News and articles

Abolishing the VAT exemption for small goods ordered from outside the EU may discourage shopping

At first, the desire to buy may be curbed by the fact that from July 1, VAT will also have to be paid on items under 22 euros that arrive...

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Magazine: We don’t hesitate when it comes to doing the dishes

According to Dóra Szűcs, brand manager of Henkel Magyarország Kft., the coronavirus pandemic influences the washing-up product market too, as sales grew by two-digit numbers in 2020 for the first...

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(HU) Nemzetközi szinten is elindult az Európai Friss Csapat program

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(HU) Nagy István agrárminiszter: A beruházások kora jön az agráriumban

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The magic works from the inside

It is very likely that the biggest boom of 2021 is going to take place in the food and dietary supplement market, in connection with consumers making great efforts to...

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(HU) Harmadszor is energiatudatos vállalat címmel ismerték el Coop üzletláncot

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Samsung, LEGO and Mercedes are the most attractive domestic employers

An online presentation presented the results of randstad employer brand research, the world’s largest independent employer brand research, and announced the 2021 Randstad Award winners on Thursday. One place ahead...

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Shops are shining stars now… or maybe not

Compared to last year’s store closures, yes. The calendar of recent statistics moved to the weeks after it opened on April 8, but the comparable period remained in last year’s...

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Hungarian-French-Belgian program to promote fruit and vegetable consumption

A three-year program to promote fruit and vegetable consumption has started with a Hungarian-French-Belgian collaboration, the organizers told MTI on Thursday. The European Fresh Team program in Hungary primarily aims...

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GKI Digital is focused on the Hungarian online retail market

The concentration of the Hungarian online retail market is indicated by the fact that last year the online turnover of the three largest domestic e-merchants exceeded 200 billion HUF, while...

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Karotin Kft. has established a modern alfalfa processing plant in Szeged

The most modern alfalfa processing plant in Central Europe was set up from more than 1.5 billion forints near Szeged – the company informed MTI. According to the announcement, 507.24...

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The Templárius Foundation and the Szent András Sörfőzde cooperate with the Hungary Helps program

The Templárius Foundation and the St. Andrew’s Brewery in Békésszentandrás are cooperating with the Hungary Helps program. Azbej Tristan, Secretary of State for Assisting Persecuted Christians and Implementing the Hungary...

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OECD economic growth slowed in the first quarter

The combined economic growth of OECD member countries slowed significantly in the first quarter of this year, compared to the last quarter of last year. According to the website of...

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PLMA European news

Focus topic of the May newsletter E-Scanner of the Private Label Manufacturers Association is the novelties, unique characteristics of retail players and the monitoring of changes. The French ‘Drive’ is...

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Training for the export development of wineries starts

You can now apply for the training of the Agricultural Marketing Centre, which supports the export activity of Hungarian wineries with a series of online lectures lasting 5 weeks. The...

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New entrants to e-commerce: 50 pluses have appeared in large numbers

E-commerce has become a part of our daily lives, there is almost no life situation in which we have not ordered from the internet: more than half of hungarians who...

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Aldi products will be available online in 33 new cities

Aldi’s products will be available in new areas: ROKSH’s personal shopping service will be launched in 33 cities and municipalities, through which more than 3000 Aldi-products can be ordered by...

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Step out of the box. Successful examples of unusual business steps

Why does a meat company make a vegan product?  What is a European juice producer doing in the Brazilian jungle and a brewery giant in Castle Hill? Examples of innovative...

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Spar’s name was badly abused

Unknown people are abusing the name of Spar Hungary Commercial Ltd. to advertise a sweepstakes on Facebook and Instagram, the company writes. Spar points out that it never requests additional...

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They are free from!

The market of free-from products is really diverse and had a successful year in 2020. Zsófia Zsargó, Upfield Hungary Kft.’s senior brand manager said: margarine volume sale were up considerably...

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(HU) Itt a salátázás hónapja

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(HU) Vendéglátóipari állások: hatalmas a kereslet-kínálat

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Reacty Digital: the proportion of online shoppers who purchase at least once weekly has doubled in two years

In two years, the proportion of Hungarians who shop online at least once a week has increased from six to twelve percent, Reacty Digital told MTI. According to a representative...

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MNB: households’ financial assets grew in the first quarter

Households’ net financial assets increased by 1,412 billion HUF in the first quarter, reaching 56,655 billion HUF at the end of March, 5,441 billion HUF – 10.6 percent – more...

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Nagy István: farmers will receive more than 950 billion forints this year

This year, the Ministry of Agriculture will enable farmers to use more than 950 billion HUF, which exceeds the total amount of support for the previous seven years, the Minister...

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The name Nagykun rice has been added to the list of protected geographical indications in the EU

With the approval of the European Commission on Tuesday, the name “Nagykun rice” has been added to the EU list of protected geographical indications, the list of products whose names...

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The value of trade in goods in the EU has increased

The value of trade between the euro area and the European Union rose significantly in March, not surprisingly in light of the fact that the coronavirus pandemic had just exploded...

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Rising food prices are prying shoppers from their favorite grocers

Price has emerged as the top consideration for consumers when they decide where to shop for food, according to a survey conducted last week by Inmar Intelligence. Roughly 68% of the 1,000...

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