
Tobacco peace under formation

The final refinements are carried out on the joint memorandum of the cooperation, which was prepared by the National Tobacco Trade Office (NDN) Ltd.. The document will likely be signed...

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VinAgora International Wine Competition: 560 entries

Once again, a great interest follewed the International VinAgora Wine Challenge. Hungary's only internationally accredited wine competition received 560 entries this year from 19 countries. Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, France, Japan,...

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Sand contaminated soybean was imported into the domestic market

Authorities initiated procceedings, due to the fact that sand contaminated imported soybean meal appeared on the domestic market. According to users the soybean meal items include 5-20 percent sand, that...

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Two-month delay for the replacement of cash registers

Varga Mihály, Minister for Economic Affairs recommends the Government  to consider the extention of the deadline in connection with the exchange of cash registers with two months. He suggests 1...

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The role of local products continues to grow

According to V. Németh Zsolt Minister of State for Rural Development, the role of local products continues to grow in the future in the food industry, therefore the government considers...

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Who can use the Hungarian product logo?

The number of logos, indicating Hungarian origin or product may be reduced from the autumn on the domestic food market – Népszabadság Online wrote. The government last year adopted a...

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Higher import strawberry prices than last year

This year, the import strawberries offered at a ten percent higher wholesale price than last year, while in the same period, merchant paid 2 percent less for Hungarian strawberries at...

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Flood makes milk more expensive in Germany

Currently about 250 thousand hectares of agricultural land is under water in Germany. About 15 thousand plants are struggling with flooding. The flood causes about 250 million euros damage to...

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Melon production increased

Melon production mood increased among the farmers in South Békés and experiences are similar nationally: the land expansion exceeds ten percent – Simonka György, ministerial commissioner, responsible for the promotion...

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Greenpeace: bees dying due to hazardous chemicals

Greenpeace asks Rural Development Minister Fazekas Sándor for an immediate ban on chemicals hazardous to bees – the environment protection organization announced on Monday. On 16 January, the European Food...

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Analysts: better-than-expected increase in industrial production and foreign trade surplus in April

According to analysts surveyed by MTI, the industrial production expanded stronger than expected and foreign trade indicators also improved. According to the preliminary datas of the Central Statistical Office (KSH)...

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Pöttyös adventures and experience park for a month

The Pöttyös moves to the Children's Island today. The event is held in the heart of Buda at the Flórián square. The Adventure Park provides a real fun and real...

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Never seen separate waste collection success

More than ever, a total of 125 tons of beverage cartons were collected by kindergarten and -school-aged children, in the scope of the environmental program of the Beverage Carton Environment...

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In the path of the most delicious fried breads

Which will be the most popular fried bread maker in 2013? The succesful fried bread vote of Vénusz will be launched this year again. In the scope of the successful...

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Chocolate and Wine Festival will be held this weekend in Nyíregyháza

The organizers of the 1st Chocolate and Wine Festival in Nyíregyháza will involve the visitors into the secrets of chocolate making on Saturday. Nagy Andrea, head of marketing for the...

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Analysts say that agriculture has a key importance in terms of growth

According to Buda-Cash and Raiffeisen analysts, this year's economic growth hihly depends on the performance of agriculture. The analysts believe that to reach long-term growth track an investment revolution would...

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FAO: higher food prices to come in the forthcoming years

Consumers can expect globally higher food prices in the next ten years. The UN reports that due to the increase of the population and higher incomes demand will grow in...

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Comprehensive monitoring due to GMO suspicion

Comprehensive seed and crop monitoring was initiated by the Minister for Rural Development, due to the suspicion that genetically modified corn seeds have arrived to Hungary illegally, through the eastern...

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Nébih: food safety tips during flooding

The contamination of food products during floods has high public health risk – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) calls attention. According to the communication of the Food Chain...

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The sales of smartphones increase by nearly one-third this year

The world market turnover of smartphones increases by nearly one-third this year, thanks to the price decline and due to the rapid demand growth of the emerging regions, and exceeds...

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The spritzel and barbecue festival was postponed

Due to the flood situation the 1st Spritzel and Barbecue Festival was postponed. The festival was originally planned to be held at the Kopaszi dam this weekend. The event will...

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KSH: the volume of retail sales increased in April by 3.4 percent

On the basis of the calendary effect adjusted datas, the volume of retail sales in April increased by 3.4 percent, compared with a year earlier – the Central Statistics Office...

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Retail sales grew beyond the expectations of experts

April retail sales growth have surpassed the expectations. According to experts annual growth can exceed last year's sales. According to the communication of the Central Statistics Office (KSH) released on...

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GfK: the Hungarian market has a huge potential for the direct banks

Although the Hungarian banking market has not yet going toward the direction of the direct business model, based on foreign experience it is only a matter of time that the...

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Magazin: Every fourth forint spent on groceries goes to private labels

From total domestic grocery retail sales the value share of private label products grew to 25 percent in 2012 from the 24 percent of 2011. As regards volume sales, their...

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Coface: deterioration in the region's solvency

After the improvement of 2011, the economic environment in the Central and Eastern European region became less favorable last year. Insolvency index increased everywhere except Latvia, Estonia and Ukraine –...

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Experts expect high cereal and corn crop for this year

Cereal crops are in a very good condition on the fields. This year’s yield can far exceed the average of the last five years. This is true in the case...

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China may levy punitive toll on European wines

China launched the investigation a day after the EU imposed anti-dumping levies on Chinese solar panel imports. Dumping refers to firms selling goods below their fair value, which the EU...

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Spritzer and barbecue festival at the Kopaszi-gát

The Spritzer and Barbecue Festival of Buda will be held for the first time at the Kopaszi-gát; the free event will await its visitors with wine and fruit spritzers, meat...

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EU retail sales momentum has been broken

The momentum of retail sales broke in the European Union in February. According to the figures of Eurostat published on Friday sales volume declined by 0.3 percent in the euro...

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