
Dialogue for the bees: The Bee Health in Europe Programme has arrived to Budapest

Recognized domestic bee-health experts gathered today at the event organized by the OPERA (Milan's Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore independent European research institute) and the National Food Chain Safety Office....

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Final sale at

E-commerce activity is not influenced by the changes. The owner of is reconsidering the concept of the offline store. Zsolt Urbán, the CEO of Full Market Hungary has pointed...

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KPMG: Hungary is improving its position in the use of EU funds

At the end of last year, Hungary was in the middle-field among the ten Central and Eastern European countries, in connection with the usage of the 2007-2013 development funds in...

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The Ministry of Rural Development has changed the rules on organic products

In order to increase consumer confidence, the Ministry of Rural Development (VM), amended managing requirements in connection with organic products, the rules of certification, marketing, labeling and controls. According to...

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Open Cellars await visitors at the Balaton-Uplands

The Zánka-Nivegy-Valley Wine Route Association awaits the guest with open cellars, entertainment shows during Pentecost. At the Balaton-Uplands Wine Route, similar events are held in the past five – six...

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Wines of one hundred and fifty wineries at the Wine Festival of Szeged

The 19th Wine Festival of Szeged and the series of events celebrating the Day of Szeged begins with the procession of wine orders. The festival starts on Friday and lasts...

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ECR Europe's annual conference – video

Senior executives from 7 retailers and 16 manufacturers attended in November ECR Europe’s first European Leaders Forum, at the head office of Carrefour. The meeting, building on ECR Europe’s new...

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The OTP launches a credit facility for tobacconists

OTP Bank has developed a credit facility for the operators of the national tobacco stores. Since than, hundreds of concessionaires inquired at the bank – the financial institution told MTI...

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The rearrangement of the tobacco market may bring tax losses

If the Parliament accepts the latest amendment of the ten percent price margin in case of the tobacconists, it can bring an up to 130 HUF average price increase. Due...

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KSH: inflation slowed further in April

The annual inflation rate slowed further in April to 1.7 percent, after the 2.2 percent of March. Compared to March, consumer prices rose by 0.3 percent compared with March –...

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The sowing area of melon has increased

The planting and sowing of melon has completed. In 2013, the producers can produce melon on a ten percent larger area than in the last year – Simonka György (Fidesz),...

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Buying retail spaces in Budapest is a good business for Europeans

Hong Kong remains the most expensive retail store market of the world. The rents are 150 percent higher than in New York and 400 percent higher than in London and...

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Parragh: the expectations of the companies are moving towards a positive direction

After a long time, the expectations of the Hungarian companies are moving towards a slightly positive direction with decreasing uncertainty ratio – Parragh László, president of the Hungarian Chamber of...

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Entries are awaited from all over the country for the sixth Siller Wine Festival in Paks

The the Sixth National Siller Festival will be organized with an entirely new concept, connected to the German minority day. The event takes place in Paks at the Sárgödör square....

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The Pálinkafestival of Budapest is opening on Thursday

2013 will be the year of cherry at the Budapesti Pálinkafesztivál (Budapest Pálinka Festival), where authentic Hungarian pálinkas and sour cherry fruit delicacies will play a special role. The culinary...

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Agreement was born between NAV and the mobile companies

Slowly it becomes clearer, which companies will run data connection between the online cashiers and the server of NAV. The tax authorities have concluded the contract with the four domestic...

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Online cash register manufacturers are ready to produce

The Minister of National Economy consulted nearly 30 cash register manufacturer on Friday evening. At the meeting, the experts of NAV, as well as the experts of the Hungarian Trade...

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Self-service cashiers open-price products

The introduction of the PC-based cash registers is well worth in stores operating only a few cash registers – Görög Erzsébet, representative of the Magyar Lapterjesztő Zrt. (Hungarian Newspaper Distributor...

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The sown area of soy increased to its five-fold in Veszprém county in the last five years

The sown area of soy increased to its five-fold in Veszprém county in the last five years, autumn forage crops are promising – the Veszprém County Government Office told MTI....

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The wine town is under construction in the city centre of Szeged

The region’s largest wine festival the 19th Wine Festival of Szeged is under preparation in the city centre of Szeged at Széchenyi Square. The festival begins on Friday. The best...

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Retail sales increased in the world's largest economy

U.S., retail sales rose in April, instead of the expected loss, forecasted by experts. According to the Monday communication of the U.S. Ministry of Commerce, retail sales increased by 0.1...

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Record number of entrants at the 15th Saving Cooperative Wine Competition

A record number of entrants, 281 wines were entered to the 15th Saving Cooperative Wine Competition this year by wineries that are in connection with the credit institutions – the...

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It's never wise to buy food if hungry

Temptation is lurking around every corner for dieters and many find that shopping for food is fraught with problems. Now researchers have spelt out how disastrous it can be to...

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Onion-cheese chocolate is a success

Flavors we in the U.S. might consider strange are becoming ever more popular abroad, which perhaps explains the success of a new cheese and onion chocolate bar sold by Irish...

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Médiapiac 2013: cooperation, new markets and FMCG focus

There were more than 400 participants at the Médiapiac (Media Market) 2013 conference and its accompanying event (held for the second time), Research Conference. This the time organiser created...

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Product of the Year Award: the world’s most prestigious system for recognising innovative products

The Product of the Year Award was established 26 years ago and is currently distributed in 30 countries, reaching nearly 3 million consumers. Hungary’s most popular products are selected as...

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Fleet tracking with GPS

iData Kft. provides tracking and fleet protection services and their iTrack GPS Tracking System is mounted in 13,000 vehicles – we learn from marketing manager Linda Szaladják. Both the tracking...

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Grüne Woche in Berlin (part 3): speculation in raw materials prices

Jürgen Fitschen, co-CEO of Deutsche Bank told at Grüne Woche that after a thorough examination they came to the conclusion that the increase in food prices wasn’t the result of...

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Value for money is the most important influence in store choice

If the majority of people try to cut down on their grocery spending – according to our first-quarter survey 72 percent of them do – these efforts have a major...

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Direct marketing goes digital, too

The Direct and Interactive Marketing Association conducted its DM Sensor research this year too. It revealed that the size of the domestic direct marketing market was HUF 30.8 billion in...

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