Market News

Frozen desserts from Nádudvari

Nádudvari Food Kft. has started selling a frozen dessert product line, called ‘Nádudvari Dumplings’. The dessert is available in six flavours: cottage cheese dumplings, plum-filled and cottage cheese-filled dumplings, hazelnut cream-filled dumplings,...

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Supertruck turns roads into information highways

One of the biggest stars at the Bosch Mobility Experience 2017 event was the 40-ton smart truck VisionX. The trucks of the future will have online connection, will be powered by...

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Nielsen chart of the month

Sales of the following food and drug categories produced the biggest like-for-like growth (in value) in Hungarian retail between October 2016 and September 2017. //...

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Value-based segmentation and data enrichment

The 18-49 age group is the most frequently used brand communication target group. However, this target group definition lacks features and characteristics that can help in forming a more precise...

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Nielsen: in the holiday season people clink glasses

Spirit sales traditionally soar in December, for instance in November-December 2016 volume sales increased by 35 percent from the level in September-October 2016; in the same period value sales jumped...

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Going uphill

Just recently the Book of Excellent Pálinkas has been published in Hungary. Within the framework of the National Pálinka Excellence Programme, a committee of independent experts selected the best fruit distillates,...

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Innovation work is strengthening in the beer industry

According to the Association of Hungarian Brewers (MSSZ), last year 6.7 million hectolitres of beer was sold in Hungary by the four major brewing companies – Borsodi Brewery Kft., Dreher...

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This is how we drink our wine

The Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ) and the National Council of Wine Communities (HNT) have developed the new marketing communication strategy for Hungarian wines together. Both organisations have had market research done,...

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Low-calorie trend drives carbonated soft drink sales

In 2016 carbonated soft drink sales were up 4.2 percent in Hungary. Per capita consumption was 66.7 litres, which is 15 percent less than the European average. Sales represented 30 percent of...

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Hungarians are among Europe’s biggest mineral water drinkers

In 2016 per capita mineral water consumption was 121 litres, representing 55 percent of non-alcoholic drink consumption. Hungarian mineral consumption is the fifth biggest in the European Union. Until 2016 Hungarians had...

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An average year for fruits and a good one for vegetables

According to Ferenc Ledó, president of the Interprofessional Organisation for Fruit and Vegetable (FruitVeB), 2017 was a good year for the vegetable sector and medium one for the fruit segment. Nearly...

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Trademark users are already making plans for 2018

In 2018 HUNGARIAN PRODUCT Nonprofit Kft. will organise a nationwide prize game for consumers, implement a continuous in-store communication campaign and actively participate in the government programme that popularises Hungarian food...

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GfK: the regional differences between the incomes spent on food are considerably smaller than the general difference

Some factors have a fundamental influence on the performance of retail chains: location, the performance of workers, floor space, product selection, the competitive situation and purchasing power. GfK analyses the...

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Retail sales up 5.6 percent

In October 2017 like-for-like retail volume sales augmented by 5.6 percent; adjusted for calendar effects, the sales growth was 6.2 percent – reported the Central Statistical Office (KSH). In January-September...

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Food prices increased by more than 3 percent

In October 2017 consumer prices were 2.2 percent higher than in October 2016. Food prices increased by 3.3 percent. The price of cheese grew by 8.1 percent, pork’s price was...

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Lasting economic power

According to Péter Sebesta, president of the Association of Hungarian Deep-freezing and Canning Industry (MHKSZ), with its HUF 160-170 billion output the sector contributes about 10 percent of the Hungarian...

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GKI’s economic confidence index approaches a record level again

In November GKI’s economic confidence index neared its historic peak of September. In the business sphere the industry was the only segment where the confidence index didn’t rise. Willingness to...

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A flour-sensitive industry

According to Zsófia Pótsa, general secretary of the Hungarian Grain and Seed Association (MGTKSZ), the Hungarian milling industry processes less than 1.2 million tons of wheat a year. Just in comparison:...

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For the future

In the last few years ecological farming was developing fast in Hungary. Dr Péter Roszík, vice president of the Hungarian Biocontrol Association told our magazine that their mission is to represent...

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Dairy market turns from supply-driven to demand-driven

Zoltán Harcz, managing director of the Dairy Board informed us that the number of dairy cows increased by 1 percent in 2017. Milk production had been growing at the beginning of...

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More funding available in the fishing industry

Ferenc Lévai, member of the presidency of the Hungarian Aquaculture and Fisheries Interbranch Organisation and CEO of Aranyponty Zrt. told: in 2016 fish was cultivated in lakes covering an area of...

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Black Friday in Germany

According to the calculations of the German Retail Federation, the Black Friday and the Cyber Monday that followed resulted in EUR 1.7 billion worth of extra sales....

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The poultry industry is booming again

Dr Attila Csorbai, president and managing director of the Hungarian Poultry Product Board informed that because of the bird flu more than 3 million chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese had...

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Italian wines in Russia

Demand for Italian wines is growing rapidly in Russia. In the first eight months of 2017 sales soared by 45.6 percent. This year Russia became the sixth biggest market for...

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The state of play in the meat industry

Edit Menczel, secretary of the Livestock and Meat Interprofessional Organisation and Marketing Board (VHT) revealed that production prices in the pig sector grew in 2017, because of which processing companies...

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Less for more

In the first nine months of the year Parmalat’s sales grew by 5.5 percent and the company closed the first three quarters with USD 4.839 billion revenue. However, volume sales...

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Premium beers sell well

Although total sales of Carlsberg decreased by 4 percent in the 3rd quarter, the category of premium beers did very well. Volume sales of Tuborg were up 5 percent, Carlsberg’s...

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Southern expansion

In 2017 SPAR invested approximately EUR 50 million in Croatia. The CEO of Spar Hrvatska stressed that the investments would continue in 2018. At the moment the retail chain has...

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Tesco to sell nearly 8,500 tons of apples this year

This year Tesco is expected to sell 8,500 tons from 14 types of apple. Almost 90 percent of the apples sold in Tesco stores are supplied by growers from Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg and...

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Coupons on mobile

Mastercard launched the Priceless Specials programme in June 2015. It is now also available in the form of a mobile app. The app makes it possible to check it in...

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