
Goose sector is going up again

The Hungarian goose sector is export orientated, for example, Hungary is world leader in goose liver exports – wrote. Goose feather and its meat are also an important commodity....

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The Kalocsa Paprika Festival begins on Friday

Kalocsa’s herb the paprika will be celebrated in the archbishop’s center on the weekend. The director of the Kalocsa Cultural Center and Library, Magóné Tóth Gyöngyi said that the cultural...

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The Hungarian companies feel better prepared to the digital age

The Hungarian companies feel better prepared for digitalisation than two years ago – Dale A. Martin, president and CEO of Siemens Zrt. told at a press conference presenting the results...

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African swine fever affects 12 counties and more than 200 settlements in Romania

African swine fever affects 12 counties in Romania and 207 settlements. Nearly 900 infectious points are known by the authorities – the Romanian Veterinary and Food Safety Authority announced on...

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An international project is underway to improve flood predictability

An international project starts under the DAREFFORT Danube River Basin Enhanced Flood Forecasting Cooperation name from more than 1.35 million euros (approximately 440 million forints). The project aims to coordinate...

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340 million euros will be distributed among the drought victims in Germany

Up to half a million (160 million HUF) will be allocated to the drought victim farmers in Germany if the farm can prove that its losses are due to this...

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Magazine: Pálinka distilleries are already preparing for Christmas

According to Gergely Lakatos, CEO of Panyolai Szilvórium Zrt., in the pálinka market sales increased by 10 percent from 2016 to 2017. Consumers prefer the top brands again and some new...

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Elemzők: az idényáras élelmiszerek tartották magasan az inflációt

Az elemzők várakozása ellenére nem mérséklődött az éves infláció augusztusban, de a maginfláció csökkenése továbbra is az inflációs nyomás hiányát jelzi a magyar gazdaságban – így kommentálták az MTI-nek nyilatkozó...

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Equilor: GDP growth continues to accelerate this year

According to the analysts of the Equilor Investment Ltd., the dynamic growth of the Hungarian economy will continue this year, but the dynamics of the economy may slow down next...

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Untapped opportunities for sheep and goat breeding

Hungary’s natural features are excellent for sheep and goat farming, but there are still a lot of untapped potential in the sector – quotes the words of the Minister...

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Next year the price of pálinka may jump

The prices of pálinkas and bitter liqueurs can be two thousand forints, ie 30-40 percent higher per liter on the shelves of the Hungarian stores by next January –

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NAK continues its Dairy Trainee Days

The National Chamber of Commerce (NAK) announces its free professional “Let’s learn together! – Milk Practical Days” series again. The practical days give the members of NAK an opportunity to...

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A healthier diet helps reduce water consumption

If people change to healthier diet with more fruits and vegetables, the “water footprint” may drop by up to 55 percent according to a new study. “The main message is...

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This is a good year for green companies

In the developed world, environmental protection getting more attention, and equity funds built up from the standpoint of fighting against climate change have also done well- Világgazdaság Online wrote. In...

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The European Commission has proposed closer trade relations with Africa

The European Commission has proposed a strong “Africa-Europe Alliance” to significantly increase investment in Africa, boost trade, invest in job creation and invest in education and skills development. According to...

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Magazine: The end of the leftover food era

Pet food sales were up 10 percent in terms of value and volume sales augmented by 7 percent in 2017. Balázs Buzás, marketing manager of Nestlé Hungária told our magazine...

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(HU) Érték és Minőség Nagydíjas a Trade magazin

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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KSH: prices grew by 3.4 percent in August

In August, consumer prices were 3.4 percent higher on average than a year before. Compared to July, consumer prices increased by 0.1 percent – according to the Central Statistical Office...

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The Coop Rally represents the Hungarian products again this year

This year, the Coop Rally will have eight stations and over 300 participants of over a hundred participating companies who can meet the bests of the food processing in Hungary...

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Carrier interest organizations are calling for a 15 to 20 percent increase in premium rates

The NiT Hungary and the Hungarian Road Freight Association (MKFE) recommended the immediate increase of freight rates by 15-20 percent – the representatives of trade unions announced at a joint...

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Emmi: 627,000 children could eat for free or at discounted price in the past school year

A total of 627,000 children could eat for free or at discounted price in the previous school year – Fülöp Attila, Minister of State of the Ministry of Human Resources...

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Grape sweetness won the first Budapest Dessert Prize

Grapey white chocolate sweet won the Budapest Dessert title for the first time. It can be tasted during the weekend by the audience at the 8th Sweet Days Budapest event....

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Hungarian sample farm in Ghana

Appropriate variety selection and new technologies can double the amount of food produced in Ghana according to the position of the National Center for Agricultural Research and Innovation. To prove...

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The price of potato has tripled in the United Kingdom

It will be a sad year for those who love potatoes in the UK. The summer heat waves and droughts have so badly affected crops that prices have tripled in...

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The fifth of the French do have not enough money to eat healthy

The fifths of the French do not have enough money for three meals a day and can not eat healthy – according to the survey of Ipsos published on Tuesday....

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Magazine: Discount supermarkets are directing the film of the coffee market

Households have had more money to spend recently and this manifested in coffee sales too: the decrease in volume sales slowed down and value sales were up nearly 5 percent...

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Walnut production is increasingly popular

The production area of the Hungarian walnut grows continuously as the domestic varieties have a market gap due to their age. The walnut conference held in Lengyeltóti also revealed that...

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Analysts: the foreign trade balance surplus may be lower this year

Both exports and imports in euros are growing dynamically, but the surplus of the foreign trade balance is expected to be lower in 2018 than last year – macroeconomic analysts...

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Fish health care publication helps production

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the Hungarian Aquaculture and Fisheries Intermediate Body (MA-HAL) have prepared a manual on fisheries issues for fish producers and fishermen. The purpose of...

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School milk and fruit program covers almost half a million schoolchildren

In the new school year, the school fruit program reaches 550,000 students, while the school milk program covers 430,000 students, the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Human...

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