
The Ministry of Agriculture and the Agricultural Research Center are looking for young scientists again

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) and the National Center for Agricultural Research and Innovation (NAIK) are awaiting young researchers – Gyuricza Csaba, Director General of the Center told M1 news...

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Hungary debuts as one of the ten most attractive investment venues at the Munich Fair

Hungary participates with Real Estate Development Megaprojects at the 21st EXPO REAL International Real Estate and Investment Fair in Munich between 8-10 October. Hungary was ranked as one of the...

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Dietetic: the quarter of children going to school does not have breakfast

A quarter of the kids start off from home without having breakfast, although they sould need to kick off “energies” to be able to think and perform well at school...

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Your looks is your business card

Trade fair participation starts with planning the stand. Csaba Nováczky, senior project manager of Studio Nova Kft. told that in the planning process three things need to be considered: practicality, cost-efficiency and...

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Ten-year record in Argentine beef production

USDA analysts expect that next year as many cattle will be bred in Argentina as in 2009. The weakening of peso against the dollar has made it a great opportunity...

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Investor confidence in the euro area has deteriorated

The eurozone investor confidence index of the Frankfurt-based Sentix Economic Research Institute was deteriorated unexpectedly. According to a survey released on Monday by Sentix, the euro area investor confidence index...

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Magazine: Home baking

According to Eszter Varga, trade marketing and category manager of Dr. Oetker Magyarország Élelmiszer Kft., housewives prefer those baking additives which guarantee success, even if they cost more. These consumers are the...

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The poultry sector should be prepared for the reduction of EU subsidies

The poultry sector survived many crises, but there may be difficulties again, as the EU’s agricultural subsidies are expected to decline from 2021, which we have to be prepared. Farkas...

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Private borrowing to be tightened from October

From October 1, the National Bank of Hungary regulates the percentage of income that a household can spend on repaying a loan. The goal is for more people to choose...

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KSH: showed a two-digit increase in exports and imports in July

In July, exports in euros were 11.4 percent higher than in the previous year and imports increased by 10.6 percent. Foreign trade surplus was 373 million euros, 91 million euros...

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Global grain production is weak

According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) flash report, the world’s lowest cereal yield of the last three years will be harvested that will lead to a drop...

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Autumn Wine Muster and Szeged Aviation Days from Wednesday

Various programs will be offered in the middle of September at the Wine Square Autumn Wine Muster and the Szeged Aviation Days – the organizers informed MTI. At the gastronomic...

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Artificial meat against climate change

The emissions of greenhouse gases from agriculture could be spectacularly reduced – experts say, if people would consume meat produced in the laboratory – wrote. A serious portion of...

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S/ALON BUDAPEST from 21 to 23 September in the Budapest Sportarena

“The S/ALON BUDAPEST exhibition aims to provide a dignified platform for introducing the domestic design and the participants of the furnishing market. Instead of a rooftop vendor-style show, the S/ALON...

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Magazine: Candy sales are growing together with the sweets market’s expansion

On 3 July the Association of Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers reported on the state of play in the candy segment of the confectionery market. President Sándor Sánta and head of the candy...

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(HU) Formabontó stratégiák, elköteleződő vásárlók

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Retail sales may grow by around 6 percent this year

Retail sales are expected to grow by around 6.0 percent this year, reaching a year-on-year growth rate of around 6.0 percent, and contributing significantly to the rise in gross domestic...

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Analysts: over four percent growth is expected in 2018

This year, gross domestic product (GDP) in Hungary could increase by 4.2 – 4.6 percent, analysts said after analyzing the second estimate of the Central Statistical Office’s data. Central Statistical...

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The VAT on long-lasting milk will be reduced next year

Next year, the VAT of another basic food, the VAT on long-lasting milk (UHT, ESL) will decrease, which can partly be reflected in retail prices and increase traders’ margins –...

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Nébih imposed a fine of over 25 million forints during the summer seasonal food chain control

During the summer seasonal food chain check, between 1 July and 20 August, the National Food Chain Security Office (Nébih) imposed more than 25 million forints in 303 cases –...

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Sixty-five programs await the visitors to this year’s Harvest Days in Szekszárd

Sixty-five programs – including folk music, pop music concerts, exhibitions, hundreds of performances and nearly forty wineries, pálinka houses – await the audience at this year’s Szekszárd Harvest Days, which...

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Goose Festival to be held in Kiskunfélegyháza

In addition to the professional conference of goose-breeders, goose farm visit, drama and drawing contests, a sightseeing tour and numerous pop music concerts await the audience on September 7 and...

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Magazine: Holidays dipped in chocolate

Even manufacturers were surprised by the sales performance of seasonal confectionery products at the end of 2017. Kitti Végh, brand manager (confectionery) of Nestlé Hungária told that sales of pralines and...

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Retail sales continued to grow

Retail sales in July were 5.4 percent higher than in the previous year. Calendar effect adjusted the growth was 5.3 percent, according to a first estimate released by the Central...

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Nielsen: The Hungarian retail is a silver medalist at European level

The Hungarian market for daily consumer goods increased by 7.8 percent in the second quarter of 2018. Hungary’s retail trade, which is far over the European (2.4 percent) average, increased...

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KSH: GDP increased by 4.8 percent in the second quarter

Gross domestic product (GDP) became 0.2 percentage points better than in the previously expected 4.6 percent in the second quarter, compared to the same period last year, according to the...

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ITM: the growth of the wealth of households that drives retail

Thanks to the increase in the wealth of households and the increase in retail sales, the increasing revenues stimulate investment – the Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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Rendezvous Gastro-hero style

On 6 September 2018, the Gastro Heroes will organize a Gastro Date (Gasztro Randi) again in Budapest, at the Markó Street Building of the Budapest Economic University. Chefs and restaurant...

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More than a ton of unmarked vegetables and fruits have been found by the Tax Office’s staff in Makó

More than a ton of unknown origin vegetables and fruits have been found by tax officials after a trial purchase in a lorry in Makó – the National Tax and...

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The National Chamber of Agriculture organizes forums on VP payment claims

The National Chamber of Agriculture, together with the Hungarian State Treasury, is holding informative events in seven cities on the information on the payment claims for rural development tenders. The...

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