
GfK: a lot of people buy on the web

According to the datas of the Digital Connected Consumer study of GfK Hungária, three out of four Hungarian adult internet users have purchased on the web. The Hungarian online purchaser...

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Ipsos: We like online banking

According to the international internet survey of Ipsos, 56 percent of the respondents are arranging their banking affairs online. The Hungarian average is slightly lower (47 percent), but Hungary is...

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EU food safety rules to be rectified

The European Union's food safety – animal and plant health – system as well standards for regulations on reproductive materials are world class, but the new challenges require continuous modernization...

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The base price of milk has changed

The Milk Marketing Board Interprofessional Organization decided at its meeting on 13 June 2013 to modify its projection from 90 HUF to 94 HUF for the quta year, lasting from...

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The MNV Zrt. and the National Foreign Trade Office have signed a cooperative agreement

The Hungarian State Holding Company (MNV) and the National Foreign Trade Agency (HITA) have signed a cooperative agreement  in order to join the activities of the two cooperations and in...

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New York’s Mayor is dreaming of a mandatory food waste recycling system

Michael R. Bloomberg, New York’s Mayor after his efforts repressing sugary soft drinks, ban smoking in parks and the promotion of cycling announced the plans of voluntary, later mandatory food...

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Summer recipe competition for playful gourmands

It's not quite the expected move from the side of a washing soap-manufacturing brand, but the new Jar Platinum is being promoted by a gastronomical competition built around personal recipe-collections....

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Chipsmap: how do different nations like their chips?

Did you know that Hungarians like their chips with sour cream, while Germans are crazy about Hungarian-style chips? Chio has put together a European flavour-map so that you can have...

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Czerván: the new fruit and vegetable sector strategy will be completed within weeks

The fruit and vegetable sector strategy will be completed within weeks and will be submitted to the Parliament no later than the fall session. One of the important objectives of...

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The NAV has issued three thousand licenses until now

Until now 4525, tobacco retail license applications were submitted to the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV), and 3021 licenses were issued – the NAV told MTI on Tuesday. The...

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New taxes due to the delay?

The analyst of the Buda-Cash believes that Varga Mihály, Minister of National Economy’s additional tax raising measures are necessary, because of the delay of the online cah registers and e-toll....

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Average earnings in the first half of the year

In January-April, the average gross earnings were an average 3.4, percent higher than in the same period of last year, while net earnings calculated without taking the family allowances into...

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EU’s cohesion and agricultural policies are before new challenges

The EU's common agricultural policy has a more than 60 years of history, it is one of the oldest community policy – Feldman Zsolt, Deputy Minister of State at the...

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Religious orders for the preservation of fruit species

The assumption sisters and the Jesuit order have joined to the ombudsman’s initative that aims the conservation and recovery of traditional Hungarian species – the Fundamental Rights Commissioner's Office told...

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Judgment is expected later this year in case of the special tax on retail

The European Court of Justice’s judgment in the case of special tax on the retail activity in Hungary is expected later this year- Lehóczki Balázs, colleague of the press department...

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Prime European property values stabilise in Q1 2013

Following an exceptional quarter of investment into European property, where transactional volumes reached the highest level since 2008, values across the Continent have stabilised in Q1 2013, according to new...

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VinAgora was a success with beautiful wines

The number of medals handed out may not exceed 30% of the number of samples per main category. Should it be more, however, the Presidency of the Wine Competition will...

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Spanish wine in Sweden

Summer is getting off on the right foot in Stockholm, with the annual Spanska Vin- och Gastronomidagen fair (organized by Spanish Trade Commission in Stockholm and ICEX Spain Trade and...

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Electronic toll will be a disproportionate burden for the meat industry

The expected decline in feed prices will only slightly occur in the live pig prices. The producers would mitigate their losses, while the meat industry is worrying on the adverse...

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Flavored beers are becoming more and more popular

The sales of soft drinks have decreased, while beer sales are growing. Lemon and orange flavors are the most popular. Beers mixed with juice are mostly consumed by women. Those...

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The global advertising market may expand this year

Another prediction was published on the global advertising market. According to the projection of the Magna Global, this segment may grow by 3 percent this year, however a 6 percent...

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The NAK is willing to increase the lobby strength of the Hungarian agriculture in Brussels

The National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) is determined to increase the lobby strength of the Hungarian agriculture in Brussels – Győrffy Balázs, the President of the NAK said at...

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The toplist of the year of changes

Tesco remains on top among the largest food retail chains with its 709 billion HUF turnover, achieved in 2012. Chains with Hungarian ownership follow Tesco: The CBA chain, with 578.5...

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Hungary is consciously preparing for the diabetic children 2014 football World Cup: the Diabetes Junior Cup

The Diabetes Junior Cup is an international soccer World Cup, held since 2007, which aims to propagate proper diabetes management and raising awareness globally. The tournament will be held in...

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Fish and Wine Festival at four settlements near Lake Balaton

The Lake Balaton Fish and Wine celebration aims to present the culture of wine and gastronomy as wide as possible. Four lakeside settlements; Balatonfüred, Tihany, Csopak and Paloznak will host...

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Hundred thousands were paid for a black-rind watermelon in Japan

At an auction in Sapporo city a black skin watermelon from Tomachou sold at 300,000 yen (687 thousand HUF). Black skin watermelons have a black luster colored skin and have...

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Randstad launches report on flexible labor and employment

Modifications to the needs and desires of the global labor force mean that the demand for flexible employment is growing, but new research from Randstad reveals that availability of flexible...

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Nielsen: Tesco remains the market leader in food retailing

Spar was ranked fourth in with an annual turnover of 421.2 billion HUF, followed by Reál with 370 billion HUF. Tesco remains on top among the largest food retail chains...

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KPMG: the Hungarian wineries have successfully applied for EU fundings

The twenty most profitable domestic companies have won a total of 5.8 billion HUF in the seven years of the EU’s programming cycle ending this year – the KPMG consulting...

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Bisnode: the number of bankrupted companies decreased in January-March compared to the previous year as a whole

The ratio of the bankrupted companies decreased in the January-March period to 3.79 percent compared from the 4.08 percent of the previous year as a whole – Bisnode business information...

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