Tag "terméshozam"

Climate Policy Institute: climate change may cause food prices to rise further

Climate change has a significant impact on the world’s agriculture, the environmental changes together can cause further permanent food inflation in the future, which can be prevented by adaptation, modernization...

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We can expect a long apricot season

Apricot growers can expect an excellent harvest, double last year’s, and a long season this year, the Minister of Agriculture announced on his social media page. István Nagy emphasized that...

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ULT Magyarország has raised its basic tobacco purchase prices

In this year’s tobacco growing season, Universal Leaf Tobacco (ULT) Magyarország Kft. has announced increased basic tobacco purchase prices for both types of tobacco compared to last year, the agronomy...

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AM: most of the sunflowers have already been harvested

Based on the latest report of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy, the readiness for harvesting sunflowers produced on 676,000 hectares this year has risen to 92 percent and has...

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OMSZ: the grain corn crop of the EU may be better than last year

At the European Union level, compared to the average of the past 5 years, the expected average yield of grain corn this year has decreased by 3 percent, mainly due...

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This summer’s harvest is coming to an end

This year’s summer harvest work is coming to an end. Compared to last year’s extremely droughty year, the harvest is more favorable and more than covers the domestic supply needs, but...

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Significantly less fruit is ripe in the EU

Half of the EU’s watermelon crop comes from Spain and Italy, which also supply 30% of Europeans’ melons. According to data from Eurostat, the European statistical office, a total of...

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István Nagy: the harvest is taking place all over the country

The summer harvesting works are going on without interruption in the fields, we are in the middle of the harvest – said the Ministry of Agriculture’s (AM) press release. Agriculture...

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Harvesting is going on, the quantity and the yield are falling short of expectations

Harvesting is already underway on 1.8 million hectares; this year’s harvest promises to be better than last year’s extremely tragic year, but it falls short of expectations in terms of quantity...

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Institute of Agricultural Economics: the decrease in the producer price of grain continued

In the last week of March, the decrease in the producer price of grain in Hungary continued, and the price of oilseeds also decreased – read the report published on...

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In Europe, lower crop yields are expected due to the summer drought

The extremely dry and hot weather that characterizes most of Europe in summer basically determines the expected crop yields: lower crop yields are also expected from corn and sunflower, according...

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We will not be freed from the grip of the drought for at least another quarter year

Some parts of drought-stricken Europe can look forward to a warmer, drier period than usual for another three months, the European Union noted in its report on Wednesday. According to...

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Even in Western Hungary, the corn situation is becoming more and more worrying

Eastern Hungary has completely fallen on the corn front, and now there are more and more problems with sowing in the west – Petőházi Tamás, president of the National Association...

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80 percent of the corn was harvested in Zala County

More than 80 percent of the corn produced on 31,630 hectares in Zala County has already been harvested, with an average yield of 8.4 tons per hectare, the county president...

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A record amount of early cereals were harvested in Ukraine this year

In Ukraine, 44.8 million tons of early grain and legumes were harvested this year, a new record in the thirty years since the country became independent, Agriculture Minister Roman Leschenko...

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EU’s largest peach growers perform at a record low

According to Europêch, the lowest peach and nectar production in the last 30 years will take place in 2021. The four leading peach and nectar producing Member States of the...

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The Hungarian melon is sufficient and of high quality

The Hungarian melon is of high quality. The production area has slightly decreased due to the pandemic, but its yield has increased, so it has plenty of access to the...

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More grain was produced in Zala County than expected

Despite the unfavorable weather, more grain was produced in Zala County than expected, and the average yields of winter barley, winter wheat and rapeseed were also higher than last year’s...

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AM: This year’s harvest ended with yield records

Good yields of arable crops offset the decline in acreage, with winter wheat and barley harvesting at an average record, the State Secretary for Agriculture and Rural Development at the...

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The average yield of wheat in Tolna County exceeds six tons

The average yield of winter wheat in Tolna County is over six tons, which is higher than last year’s average, but lower than in previous years, the Tolna County President...

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Nagy István: a close to average yield is expected

Product estimation data are encouraging. The Chamber of Agriculture’s forecast for this year indicates close-to-average quantities, with some of the area’s declining yields being offset by relatively favorable yields per...

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AM: This year’s corn yield is a historical record

Maize yields in 2020 are a historic record, an increase of more than 14 percent from the average of the past five years – Feldman Zsolt, secretary of state for...

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Hungarian sweet corn is popular on the world market

The harvest of sweet corn in Hungary started with the early varieties. Due to unfavorable weather conditions, experts expect slightly less than last year’s 500 thousand tons of crop area...

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The lowest plum yield in the last twenty years is expected in Hungary

According to preliminary estimates, a plum harvest of only 23 to 32 thousand tons is expected in Hungary this year, which is well below the weakest harvest of the last...

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Chamber of Agriculture: less asparagus will be produced this year

There will be about 30 percent less asparagus to be grown this year, but even harvesting and selling will cause problems for growers due to labor problems and a shrinking...

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Less wheat can grow this year in Europe

Winter precipitation is now being replaced in most parts of Europe by rain, but there are major differences in soil moisture among the Member States. Bad start leaves its mark...

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Last year’s tobacco production is better in quantity, but worse in quality

Due to the volatile and unfavorable weather conditions, last year’s tobacco production quality was lower than two years ago, but the farmers closed a better year in terms of quantity,...

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FruitVeb: less fruit was produced than last year

The amount of fruit grown in Hungary fell from 1.158 million tonnes of 2018 to about 683 thousand tons last year, mainly due to the unfavorable weather and the outstanding...

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Nagy István said in Berlin that the efficiency of agriculture worldwide need to be increased to feed a growing population

The efficiency of agricultural production needs to be further improved to secure food supplies as the world’s population grows, but resources continue to dwindle – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture...

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The winemakers expect a good vintage

In the Villány wine region, the 2019 harvest was good in terms of quantity and quality – the secretary of the 2,500-hectare vineyard area told MTI. According to Nagy Gergely,...

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