Tag "növénytermesztés"

The KAP calculator for the 2023-2027 subsidy period is available on the NAK website

In the period ahead, we have to meet many new challenges, so it is important to be able to calculate our potential income in the best possible way. The KAP...

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The increased subsidies serve the productivity of the hungarian agrarium

Those who make a living from agriculture are faced with countless challenges to which they must find answers. High energy and input prices, animal diseases, and the historic drought have...

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János Áder: the fight against the climate crisis involves a technological change

The fight against the climate crisis involves a technological change – said János Áder, former president of the republic, chairman of the board of trustees of the Kék Bolygó Climate...

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The KSH has started the agricultural census

The Central Statistical Office (KSH) will carry out its second regularly repeated agricultural census of the year from Monday to December 15, the office announced in a statement sent to...

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Extraordinary conditions have developed in field crop production

Extraordinary conditions have arisen in Hungarian arable crop production due to this year’s severe drought and the economic difficulties caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war – emphasized Zsolt Feldman, the State...

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KSH: the increase in agricultural producer prices continued to accelerate in July

In July, the producer price of agricultural products was on average 50.7 percent higher than a year earlier, the rate of increase accelerated by 2.4 percentage points after June’s 2.9...

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We have good news for farmers: the increase in agricultural producer prices accelerated again in June

After the previous month’s stagnation, the increase in agricultural producer prices accelerated again in June: after 45.4 percent in May, purchase prices were on average 48.3 percent higher in June...

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These are the rules for loan moratorium and damage payment due to drought

The regulations governing the new loan moratorium due to the drought and special payments by insurers due to drought damage have been published. A loan moratorium and interest-subsidized loans will...

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A revolutionary system for providing extra nutrients to plants is being developed in Hungary

TS Labor Kft. is developing a system for the extra nutrient supply of plants with EU support in cooperation with Pannónia Medicina Zrt. and the University of Szeged – the...

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KSH: agricultural production decreased in volume, increased in value in 2020

In 2020, agricultural production fell by 2.2 percent at previous year’s prices, but at current prices it was 4.8 percent higher than a year earlier, thanks to a 7.2 percent...

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(HU) Termessz borsócsírát zacskóban

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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KSH: agricultural producer prices rose by 6.6 per cent by September

In September, the rate of increase in fruit prices moderated, but the prices of cereals, vegetables and animal products picked up, while the decline in the purchase price of live...

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Organic gardening in the Seoul subway

An underground farm was built at one of the stations on the South Korean subway to provide food to the population in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way – origo...

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KSH: agricultural output stagnated last year

Agricultural production was down 0.3 percent from the previous year due to a 1.7 percent growth in the livestock sector and a decline in crop and horticultural products. The 3.2...

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KSH: crop and livestock performance increased last year

The volume of crop production increased by 0.9 percent and livestock production by 6.3 percent, compared to last year – according to the Central Statistical Office (KSH). According to the...

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Many Hungarian plant species are well adapted to tropical conditions

There are many arable crops or vegetables in Hungary that are well adapted to tropical conditions, – Gyuricza Csaba, Director General of the National Center for Agricultural Research and Innovation...

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Alkalmas lehet növénytermesztésre a Hold és a Mars talaja

Holland kutatók növényt termesztettek a Mars és a Hold talajához hasonlító, az amerikai űrkutatási hivatal szakemberei által kifejlesztett talajban. Kutatásukból kiderült, hogy nemcsak lehetséges élelmet termelni a vörös bolygón és...

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The volume of plant production and livestock production increased

Hungary was among the best performing EU countries on the basis of the real income of production factors per labor unit – Világgazdaság Online wrote on the basis of the...

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Salad is produced in an underwater glasshouse

Italian scientist produce plant species such as basil, lettuce and strawberries in a greenhouse eight meters under the sea level. The aim of the project that is in pilot stage...

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KSH: agriculture closed an average year in 2017

Compared to last year’s record high yields, the output of Hungarian agricultural decreased by 6.1 percent. The performance of plant production decreased by 8.6 percent and livestock production by 3.2...

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One of the key elements of plant production is plant species experimental activity

One of the key elements of crop production is plant species experimental activity, as the biological basic is the safety of cultivation for agriculture and forestry – the Minister of...

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It will be a real sensation to find the super-tomatoe

Scientists are working on cultivating tomatoes in an experimental plantation in Israel, which can produce high yield, with a 90 percent lower water consumption. Unusually drought-tolerant types of tomatoes are...

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The sowing area of maize and wheat decreases

Maize and wheat were sown on almost three thousand less hectares of land this year in Tolna County. The sowing area of the autumn wheat fell by nine thousand hectares,...

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Nearly 700 million HUF for irrigation water quality research

The Ecology Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy, the National Public Health Center, the Agricultural Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) and the Smaragd GSH Kft jointly...

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The Food Avalanche Programme helped to five thousand families

The Food Avalanche Programme of the Hungarian Food Bank Association and Syngenta took place in fifty-three settlements this year. The local authorities and civil societies that took part in the...

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Gyermelyi Zrt. established a new crop production center

The Gyermelyi Zrt. handed over its new crop production center on Thursday in Szomor-Somodorpuszta. The investment cost 1.6 billion HUF. “This is one of the largest agricultural investment in Hungary,...

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Arable yields in Hungary should be stabilized

Arable yields in Hungary should be stabilized because the considerable yield fluctuations due to natural conditions impair competitiveness – Feldman Zsolt Deputy Minister of State for the Ministry of Agriculture...

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FM: the output of agriculture increased last year

The output of the Hungarian agriculture is around 2400-2500 billion HUF each year. Last year's initial estimate of 2,457 billion HUF is exceeding the previous year’s level by 0.4 percent...

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The NASA would grow potatoes on Mars

The experiment, led by the International Potato Centre (CIP) and NASA, is a step towards building a controlled dome on Mars capable of farming the hardy crop -the abc.net wrote....

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FruitVeB: the effect of extreme heat affected all plant species and varieties

Ledó Ferenc, the president of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation (FruitVeB) told MTI that the effect of extreme heat affected all plant species and varieties. Ledó Ferenc reminded...

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