CBA: Development can’t stop

By: Tisza Andrea Date: 2019. 05. 15. 11:42

In 2018 CBA’s Príma network strengthened further and the company continued turning the franchise system into a real service provider franchise.

Vilmos Lázár
Chairman CBA and Príma System

 CBA president Vilmos Lázár told that they had launched a new private label range, CBA Piros. The retailer upgraded its online shop – more products became available and delivery is now free above a certain purchase value.

CBA has a new online education programme, and the company started a counselling programme for franchise partners. The Vinotéka programme continued and the 2nd Príma Wine Competition was organised. CBA’s CSR activity involved cooperating with the Save Lives Foundation, the National Association of Large Families and the Hungarian Interchurch Aid – thanks to this the lives of many Hungarian families turned better. //