarket chains are preparing to online market entry in Hungary

Hungary is lagging behind the neighboring countries in the field of e-commerce in connection with the online shops of the big chains. Among the reasons we can find mainly the...

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High feed prices cause difficulties to the livestock breeders in Zala county

Because of the high feed prices, the livestock breeders in Zala county are in a difficult situation. Another problem is that the price of the imported high-protein imported soybean increases,...

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Special discount for early birds signing up for Anuga

Anuga, in Cologne, Germany is the world's greatest FMCG trade show, and now early applicants get a 7 percent discount off the the rent of the box, Márta Kakuk, Hungarian...

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Czech police found the sources of the toxic alcohol

Czech police found the sources of the toxic alcohol. The Czech police initated prosecution procceedings against two person who are the main suspects in the case – Martin Cervícek national...

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Who is cooking at the gala evening of caterers?

The professional gala evening of the Hungarian Caterers' Body will take place on 1st December this year. The first preperations of the event began in August at Arany Kaviár restaurant,...

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Great interest on the first weekend of the wine festival in Pécs

At the Saturday events of the the wine festival in Pécs about 8,000 people participated – Béni Gábor, organizer told MTI on Sunday. The free wine festival awaits the visitors...

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German business sentiment deteriorated further

Business sentiment is deteriorating for five months in Germany – announced the Munich-based ifo Economic Research Institute. In contrast with market expectations, the German business confidence index has not improved,...

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Action began to increase the bucket sales of Hungarian apple

Fazekas Sándor Rural Development Minister, Mártonffy Béla, president of FruitVeB and Dominique Ducoux, CEO of Auchan Magyarország Kft. jointly promoted the bucket sales of Hungarian apples in a department store...

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