Tag "mezőgazdaság"

Feldman Zsolt: the yield of autumn crops increased by 7-10 percent

Autumn harvested crop yields increased by about 7 to 10 percent, compared to last year, also due to favorable weather conditions Feldman Zsolt – Minister of State of the Ministry...

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AM Minister of State: Hungary plays an active role in the UN’s world food cooperation

Hungary supports the FAO’s objectives, as evidenced with its multi-year cooperation, as well as with ongoing projects and scholarship programs – the parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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Eighty-five thousand visitors from fifteen countries attended the 79th OMÉK

The 79th National Agricultural and Food Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK), which featured the best of the Hungarian agro-food industry at HUNGEXPO for four days, closed with the participation of nearly...

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The yields of autumn-harvested plants are favorable

Autumn crops have promising good yields, and harvesting has begun on time – the Ministry of Agriculture (MTI) announced on Monday. According to the announcement, the crop area of maize...

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KSH: full agricultural census next summer again

Next summer, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) will conduct a full agricultural census. The aim of the Agricultural Census conducted every ten years is to give a realistic, objective picture...

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The agricultural ministry focuses on drought prevention tasks

Instead of dealing with drought damage, after the damage happened, the focus should be on prevention-related tasks – emphasized Feldman Zsolt, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture at...

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The Takarék Group expands its independent agricultural business to a nationwide network

The Takarék Group expands its independent agricultural business to a nationwide network, introducing new products and a new service model to serve its customers to help grow domestic agriculture –...

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Minister of Agriculture: farmers must be supported to be able to handle climate change well

Minister of Agriculture Nagy István pointed out at the meeting of EU agriculture ministers that farmers should be protected and supported in order to be able to respond adequately to...

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The NAIK invites young agricultural researchers to apply

The National Center for Agricultural Research and Innovation (NAIK) is announcing a call for PhD students and young researchers in the field of agriculture, known as the National Agricultural Talent...

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NAK: 150-200 thousand hectares are irrigated in Hungary

Irrigation is practiced in Hungary on about 150-200 thousand hectares, which is comparatively small compared to the Hungarian possibilities, because there would be a demand for irrigation on 400 thousand...

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An agricultural logistics center and a cold store were handed over Nemesvámos

An agricultural logistics center and a cold store have been handed over in Nemesvámos, Veszprém county. The investment cost 274 million HUF. At the handover ceremony on Friday, Sövényházi Balázs,...

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Public Procurement Authority: last year 7 percent of all public procurement was linked to the agricultural sector

Almost 7 percent of all public procurement last year was attributable to the agricultural sector – Rigó Csaba Balázs, President of the Public Procurement Authority told M1 news channel. The...

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The agricultural machinery market continued to expand in the first half of the year

After the record of previous years, the agricultural machinery market continued to expand in Hungary in the first half of the year; farmers and agricultural entrepreneurs bought new machinery for...

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Farmers in Zala County expect a good harvest

In Zala County, 6500 hectares of sunflower, 29 551 hectares of corn, 5354 hectares of soybean and 140 hectares of sugar beet are expected to be harvested in the autumn....

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The 79th OMÉK presents modern Hungarian agriculture

The 79th National Agricultural and Food Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK), the largest agricultural event in Hungary, will begin in just over a week. The event will take place between 26-29...

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Resistant seeds will become more sought after due to climate change

Although Hungarian farmers are still looking primarily for plant varieties with higher yields and good quality, in the long run, demand may shift towards seeds that are more tolerant of...

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Growth in agricultural producer prices has slowed down

In July, the annual growth rate of agricultural producer prices declined to a single-digit level. Following a 10.5 percent rise in June, acquisition prices were 8.5 percent higher in July...

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The irrigation of the Trans-Tisza lands is also ensured by the renewal of the Eastern Main Canal

More than three billion HUF of EU funding has been used to renovate the tools of the Eastern Main Canal in the last three years, which will allow irrigation of...

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AM Minister of State: The Ministry has launched a strategy for gene conservation

This year, the implementation of the plans set out in the gene conservation strategy was started with the provision of a 12.3 billion HUF funding, the Minister of State of...

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NAK: rainy weather helps to sow rape, but made sunflower harvesting difficult

The rainy weather of the past few days has helped the sowing of winter rape, but it has made the harvesting of sunflower somewhat difficult – the National Department President...

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Nagy István: there is 60 percent higher production potential in Hungarian agriculture

Hungarian agriculture has 60 percent more production potential than today – the Minister of Agriculture said at the opening ceremony of the 32nd Bábolna Farmers’ Day on Thursday. Nagy István,...

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Nagy István: strategic goal is to establish a domestic soybean processing plant

A domestic processing plant would serve the domestic preservation of the soy produced in Hungary and the whitening of the sector, therefore its establishment is a strategic goal – Nagy...

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The programs of the Kiskunfélegyháza Goose Festival are extended every day

All eleven districts of Bács-Kiskun County will present their values at the Kiskunfélegyháza Goose Festival on 6 and 7 September in the framework of County Days. Kovács-Csonka Szilvia, director of...

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Nagy István: agriculture will be able to produce more safely and competitively next year

The expanding agriculture budget will allow safer and more competitive production in 2019, the agriculture minister said at a press conference in Budapest on Thursday. Nagy István stressed that from...

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Agricultural output reached 2,720 billion HUF last year

Agricultural production has grown spectacularly in recent years, with output of the sector reaching 2,720 billion HUF in 2018 and only 1,686 billion HUF in 2010, making Hungary the strongest...

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Nagy István: Digital Agriculture Strategy means a change of era in agriculture

The development of Hungary’s Digital Agricultural Strategy (DAS) will mark a turning point, and the measures contained therein will promote the digitalisation of Hungarian agriculture and increase its competitiveness –...

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This year the sweet corn crop may be lower than average

Due to extreme weather this year, sweet corn production may fall slightly short of the 500,000 tonne average of the recent years, while purchase prices are rising – according to...

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Climate change provides both tasks and opportunities for the economy

Climate change gives not only an additional task, but also opportunities for businesses and the economy in general – OTP Bank says in an analysis based on research by the...

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The largest cow farms

One of the German agricultural portals has gathered the world’s largest farms – origo wrote. These farms breed hundreds of thousands of cows and have millions of hectares of land....

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German farmers closed another poor harvest season

The summer harvest season in Germany has again been poor and workers have been hard to find, according to a report by the National Association of Farmers (DBV) published on...

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