
Exeter shopping centre becomes home to 10,000 bees

The roof of a shopping centre has become home to 10,000 honey bees in Exeter, Great Britain. Bee-friendly plants and features have been installed on top of the Princesshay centre,...

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After a year of stability the number of general food stores decreased again

According to the new census of Nielsen consumer information and knowledge providing company, a total of 19 249 general food stores are operating in Hungary at the beginning of this...

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Consumers are changing as well as marketing

More and more people are looking for, but where and how they can find the conscious consumers who are becoming more and more conscious? Do you know what are the...

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Mangalica sausage, herb cheese from the Hortobágy, Cserpes Cottage Rudi – the specialties of the domestic meat and dairy industry

As the continuation of the “Vidékességek – the best practices of the national agri-environment farming” the latest two episodes of the film series on the Hungarian dairy and meat processing...

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The NAV contracted with an another telephone service provider

The scope of the GSM providers who have signed the protocol of technical parameters of the communication between the NAV and the online cash machines has extended. After Telenor, Vodafone,...

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One hundred percent of life, or why we select agave tequila

For many people the favorie partying drink is tequila, but is is much more than simple aphrodisiac. The reat Tequila is made from 100 percent blue agave. Its moderate consumption...

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Knowledge forum goes on

The Fejér County Organization of Entreprenours and Employers (VOSZ) is launching its event “Knowledge-forum for the leaders and decisionmakers of small- and mediumsized businesses – spring 2013” on 29th May....

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Cheeserolling competition still happened

Police were branded crackers yesterday (Thurs) after banning an elderly grandmother from making a massive Double Gloucester for an annual cheese rolling event.Farmer Diana Smart, 86, has been making a...

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The GKI-Erste economic prosperity index is on its almost two years peak

The (seasonally adjusted) value of the GKI-Erste economic prosperity index jumped to its two years peak in May after the significant decline of April. The increase experienced from autumn 2012...

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Professional organizations recommend consulting on the advertising tax

According to the standpoint of the professional associations, the effects of the planned “advertising tax” on the media sector are still unpredictable for the sector and for the general public,...

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The FMCG brand owners are paying attention to this in 2013

The Médiapiac and the Thinkdigital have launched a series of roundtable discussions under the “Think Digitally!” title. For the first time the participants of the FMCG sector hared their experiences...

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The Minister is protesting because his name was used for advertising

The news that the reseller of the TICE cash machine’s distributor advertised itself with the political support of Varga Mihály Minister of Finances came into light on Saturday. The Ministry...

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We choose sweeteners more consciously

People are becoming more and more conscious and more aware how they sweeten their meals and drinks. Six out of ten people pay attention of what products they use for...

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Sirha Budapest!

SIRHA BUDAPEST takes place on 12th to 12th March 2014, with 2.200 exhibitors and brands 162.000 professional visitors 17.900 foreign visitors from 130 countries, and 1.200 demonstrations. This is the...

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Beer is good against skin problems

The beer partakes the medical community. In Hungary, it is typically only recommended for kidney stones, while the large beer consuming nations emphasize other benefits as well. According to Czech...

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KSH: Last year’s base also accelerated the decline of the March retail sales

In March, retail sales fell by 2.9 percent, compared to a year before. After the January decline of 2.3 and the 1.2 percent decrease of February, last year’s high 1.5...

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Milk World Day: a slight decrease in milk consumption in Hungary

The annual per capita milk consuption in Hungary decreased by 2-3 percent, in the recent years. While five years ago, the average per capita consumption was about 170 liters per...

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Risky foods: groping in the dark

Only 33 percent of the Hungarians are able to decide which products are healthier on the basis of fat, sugar or salt content, far behind Canada and Great Britain. The...

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Beware of the fine print tricks

In addition to the hundreds of thousands HUF purchase price, the operating of the new online cash machines can cost a monthly tens of thousands for the tobacconists. Newly established...

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The real strawberry season to be started

Although Hungarian strawberry could be bought at markets and in malls even in April, the harvest season on the fields is just beginning. The filmed strawberry has no real flavor,...

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The Hungarian Advertising Association forms its position on the advertising tax after knowing the details

The Hungarian Advertising Association will only be able to create its professional position on the advertising tax if they will know the details – Urbán Zsolt, president of the Hungarian...

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This is what Főzdefeszt is like – Video of the day

Főzdefeszt is going to open its gates on 7th to 9th JUne for the 5th time in the heart of Józsefváros, at MIkszáth tér and Szabó Ervin tér. You can...

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Company leaders are exclusively men

“Women in leadership” continues to be a hot topic, according to the findings of the latest Randstad Workmonitor. While 84% of employees worldwide believe in diverse and balanced male/female leadership...

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Roadkill is legal to eat in Montana

Steve Lavin has reported to hundreds off crashes that involved animals. The Roadkill Bill, he hopes, will allow Montanans to salvage good meat that would otherwise rot on the side...

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Bisnode: online traders increased their revenues

The companies dealing with mail-order services and online retailing performed relatively well among unfavorable economic environment. The number of firms have multiplied reaching nearly 3,000. In recent years, their aggregate...

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The bees could not take the work: there will be less fruit this year

High fruit yields are not expected this year, due to the sudden warming, rapidly developing bloom and less bees. The reason is prosaic: the depleted bee colonies were simply not...

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Nothing really happens when the deadline expires

Varga Mihály, Minister of Economy admitted at yesterday's meeting of the BKIK, that the cash register replacements cannot meet the deadline – Népszava reports. Nothing really happens if the enterpreneurs...

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Chinese consumers are more and more optimistic and would spend more

The value of consumer confidence in China is stable, and the population is becoming more optimistic and willing to spend more than before – shows the latest reoprt of Nielsen...

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Closer economic and trade relations with South Africa

On Monday, the founding session of the Hungarian-South African Economic Joint Committee was held in Pretoria, South Africa. The Hungarian Co-Chairman of the Committee is Secretary of State Kristóf Szatmáry,...

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The 2008 vintage Cabernet Franc wine of Vylyan has won the Grand Prize of the 19th Wine Festival of Szeged

The 2008 vintage Cabernet Franc wine of the Vylyan Vineyards and Winery won the Grand Prize of the 19th Wine Festival of Szeged. The recognition was handed over on Tuesday...

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