
Coffee and snack machines on the GYSEV-trains

The Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurt Railway (GYSEV) places coffee and snack vending machines on its trains – the railway company announced on Wednesday in Sopron. Kövesdi Szilárd CEO at the press conference told...

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A record number of entries for the VinAgora International Wine Competition

A record number of entries arrived for the VinAgora International Wine Competition, Hungary’s only internationally accredited competition. A total of 630 samples arrived from 20 countries: Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, France,...

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GfK: chicken and pork are the favourites of the Hungarians

GfK Hungária surveyed last year's trends of the meat consuming and meat-buying habits of the Hungarian households on behalf of the Lohmann Animal Health Hungaria poultry vaccines and feed supplements...

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Significant increase in the income of agricultural production

According to the recent preliminary datas of the Agricultural Research Institute (AKI), the per hectare income of the individual farmers and primary producers increased by 47 percent in 2011, over...

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MFB: domestic enterprises expect a prolonged stagnation

The domestic entrepreneurs expect a prolonged stagnation. In the spring survey of the Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) the adaptation to survival can be observed. The MFB indicator is still below...

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GDSN – master data sharing to increase business efficiency

The cooperation between retailers and manufacturers has reached another important milestone with the active use of GDSN (Global Data Synchronization Network), thereby significantly increasing the business efficiency of the supply...

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IKSZ: 95 tons of beverage cartons were collected by children

The Italos Karton Környezetvédelmi Egyesülés (IKSZ) (Beverage Carton Environmental Association) closed its most successful selective collection campaign with 95 tons of beverage cartons. The children collected this quantity in the...

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Andalusian tulip in Hungary, the appearance of Spanish flavors in the domestic kitchens

The Extenda (Trade Development Bureau of Andalusia) organized its successful Andalusian Recipe Contest for the second time. The organizers are awaiting recipes that are containing at least one Andalusian ingredients....

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Food VAT reducing forum was established

The key players of the basic food production industry, at their meeting set up an ad hoc coalition that aims to reduce the VAT on basic food products under ten...

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Soft drink and fruit juice producers: deteriorating competitiveness and dismissals

Shrinkage, deteriorating competitiveness and dismissals are characterizing the soft drinks and fruit juice production in Hungary – according to the communication of the Association of the Hungarian Soft Drinks, Fruit...

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Tobacco Producers: WHO’s proposal threatens the living of twenty thousand Hungarians

The Hungarian tobacco growers are concerned about WHO's recent proposal that is calling for a reduction in tobacco production, because they see that the proposal threatens the living of twenty...

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IT developments are in the focus of the SME investments

A small increase occurred in the domestic business investment willingness, however, a major expansion in investment is not expected. IT investments continue to be the top on the list of...

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Bárdos Sarolta, became the winemaker of the year in Tokaj-Hegyalja

Bárdos Sarolta, owner and leader of the Tokaj Nobilis Szőlőbirtok became the winemaker in Tokaj-Hegyalja historic wine region – Marcinkó Ferenc, Mountain Village Council Chairman of the Tokaj wine region...

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Press conference about Brau Beviale and FachPack

PackBox 2012 in the middle of the event in Hall 4. Not just visually somewhat “different”, PackBox is dedicated to the triad of inspiration, innovation and information. It communicates information...

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More than a hundred teams competed at the shank stew cooking competition in Békéscsaba

More than a hundred of shank stews were cooked in pots on Saturday in Békéscsaba at the eleventh shank stew cooking competition. Tens of thousands people visited the event in...

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KSH: GDP decreased by 0.7 percent in the first quarter

Hungary's gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 0.7 percent in the first quarter of 2012, compared to the same period of last year – announced the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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Csányi Sándor proposes VAT reduction and reverse taxation

The Hungarian government should reduce the rate of VAT on basic food items and could introduce reverse taxation in the whole sector to fight against tax fraud that costs billions...

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Survey: Hungarians are not stressed by sudden visitors

Hungarians are not particularly stressed if they suddenly have guest popping along to them – NESCAFÉ's fresh, representative research project found out. The survey, among many other things, found out...

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BNI Juliális waiting for you on 7th July!

Please join us on the first Saturday of July with your family for an oustanding program, the BNI Juiális business and family day! BNI, as the most well-known business networking...

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Kéknyelű celebration on Saturday in Badacsony

The celebration of the Kéknyelű wine and traditional gastronomy, wine policy, professional program will be held on Saturday in Badacsony. “The Kéknyelű is the native wine breed of the Badacsony...

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FAO: Food prices have decreased further

World average food prices continued to fall in May, due to the price decrease of cereals and oilseeds. The food price index of the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization...

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Public health product fee: Price increase, loss of investments, and reducing government revenues

Forced price increase, declining sales, stagnant or declining revenues, layoffs, loss of investments – several companies taxed with the public health product fee are suffering from these negative trends, while...

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Hungary has paid 37 percent of the cohesion funds until now

Hungary has paid 37 percent of the available 25 billion euros as a support from the European Social Fund, Cohesion Fund and structural funds between 2007 and 2013. This performance...

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The luxury industry is steadily increasing despite the crisis

Luxury is one of the growth engines of the European economy – Financial Times Deutschland (FTD) wrote. Despite the inadequate economic environment, the industry's performance in the forthcoming years will...

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The growth of mobile sales is on nadir

Worldwide mobile phone sales are increasing by only 4 percent this year. This is the lowest level since 2009. According to the analysis of IDC telecommunications market researcher published on...

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Gourmet Festival – with special meals

Organ-cream soup, foie gras ice cream, lobster candy and many other special dishes, drinks, and cultural programs are awaiting the audience of the Gourmet Festival from Friday to Sunday in...

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‘I have learned almost everything at trade fairs’

Antal Pelcz has been returning to Interpack for 30 years and his company, drPACK of Biatorbágy is a real foil expert. He told our magazine that he learned practically everything...

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Soccer fever, due to the European Championship

The major sponsors are preparing to the European Football Championship. It is a priority for them to familiarize their products with the fans. The electronics device manufacturers will present new...

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The price of pork increases further

The purchase price of live pigs surpassed 390 HUF per kilo the last week on the Hungarian market, a rising price trend prevails in Europe – Agromonitor writes, after the...

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HNT: wine production may be less than average this year

It is estimated that the wine production in 2012 will not reach 2.5 million hectoliters, which represents a smaller quantity than medium – said Horváth Csaba, Secretary-General of the National...

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