
Billions in revenue from the tobacconist concession

The Nemzeti Dohánykereskedelmi Nonprofit Zrt. (National Tobacco Trading Company is accounting the concession fee to the tobacconists – Világgazdaság reports. The amount should be transferred to the indicated bank account....

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Juliális, a family day for business people – organized by Trade Magazin and BNI

On 7th July, Sunday, on the day of Hungarian Derby in Kincsem Park, you may not only check an outstanding hoorserace, but as a partner-event, you can even take part...

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E-toll: more than ten thousand trucks were registered on the first day

About 2,500 businesses recorded the datas of about 10 thousand vehicles until Tuesday noon in the electronic road toll system, that was launched the previous day – the Gold Communications,...

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Kitchen safe or food clock against gluttony

David Krippendorf a chocolate-mad designer from San Francisco has invented a clever contraption to stop weak-willed dieters dipping into the biscuits and crisps – The Daily Mail wrote. The Kitchen...

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Three quarters of the British purchase groceries online

A report by The Retail Bulletin revealed that three quarters of UK consumers use the internet to buy groceries, saying this type of purchasing is more convenient and cheaper as...

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Erzsébet Holiday Camps relaunched in June 2013

The Erzsébet Programme is Hungary’s most prominent social programme of the past two decades. The initiative launched last year aims to give the opportunity for socially disadvantaged children, pensioners, large...

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GKI-Erste economic sentiment index is almost at its two-year peak

After a significant decline in April, GKI-Erste economic confidence index adjusted for seasonal effects jumped to a two-year peak, thus continuing its increase started in the autumn of 2012. According...

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Why is GMO dangerous?

In a study in the early 1990's rats were fed genetically modified (GM) tomatoes. Well actually, the rats refused to eat them. They were force-fed. Several of the rats developed...

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Succesful Pick and Herz promotion at the Budapest Airport

The slightly odd metaphor in the title is entirely appropriate: the triple (Airport – duty free – producer) hungaricum-promotion ran in full throttle in the transit of the Budapest Airport...

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The first national tobacco shops have opened their gates

The first national tobacco shops have been already opened – Index wrote. Those stores, which had obtained all necessary licenses, can start to operate even before the deadline of July....

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Polish Malls are popular

Another huge portfolio investment transactions were closed on the Polish real estate market. The mutual fund of the Tristan Capital Partners Episo 3 purchased a portfolio, consist of five shopping...

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One-fifth of the vegetable harvest of a southern Chinese province may be contaminated with heavy metals

Because of soil contamination, fifth of the vegetables from southern China's Guangdong province can contain harmful heavy metals – the Chinese press reports on the recent food scandal. According to...

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Pleasant summer cocktail recommendation: ginger grouse cocktail

The summer has arrived, so it is time to relax. If you are far from your vacation, but you need to relax, take charge, and mix yourself a nice cocktail!...

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The European Commission has launched further infringement proceedings against Hungary

Brussels is launching infringement proceedings against Hungary, due to the cafeteria, the Széchenyi Rest Cards, the Erzsébet-vouchers, the retail crisis tax and the telekom tax – European Comission’s spokesman announced...

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More terminated companies than established ones

According to the forecast of the Opten company information provider, there can be a trend change in the Hungarian company world. The number of eliminated companies may exceed the number...

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KISOSZ: the micro- and family entrepreneurs request the full price of the cash register replacement

The Somogy county member organization of KISOSZ (sales and catering business advocacy) started a signature collection action on Wednesday at its forum in Balatonszárszó in order to reach at the...

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Hungary became a member of the FAO Council

Hungary became a member of the highest decision-making body of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) – Hamar Balázs, Hungary's Permanent Representative in the the Rome-based UN organization...

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The Hungarian-Romanian trade turnover is over seven billion euros

Last year, the Hungarian-Romanian trade turnover exceeded seven billion euros. The Hungarian-Romanian trade exceeded  7 billion euros in 2012 – the Agerpres news agency published on Friday. According to the...

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The main task of NAK is giving advices

According to the president of the National Agricultural Economics Chamber (NAK), the new strategic agreement concluded with the Prime Minister on Monday fixes that the most important and most visible...

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Farmers' market opened near the West End City Center

Fazekas Sándor Rural Development Minister opened the first farmers' market near a shopping mall by the West End City Center. In his opening speech the Minister stressed that from now, ...

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A Farmer School was founded in Küngös

A Farmer School was founded in Küngös, Veszprém county with the support of the European Union. The project aims to help disadvantaged people to become self-employed persons – the local...

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Dog meat festival in China kicks off as planned to celebrate Midummer Night

Despite widespread outrage, a dog meat festival in China will be going ahead as planned this week. The festival, which kicks off on Friday, is an annual celebration that takes...

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Family fun with Pöttyös at Children's Sziget

Pöttyös has moved to Children's Sziget which is now – after the flood-crisis has been solved – located at its original venue at Hajógyári-sziget. This is basically an dventurepark for...

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NFM: toll will not have significant impact on consumer prices

The impact of toll on the consumer price index can not be accurately predicted, but on the basis of the available datas from abroad – Slovakia and Poland – it...

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Budai Gyula: equal conditions should be ensured for the domestic and foreign goods

The Hungarian authorities should establish the administrative and legal conditions that allow the domestic farmers and competitors to presnt their goods on the Hungarian market with equal conditions with the...

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BTT: electronic toll will make the poultry products more expensive

The price of poultry products may increased by an average of 5 percent after 1 July, because the additional costs cause by the e-toll – the Poultry Product Council (BTT)...

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A green light is proposed for green transportation

The domestic logistics industry proposes a toll exemption for the 70 kilometers region of the intermodal logistics service centers. The Logistics Coordination Forum at its meeting on 11 June supported...

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The Nébih seized nearly 90 tons of pork and a lot of expired spices

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) seized nearly 90 tons of pork and a lot of expired spices in Hajdú-Bihar County. According to the communication of the organization sent...

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The 3rd Budavár Beer Festival was a success

The 3rd Beer Festival in the Castle of Buda proved to be a success on the last weekend of the summer: nearly 44 thousand visitors tasted 150 thousand pins of...

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Household chemicals and cosmetics retail increased over 97 billion HUF in the January to April period

The retail value of household chemicals and cosmetics were more than 97 billion HUF in the January to April period this year, one percent more than in the same period...

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