Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Modern information technology in agriculture

A new agricultural task management and database management system (DBMS) was developed by a Hungarian-owned company – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The (smart) devices can be used for different applications and terrain....

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Unchanged interest towards agricultural training

Unchanged interest surrounds the jobs in the agricultural industry. The number of agricultural training participants grew 2.7 percent last year – Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture told M1 news channel...

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MKB Bank: agriculture financing should be tailored to the needs of customers

At the end of last year, the loan portfolio of Hungarian agriculture was about 560 billion HUF on the basis of the data collection of the Ministry of Agriculture. Including...

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The decline in agricultural producer prices slowed in February

The decline – that lasted for seven month – in agricultural producer prices slowed in February. The average price level was 2.0 percent lower than a year before, after the...

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12.5 billion HUF worth food industrial investment in Mélykút

The Hunent Zrt. is building a new waterfowl processing plant in Mélykút County Kiskun county. The investment of approximately 12.5 billion HUF will also create 350 new jobs – the...

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HNT: wine-installation support requests changed from 1 April

In line with the EU rules, the size of the wine vineyards can be increased in Hungary, since last year. The new installation license application can be submitted to the...

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Budapest hosts the leading agricultural statisticians of Europe and Central Asia

For established policy decisions reliable and comprehensive statistics are necessary – and this is especially true in the case of agriculture. During the week, statisticians from 20 countries of the...

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Food production consumes underground water reserves with a dramatic pace

Food production consumes underground water reserves in many parts of the world, such as the pace of nature could replace it – BBC reported the findings of a new study....

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MKB Group and the Megfosz signed a cooperation agreement

Balog Ádám, CEO of the MKB Bank Zrt. and Harsányi Zsolt, CEO and owner of Axiál Kft., chairman of the National Agricultural Tool and Machine Dealers Association (Megfosz) signed a...

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Chamber of Agriculture: the Hungarian primeur vegetables to arrive earlier to the stores

From early April the Hungarian primeur vegetables will be available in the stores and markets throughout the country – the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) told MTI on Thursday....

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The Agricultural Chamber Act may be amended

The National Assembly’s Agriculture Committee – with the majority vote of the MPs, with one abstention – scheduled the bill on the amendment of the Agricultural Chamber Act. For thr...

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Chamber of Agriculture: frost damages can be reported until 15 April

The farmers can claim compensation for frost damages until 15 April; the notification of frost damages will be no longer be possible after the deadline – the National Association of...

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Prime Minister’s Office: applications for agribusiness training support can be submitted from 14 April

Applications for agribusiness training support can be submitted from 14 April, instead of the original 27 March date – the Prime Minister’s Office announced on Friday. According to the communication...

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NÉBIH: there is a shortage of eco seeds

There is a shortage of domestic propagated eco seeds, so it is worth to the seed producers to register their products on the National Food Chain Safety Office’s (NÉBIH) database...

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The agricultural chamber helps with qualified tender writers

The Consulting Network of the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) provides assistance to about 400 thousand members in the selection of proposals, preparation, AND implementation. According to the information...

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MNKH: Hungary is in the forefront in agri information technology

Hungary is in the forefront in agri information technology and in IT connected to the test tracks of self-driving cars in Europe – the CEO of the Hungarian National Trading...

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Spring sowing has begun

Most of the autumn sowings are in favorable conditions in Zala county. The farmers have begun to sown spring cereals, and if warming continues further, the sowing of sunflower and...

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The largest fruit farmer in Békés County expects a good season

The largest fruit farmer in Békés County expects a good season, because winter frosts did not cause major frost damages in plantations – the managing director of the Hunapfel Kft....

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Fifth of the bees in Békés county died

15-20 percent of the bees have died in Békés county in the winter. Because of the low number of bees it is likely that this year, lower amount of rape...

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Drones can replace the dying bees

Today’s massive bee mortality is not only dangerous for humanity, because we may have to look for other sweeteners instead of honey in the future – agrarszektor.hu wrote. If the...

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The performance of agricultural exports is outstanding for years

The driving force behind the Hungarian economy was agriculture in 2016, the performance of agricultural exports is high for many years – Czerván György, Minister of State for the Ministry...

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The Chamber of Agriculture issued eighty thousand fewer farmers’ certificates

Compared to recent years, the Chamber of Agriculture issued more than eighty thousand fewer farmers’ certificates. Süle Katalin Chamber presidency spokesperson told M1 news channel on Monday that the decline...

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Chamber of Agriculture: sectoral cooperation should be placed on new basics

The cooperation in agriculture should be placed on new basics. Integration should be made more attractive – Győrffy Balázs, president of the National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) said at...

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Major frost damage in the autumn rape

Frost damages affected the winter wheat, winter barley and triticale smaller than expected, but the autumn rape suffered major frost damages in Békés county Kulcsár László, Békés county chairman of...

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Fazekas: a strong CAP is needed after 2020

Hungary will do everything to ensure to give a strong and appropriate budget to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2020. In order to reach this goal the Member States...

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Slovenia is at the forefront in the origin protection of traditional agricultural products

Slovenia is at the forefront in the community preservation of origin protection of agricultural products and geographical indications. Slovenia applies for protection for more products than Austria, Hungary or Croatia...

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EU action is needed to protect European rice production

EU action is needed to protect European rice production – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of Agriculture, told – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) informed MTI. The FM told that Fazekas Sándor...

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Another 80 billion HUF will be available in the Rural Development Programme by the end of March

Another 80 billion HUF will be available in the Rural Development Programme in thirteen proposals by the end of March. Kis Miklós Zsolt, Minister of State of the Prime Minister’s...

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Messze még a 6 millió sertés

Az állattartó telepek hatékonyságnövelő támogatására, az agrárképzés fejlesztésére és testre szabott finanszírozási megoldásokra van szükség ahhoz, hogy el lehessen érni Magyarországon a sertésstratégiában kitűzött 6 millió darabos állatlétszámot – írja...

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KSH: the services and agriculture pulled last year’s GDP

The volume of gross domestic product (GDP) in last year’s quarter exceeded the previous year’s same quarter by 1.6 percent. The increase was primarily due to market-based services and agriculture...

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