
Fresh baked goods – all are Private Label

The delicious scent of freshly baked bread or croissants is a joy to behold as they attract shoppers in the store. Chef Berry Pronk tastes some traditional European pastries retailers...

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AM: information on the details of the 25 billion HUF additional agricultural support

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) is announcing a 25 billion HUF support program provided by the Economic Protection Fund to address the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic in three...

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AM: it could be a death sentence for European agriculture if Brussels implements the provisions of the Green Deal on the basis of proposals from the European Commission

The from the Farmland to the Table presented by the European Commission poses an insoluble task for farmers, and the Biodiversity Strategy, and not only does it not create opportunities...

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Poor fruit yields and price increases are expected due to the frost

According to preliminary estimates of FruitVeB and ÉKASZ (Interprofessional Organization and Product Council for Northeast Hungary), this year’s fruit crop could be around 500,000 tonnes, due to frost damage, while...

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Insolvency in times of emergency – you may want to opt for bankruptcy instead

Due to the epidemic situation, many companies are unable to meet their payment obligations. It is worthwhile for business partners to strive to reach an agreement on the settlement of...

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Farmer car market opens in the otskirts of Bag

A producer car market will open on Saturday in the otskirts of Bag – was said on M1 news channel. Konrád Istvánné, president of the Hungarian Market Cooperative told M1...

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Hungarian onions may disappear from stores

One of the important ingredients of Hungarian food is onions, of which Hungarians consume an average of 10-12 kilos per person per year – wrote. Although the demand for...

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Hospitals received game meat and seedlings were given to for those in need in Szolnok on Friday

More than four hundred servings of ready-to-eat venison were handed over to the two hospitals in Szolnok on Friday, while thousands of tomato and pepper seedlings were distributed among the...

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The Ministry of Agriculture focuses on biodiversity

May 22 is World Biodiversity Day. On this occasion, attention is drawn to the conservation of biodiversity and threats to biodiversity worldwide. Habitat reconstruction has taken place on more than...

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Eastern Europe is the safest market for German exports

Amid the global economic recession caused by the coronavirus pandemic, Eastern Europe proved to be a stable support for the German export economy, according to a report by Ost-Ausschuss, a...

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Eating habits have changed

Quarantine has transformed not only our everyday lives, but our eating habits as well. After the appearance of the coronavirus in Hungary, many stores were attacked and long-lasting food was...

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Time is up for hobby horticulture – Zsendülés conference in Szeged, 5-6 March 2020

The 6th Zsendülés conference was organised in Hotel Forrás in Szeged. József Rácz, president of Kert-Ész Club Association welcomed participants, and his speech was followed by presentations about the state...

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Magazine: No stopping for chocolate tablets!

The Hungarian chocolate market is developing dynamically: sales were up 11 percent in 2019 in comparison with 2018. In the same period chocolate tablet sales ‘only’ grew by 6 percent....

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The government is helping agricultural and food businesses with additional support of 25 billion HUF

In addition to the currently available forms of support, the Ministry of Agriculture announces several support schemes that help farmers, producer organizations and food industry companies to manage the economic...

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The country ate healthier during the quarantine

Nine out of ten Hungarians cooked at home during the quarantine, the country eats more regularly than before. Homemade cooked food starred Many people have consciously paid attention to healthy...

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Magosz: the proportion of Hungarian food must be increased

The goal is to increase the proportion of Hungarian food used in all areas, because this is how Hungarian agriculture can gain a competitive advantage – Jakab István, president of...

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European ‘farm to fork’ and biodiversity strategy unacceptable for the Chamber of Agriculture

The European Commission has published its Farm to Fork strategy for the transition to a sustainable agriculture and food industry, as part of the European Green Deal, and the Biodiversity...

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The commercial effect of the coronavirus is lasting

In our eyes, the usual order and trend of trade has changed in recent months. The coronavirus pandemic has led to a significant increase in online trade across Europe, which...

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Farmers are preparing for the Farmer Expo

After many interested telephone calls, encouragements, thorough deliberations and lengthy consultations, it was decided that the V-Trade Kiállítások Kft. (V-Trade Exhibitions Ltd.) will organize the 29th Farmer Expo from 18...

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Research: telecommuting remains with us after the easenings

Hungarian companies are cautious about reopening their offices, and most managers want to incorporate the telecommuting solutions introduced during the pandemic and proven since then, according to a recent survey...

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Here are the April unemployment figures

The number of registered jobseekers increased to more than 330,000 by April 20. Half of them do not receive any cash benefits – wrote. In April, more than 72,000...

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The euro area recession eased somewhat in May

It turned out better than expected from the previous month, but the measure of economic activity, the Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) in the euro area, continues to point to a...

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The U.S. economy performed less than expected in May

The U.S. economy performed less than expected in May from the previous month, according to a survey by the London-based financial and economic data provider IHS Markit. U.S. private companies...

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Majorty expects severe impact on current business

POPAI and Shop!* chapters keep in touch and the member organizations are constantly informing each other about the consequences of the virus situation, with particular regard to the development of...

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The potato market in Hungary is expanding

The area sown to field potatoes will increase by more than a fifth this year compared to last year, but longer-term expansion – in order to achieve self-sufficiency – would...

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(HU) Megszűnik a rendkívüli jogrend, új törvény jön Magyarországon

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(HU) Kik a legbefolyásosabb hazai szakmai influencerek a Facebookon?

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European wine consumption is declining

According to forecasts, wine consumption in the European Union will decrease by about 8 percent this season due to the coronavirus epidemic – we read on The closure of...

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FAO makes gains in the fight against Desert Locusts in East Africa and Yemen but threat of a food security crisis remains

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, said today that significant gains had been made in the fight against the desert locust...

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