
Changing demand is reshaping production as well

Budapest was the host of the COPA and COGECA congress between 1 and 3 October in 2012. One of the topics discussed was better utilisation of opportunities in bioeconomics. Participants...

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Tobacco products: the black market is growing again

GfK Hungária’s latest study reveals that illegal tobacco product trade is becoming more and more widespread. According to official data, in 2011 total revenue from tobacco product sales was HUF...

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There will be no Hungarian potato left by spring

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and KSH’s market price information system (PÁIR) reveal that the production price of potato in July-October 2012 was 28 percent higher than...

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Their plan goes up in e-smoke

In 2010 the state budget’s revenue from the excise duty and VAT on tobacco products amounted to HUF 360 billion. Hungary’s parliament passed the new ‘tobacco shop law’ in September....

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Retail – the artery of the economy

Tesco invited its media partners to a press meeting on 14 November, where the company shared with participants the results of the study conducted by Századvég Economic Research Institute, which...

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Quo vadis Hungarian manager?

After the summer break many are waiting for the job market to come to life. What are the current trends? Economic recession forced many companies to restructure themselves and to...

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Trends, whys and answers – part 7

As a qualitative market researcher, my experience is that about half of Hungarian consumers belong to the medi-level group (with an average level of price sensitivity). Their income is not...

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POPAI Awards POP competition winners

Display of the Year and ‘Non-durable’ category winner: Knoppers display – OSG Form Kft. • ‘Non-durable’ category second place: Pritt island – IS Innovative Solutions Kft. • ‘Non-durable’ category third...

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USA: the highest holiday season turnover of the last 5 years is forecasted

According to the International Business Times, retailers in North America expect the highest holiday sales since 2007. 100 retail marketing executives were interviewed and their answers revealed an expected growth...

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Christmas came too early for some customers

Canadian drugstore chain Shopper Drug Mart realised that the first week of November is too early to start the Christmas countdown and at midnight 5 November they stopped playing Christmas...

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Trade Marketing Club’s last meeting of the year was on 8 November 2012 in the BKIK building. Nearly 100 people were there to celebrate the winners of the POPAI Awards...

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Fresh groceries attract customers

For Hungarians high quality fresh groceries is the fifth most important factor (from twenty-two) in deciding where to go shopping – according to the latest ShopperTrends survey by Nielsen. Value...

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The price of pork may rise significantly

Pig farmers justify a twenty, or even thirty percent price increase, after the feed prices jumped because of the bad harvest. The purchase price of pork increased to 380-400 HUF...

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KSH: increase in agricultural producer prices

In July, the price of vegetable products increased by 5.3 percent after a decline of eight months, while the price of live animals and animal products increased by 9.3 percent...

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GKI: Recession continues uninterrupted during economic adjustments

GKI forecast slight GDP growth (0.8 per cent) for 2013 following a decline of 1.5 per cent in 2012. In the wake of the new restrictions announced lately, however, only...

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The price consciousness of Hungarians is similar to the European average

The price is the most important when purchasing clothing products for 50 percent of the Hungarian consumers. 48 percent are watching the price of household products. This ratio is 43...

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Fazekas Sándor: the melon sector is on a growing path

The domestic melon sector is on a growing path – said the Minister of Rural Development in Medgyesegyháza on Saturday at the National Conference on the Evaluation of the Melon...

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Innovation might be the best way to go forward

While the European Union is falling behind when it comes to innovative solutions, USA and Asia are catching up fast. Innovating was never easy. But it’s more difficult than ever...

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Company gifting continued to decrease

This year Christmas gifting at companies declines further. The downward trend lasts since 2008 – shows the survey of the Promo Data Piackutató Kft. market research company. The Promo Data...

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The sausage Village program can be launched in Békéscsaba

The sausage Village program can be launched in Békéscsaba, after the Csaba Park Project received 1.24 billion HUF EU funding in the scope of the South Plains Regional Operational Program....

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Full house will be at the exhibition area of Agromashexpo

Full house will be at the Agromashexpo exhibition at the Hungexpo Budapest Fair Centre. All exhibition area was completely sold out for the fair a waiting list was developed, which...

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(HU) Kicsi a szójabab, de erős, és… finom!

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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eNENET-Telekom: a report on Internet Economy

The gaining ground of smart phones is in momentum in Hungary – the service providers have exceeded last years 800 thousand sales already until October 2012, and thanks to the...

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Sopron’s wine-growing area increased last year

Sopron’s wine-growing area increased by more than eighty hectares last year. Two hectares were cut off, while ninety-seven hectares were planted in 2011. Beside a medium yield, year 2011 was...

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Cetelem: Christmas Tablets on easy terms

Although the businesses are ready since November, we start getting Christmas gifts later an later. We buy the chosen products in the last weeks of December on easy terms and...

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Unequal distribution was the main theme of the 4th International Forum on Food and Nutrition

The participants of the 4th International Forum on Food and Nutrition drew attention on the worldwide disparities of food distribution. The forum was held in Milan and ended on Thursday....

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Chestnut gastronomy in the café

Lucullus BT’s first chestnut tasting was held on the occasion to promote the starting chestnut season. The event was held at the café of the Uránia Movie Theater. The event’s...

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Ministry of Rural Development: there will be no food price explosion

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) believes on the basis of the study of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) that there will be no food price boom in the...

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Four hundred million USD investment for sustainable cocoa production

The world's largest chocolate company the Mondelēz that belongs to Kraft Foods launches its “Cocoa Life” sustainability effort. The company plans to invest 400 million USD in the next ten...

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Carpathian Basin honey festival in Zalaegerszeg

Honey and beekeeping will be the central theme of the Carpathian Basin honey festival that will begin on Friday and lasts for three days in Zalaegerszeg at the Keresztury Dezső...

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