
Magazine: The Hungarian Way

Hungarian food trucks represent the latest trends in street food and top-level to-go gastronomy. There is great potential in this typically 21st-century form of catering. What is more, starting a...

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Bite-sized trends

There is no generally accepted definition of finger food. When our magazine writes about finger food, what we mean is every kind of food that can be eaten without using...

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Diet and finesse

Health-consciousness is the main direction in food and drink trends at the moment. More and more consumers follow special diets, and people aren’t simply counting calories any more: they are looking...

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Being lactose-free is useful in brand building

According to Dóra Pessenlehner, shopper marketing manager of Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország, sales of the company’s plant-based drinks have kept growing in the last few years. The company’s new brand AdeZ...

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Magazine: Food and drink at petrol stations

Since shopper demand is growing for quality foods, the operators of the biggest filling station chains are recruiting top chefs and using the best ingredients to prepare gourmet sandwiches, hot...

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Magazine: Festivals throughout the year!

Festivals attract more and more people, and in recent years the older generation has also discovered them. This is another good reason why festival-goers should be served a wide range...

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Where the party is

Mónika Szántó started the #switchoff – Mobile OFF, Experience ON movement, which recently debuted with success at bars and restaurants too. The initiative seeks to inform people about how important...

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Filling your stomach with good stuff

Katalin Nock-Vető, marketing manager of Pek-Snack spoke to us about how they had consciously entered the world of festivals in 2018. They were building the brand at Volt, BalatonSound and...

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Collecting used packaging selectively

Edit Nagy managing director of Wanzl Magyarország – the distributor of TOMRA products in Hungary – told our magazine that TOMRA’s ‘Collecting Solution’ systems lead the way in offering innovative...

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Our Street Food

Our magazine interviewed Péter Disztós, one of the key figures on the Hungarian street food scene, the owner of restaurants Pista bá and PizzaMe, plus professional kitchen technology company Passion...

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A privilege of kings and a favourite of aristocrats

Mangalica fat used to worth more than the pig’s meat and Emperor Franz Joseph himself used to own 3 million Mangalica pigs. Péter Ondré, managing director of the Agricultural Marketing...

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Will there be more or fewer presents under the Christmas tree?

In August Kantar Hoffmann asked 18-64 year old Hungarians about how much they plan to spend on gifts. Last year the average shopper spent HUF 50,000 on Christmas gifts. 25-34 year old consumers...

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Accessories for wine enthusiasts

An ever-wider group of Hungarians are drinking high-quality wines, and at the same time they are also spending on the necessary wine drinking accessories. Vino Domus Kft. sells several types of wine...

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Magazine: Changing attitude in the laundry detergent market

Liquid detergents and capsules are more and more popular in the laundry detergent market; at the same time the powder format is becoming less important. As for retail channels, sales are...

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Magazine: Consumers appreciate more layers

Taking a closer look at the sales trends in various household paper product categories, we can see that the market has been expanding steadily. Value shares have been growing faster than...

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Magazine: An overview of the Eger wine region

Egri Bikavér, the emblematic wine of Hungary’s second best known wine region has been named a Hungaricum product recently. On this occasion our magazine interviewed some of the most important...

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Tell us a story!

Consumers born before the year 2000 are more and more interested in the story behind a good wine. A good story and stylish bottle labels can boost wine sales. For...

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A golden age – with certain limitations

Our magazine asked some of the most important players in the Hungarian wine sector about the current market situation. Márton Elek, director of strategy of Borháló Borkereskedés told us that many...

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Magazine: The growing prestige of Hungarian wine

In 2016 Hungary’s wine export grew much faster, by 6.2 percent than the country’s 1.6-percent agri-food export growth. The bad news is that the majority of our wine export, 45 percent...

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Magazine: Is Hungary a wine drinking nation?

Only 46 percent of Hungarians drink wine regularly. Our target group index (TGI) survey reveals that the dominance of men is smaller among wine drinkers than in the case of other...

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Magazine: Whole bean coffee makes a return

After the success story of capsule coffee in the last few years, sales of whole bean coffee have also strengthened recently. Raw coffee’s price elevated last year and this could be...

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Magazine: Canned hits

The canned food category is undergoing a rapid modernisation process. Products became healthier in the last two years and packaging solutions are now easier to use. Unfortunately, the prices of product ingredients...

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A wide selection of Christmas gift packs will be available this year

Christmas gift packs realise considerable sales and market players say some shoppers also purchase these products in this period for themselves, because they can get the items in them cheaper. Classic...

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Seasonal products customised to retail channel needs

Chocolate figures are now made almost exclusively from real chocolate. Korinna Kozma, confectionery brand manager of Nestlé Hungária told our magazine that consumers are looking for new products too. Well-known brands mean...

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Latest news

Cooperation at a European level The European representatives of the grape and wine sector disapprove of the European Commission’s study on the new wine labelling regulation. Lobby organisations CEEV, Copa-Cogeca,...

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More and more new OTC products

According to Boglárka Dezse, marketing leader of Béres Gyógyszergyár Zrt., the market of OTC drugs (products that can be bought without a prescription) and dietary supplements transformed considerably in recent...

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Naturalma program for organic apple-growing

The Naturalma program promotes disease resistant dessert apple varieties in Hungary. For those who plants apples suitable for organic production it is not required to switch to organic farming, but...

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