Tag "RetailZoom"

National tobacco shops further increase their share in FMCG sales

FMCG sales by National Tobacco Shops exceeded HUF 187bn in April 2023-March 2024, growing by 13% compared to the previous period. This has put the tobacco shop sales channel in...

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Inflation – how consumers have adapted to constant changes

Andreas Christou, managing director of RetailZoom told at the Trade Marketing Club’s market research day: shoppers are no longer able or willing to spend more. This article is available for...

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RetailZoom: A dohányboltok ismét felülmúlják a piacot

A Business Days második napján Andreas Christou, a RetailZoom ügyvezető igazgatója a dohányboltok töretlen sikeréről és a siker tényezőiről is beszélt a hallgatóságnak. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/11. lapszámában...

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RetailZoom: A vásárlói hűség a mentőöv az inflációs válság idején

A RetailZoom ügyvezető igazgatója, Andreas Christou a Business Daysen elhangzott idei prezentációjában a már megszokott piaci áttekintésen túl a résztvevők fókuszát tágítani igyekezvén a számok és trendek mellett arról is...

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Együtt hajóztunk (1. rész)

Az Anglia legyőzésére küldött Spanyol Armada 1588-ban 130 hajóból állt – ehhez képest 2023 szeptemberében Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban közel 1100 fős „hajóhad” gyűlt össze az idei Business Days konferencián....

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Hungarian-owned retail chains: growing gap between Budapest and the rest of the country

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7.   Growing gap between Budapest and the country Andreas Christou, managing director of RetailZoom gave a presentation on the market...

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TMK Market Researchers: what happened in the last 15 months?

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7.   “First-hand information from market researchers” was the tile of Trade Marketing Club’s (TMK) online meeting on 13 April, where...

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Busy schedule!

Competitions, events, new projects, new colleagues, team building programmes and restructuring… One task comes after the other. We have a busy schedule and the days and weeks are running away...

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Hungarian-owned retail chains: adjustment period after the 54% inflation

Many of us thought that we would be able to take a breather post pandemic, however, the 54% retail inflation in Hungary has proved us wrong. So, what is fuelling...

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TrafikTV – where “only the results matter”

According to the analysis of RetailZOOM Kft., sales of FMCG products increased by more than 27% in National Tobaccos Shops in 2022, with sales revenue approaching HUF 170bn. TrafikTV has...

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New StarStore – Év Kereskedője winners and the 2022 award ceremony

This year was the 8th that Trade magazin organised the “Star Store – Év Kereskedője” competition for retailers with a registered seat in Hungary. The award ceremony took place at the...

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End of summer: inflation above 34% and the worst is probably yet to come…

It was on Tuesday that Andreas Christou, managing director of RetailZoom gave a presentation at the Business Days conference. His topic was the latest trends for Hungarian retail chains and...

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(HU) Ott voltunk a (játék)szeren (1. rész)

Between 19 and 23 September, the Trade Playground was full: Trade magazine organised its Business Days conference for the 15th time. Almost 900 decision-makers gathered from the HoReCa and FMCG...

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Magazine: 2022 will be the year of uncertainty

Stronger private labels in Hungarian-owned retail chains 2021 was about the dominance of Hungarian-owned retail chains. This was the first year when all of them were able to increase value...

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First-hand information from market researchers

Nearly 100 participants registered for the online Trade Marketing Club meeting on 7 April. DigInStore TrafikTV sponsored the event, so participants had to pay no fee to discuss the changes...

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Tobacco shops are the new king of a few FMCG categories

In 2021 FMCG product sales generated HUF 158bn for tobacco shops, and this made this channel the 10th biggest “retail chain” in Hungary. FMCG sales were up HUF 23bn in...

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Magazine: How did the Covid-19 pandemic accelerate the digitalisation of retail trade?

In Hungary the past two years laid the groundwork for digitalisation, more conscious consumer behaviour, convenience shopping, omnichannel shopping and price monitoring. However, a lot of these trends are overshadowed...

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Dynamically growing FMCG sales in tobacco shops

There are approximately 5,100 National Tobacco Shops in Hungary, and 75 percent of these realised about 95 percent of total sales. Presently the share of FMCG products in the total...

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Strengthening Hungarian chains in the FMCG market

In March-April 2020, during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic when the panic-buying started, FMCG sales by Hungarian-owned retail chains skyrocketed – the like-for-like sales growth was 45 percent....

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Magazine: Business Days 2021 – The 8th wonder of the world (Part 1)

Nearly 800 participants turned up to discuss the 8th wonder of the world – the restart of the sector – during the 5 five days of the Business Days conference,...

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Exciting 15 months from a market researcher’s perspective

On 15 April Trade Marketing Club (TMC) organised its popular market researchers meeting online. This year 145 participants registered for the free event. Zsuzsanna Hermann, one of the club’s founders...

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Magazine: 2021: Change is here to be solidified

In 2020 we stopped flying and most likely the trend will continue until April-June 2021, ‘home office’ became a standard work routine for several sectors, we minimised our driving and...

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Business Days 2020 – Our conference wasn’t cancelled…Vol. 3

On Thursday morning Bálint Zsinkó, a member of the Chain Bridge Club and Zoltán Fekete, secretary general of Branded Goods Association Hungary were the moderators. Governments and rooms for manoeuvre...

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Magazine: Business Days 2020 – Our conference wasn’t cancelled…

Even the coronavirius couldn’t beat our Business Days conference, which we organised together with the Chain Bridge Club in September. Thanks to the strict health protection protocol, the nearly 550...

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The tides have turned: From recovery to growth

Since the pandemic started in March, impulse baskets have shrunk and now only represent 39 percent of all baskets. For instance in the first three months of the pandemic (March-May)...

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Reaching new peaks

Next Unio Magyarország Kft. is getting ready to take a very important step: adding retail operations to its current wholesale profile. To this end they have established a 120-store franchise...

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Less frequency but larger baskets

It seems that we have materialized the second wave of the pandemic and restrictions are already getting more drastic, However, is this reflected in customer’s behavior? Signs clearly indicate parallel...

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Magazine: What was 2019 like for market players?

In 2019 Hungarian retail value sales were up 7 percent in comparison with 2018. The growth rate was just a little below last year’s level (7.7 percent), and the engine...

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RetailZoom: Budapest and the Countryside are on different paths for Domestic Chains

The month of April was once again a significant landmark in the life of the Local Chains, and at the same time further separated the Budapest shops from the ones...

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