
In August, euro area inflation slowed down

The pace of consumer price increases in the euro area has been reduced in August – the European Union’s statistical office, the Eurostat annonced on Friday in its preliminary estimate....

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Nielsen: Hungarians ate 18 million frozen pizzas over a year

Between July 2017 and June 2018, 18 million frozen pizzas were sold in Hungary in value over eight billion forints. This exceeds the value of the same period of the...

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KSH: the volume of investments increased by 15 percent in the second quarter

The volume of investments increased by 15 percent in the second quarter of this year and was 13.4 percent higher than in the first half of the year – the...

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MNB: lending expanded significantly in the second quarter

In the second quarter of this year, the loan portfolio of corporations, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) expanded considerably. However, lending of long-term fixed-rate loans in corporate lending did...

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Poultry can be more expensive

The rise in production costs on poultry meat justifies price increase – the quotes the Poultry Products Board. According to the profession, it is questionable whether the supermarket chains...

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PM: investments in the field of transport and storage grew with the greatest extent

All sectors of the economy contributed to the dynamic expansion of investments, the largest increase was observed in transport and storage – Balogh László, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of...

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The transportation of industrial apples has begun to the processing plants in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county

Following the agreement of the buyers and the producers, the transportation of industrial apples to the processing plants started on Thursday in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. The persistence of the growers has...

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The tested school tools met the requirements

The nationwide consumer protection study ordered by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) ended with a good result: the 40 different color pencils, watercolors and plastic kits all complied...

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Challenges in the food industry in the light of marketing innovation

The leaders of domestic and international companies met on 28th August at the second Education & Cooperation meeting of professionals at the Szent István University, organized by the the Faculty...

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Analysts: the labor market suggest further optimism

The situation of the labor market continues to suggest optimism and approaches the state of full employment. The number of people employed broke another record, and the number of inactive...

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The G20 Group’s international commodity turnover has declined

The G20 Group’s international commodity turnover has declined in the second quarter, after more than two years of increase. According to figures published on Wednesday by the Organization for Economic...

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A minimum wage of 8.84 euros per hour is paid to an agricultural worker in Germany

Three months or 70 working days – a seasonal agricultural worker could work without a social insurance burden in Germany until now. However, when introducing the mandatory minimum wage system...

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Social media is making you fatter!

New research suggests that the more time people spending on Facebook and other social networking sites, the less time time they spend playing team sports, exercising, and just being physically...

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Magazine: A great year for wines, optimistic winemakers

János Eszterbauer, the owner of Eszterbauer Winery told our magazine that they believe this is going to be an excellent year for wines; all they need now is not too...

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(HU) Hökkentsd meg a vásárlót! – TMK klubülés 2018. szeptember 6.

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Agricultural Chamber: Hungarian products are guaranteed to have high quality

The Hungarian food is guaranteed to be of high quality after being subjected to strict controls, so consumers better to choose Hungarian products – the spokesperson of the National Chamber...

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The OGYÉI is preparing a survey of nutrition habits

The National Institute of Pharmacy and Food Health (OGYÉI) is conducting a survey of nutrition habits. The essence of the survey is health protection and the development in the field...

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Budapest Wine Festival: The Balaton region and its wines are at the center

The Lake Balaton, the winemakers of Balaton and their wines, local gastronomy and culture are at the center of this year’s 27th Budapest Wine Festival. The audience visiting Buda Castle...

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KSH: the number of employees continued to increase

The number of employees increased further in the three-month period in May-July. 4 million 484 thousand people was working in this period, which is 50,000 more than one year ago,...

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Companies in Central and Eastern Europe received 3.5 billion euros in investment last year

Companies in Central and Eastern Europe (KKE) received a record 3.5 billion euros worth of investments in 2017, which is a 113 percent increase, compared to the previous year and...

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List of the most popular lifestyle topics

Hungarian readers are mostly motivated by the lifestyle changes of everyday people, but they are also interested in the slimming problems of celebrities, according to the analysis of the

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An epidemic and a customs war hit the Chinese pig market

African swine fever has emerged in one of China’s largest pig farms, seriously endangering the country’s supply chain – wrote. The production of the Asian country is expanding at...

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London analysts: the world trade boom has ended

According to London’s financial analysts, several indicators indicate that the world trade boom has come to an end and after the steep growth rates of recent years, only a slight...

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Bees can be addicted to the taste of insecticides

Like the nicotine dependence of smokers, bees can be addicted to the taste of insecticide-treated foods – British researchers found. The more chemicals they consume, the more they desire –...

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Magazine: In a key role

Zoltán Rutka, METRO – wine category manager We create METRO’s wine selection with the needs of our customers in mind: we always push the assortment in the direction of popular...

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New regulation to be introduced against ‘geoblocking’

The European Union gave green light to the Geo-Blocking Regulation: as of 3 December 2018 unjustified online sales discrimination based on customers’ nationality, place of residence or place of establishment...

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The NAK promotes domestic foods with campaigns

The National Chamber of Agriculture considers it important that consumers combine high quality with Hungarian origin and strengthen the confidence of farmers and domestic food producers. With these in mind,...

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Frost damages hit the peach harvest

Frost damages hit the peach plantations this year, and as a result of the loss of fruit, the domestic fruits were sold on the wholesale market 70 percent more expensive...

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The poultry processing plant in Kisvárda will be extended with governmental support

The Government supports the 15 billion HUF worth capacity-building investment of the Master Good Kft. poultry processing plant in Kisvárda with 3.4 billion HUF – Szijjártó Péter, Minister of Foreign...

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Seven million tons of wheat are missing from the world market

The world market price of wheat rose from 510 dollarcents per bushel of early June by 17 percent to 597.25 dollarcents per bushel in August – Világgazdaság Online wrote. Since...

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