Tag "Magyar Pékszövetség"

A record number of entries were received for the 13th Saint Stephen’s Day Bread Competition

This year, the largest number of products entered the professional competition announced by the Hungarian Bakers’ Association for the 13th time: almost 100 bakery products were nominated by Hungarian-owned baking...

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SIRHA Budapest 2024 A HoReCa szektor legnagyobb hazai ünnepe

Március 5-én nyitja kapuit Közép-Kelet-Európa legjelentősebb nemzetközi élelmiszeripari és HoReCa szakkiállítása. A SIRHA Budapest már hatodik alkalommal várja a hazai és külföldi szakembereket a HUNGEXPO Budapest Kongresszusi és Kiállítási Központba!...

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Rationalisation in the baking industry

According to József Septe, president of the Hungarian Baker Association, production costs peaked in August-September 2022 This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/12-01 “Raw material prices got...

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Mindennapi kenyereink

Idén már tizenkettedik alkalommal hirdette meg szakmai versenyét a Magyar Pékszövetség. A megmérettetés célja 2023-ban is a sütőipari vállalkozásának ösztönzése volt izgalmasabb, újítóbb, rendhagyó péktermékek megalkotására, így gazdagítva a hazai kenyérválasztékot. A...

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This is how the bread competition of the Hungarian Bakers’ Association ended

True to the traditions of the Hungarian Bakers’ Association, in 2023 it held its bread competition for the twelfth time. The public was able to meet for the first time...

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The 2nd round of judging of the St. Stephen’s Day bread competition of the Hungarian Bakers’ Association was successfully completed

Fresh bread with a crispy crust, bread tied with a national ribbon, seeded buns, red-white-green loaves, onion-honey and raspberry-pistachio flavored bakery products. These are just a few examples of the...

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This year, the Hungarian Bakers’ Association organized a national professional competition

Fresh bread with a crispy crust, bread tied with a national ribbon, seeded buns, red-white-green loaves, onion-honey and raspberry-pistachio flavored bakery products – these are some examples of the products...

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Hungarians buy fewer baked goods

The majority of Hungarian bakeries escaped closure, however, due to the rising price of bread, the population buys less baked goods. According to the president of the Hungarian Bakers’ Association,...

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According to the Hungarian Bakers’ Association, bread continues to become more expensive

In Hungary, the highest food inflation in the Union was measured in August compared to a year ago: bread, meat, cheese and many basic foodstuffs rose in price the most...

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It is not enough that bread has become more expensive by 70 percent, it can be even more expensive

Escaping overhead is also a serious problem for Hungarian bakery businesses – Pénzcentrum points out in a recent article. And although the Hungarian Bakers’ Association does not yet have specific...

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Südback 2022

The Südback Trade Fair in Stuttgart is one of the most important European industry meeting points for artisan bakeries. Buliczka Tünde, an employee of the Hungarian Bakers’ Association and editor-in-chief...

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This year’s theme of Magyar Ízek Utcája is revolves around grain

True to the traditions of the Hungarian Bakers’ Association, it organized its Bread Competition for the eleventh time. The public was able to meet for the first time the first...

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This is what you need to know about this year’s Bread Competition of the Hungarian Bakers’ Association

True to the traditions of the Hungarian Bakers’ Association, it organized its Bread Competition for the eleventh time. The public was able to meet the first prize winner of the...

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(HU) Minden szempontból nagy sikert hozott az ötödik Sirha Budapest

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Focusing on developing the network of own shops

The Hungarian Baker Association will have its own pavilion at the Sirha trade show. President József Septe told our magazine: their primary message for the trade will be that in...

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Magazine: Sirha Budapest 2022: Hungary’s biggest celebration of the HoReCa sector

Once again Sirha Budapest will open its gates between 22 and 24 March in 2022, at the HUNGEXPO Budapest Congress and Exhibition Center. The biggest food and HoReCa trade show...

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Magazine: Transforming bakery industry

József Septe, president of the Hungarian Bakers’ Association informed that the number of currently active 900 bakery enterprises is expected to decrease to 500 by 2023. At the moment these...

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Sirha Budapest 2022 – The biggest food and HoReCa event in Central and Eastern Europe

Once again the HUNGEXPO Budapest Congress and Exhibition Center will host the Sirha Budapest trade show in 2022, where the crème de la crème of the food, bakery and confectionery,...

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Magazine: Have a nice breakfast!

Ákos Bősze, METRO’s business development executive (HoReCa) told our magazine that the breakfast service of restaurants seems to be one of the fastest-recovering segments in hospitality. In the period before...

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Registration for Sirha Budapest has already started!

In 2022 Sirha Budapest, one of Central and Eastern Europe’s biggest food, baking, confectionery, hotel and hospitality, packaging and gastronomy trade shows will take place later than usual, between 22...

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Breads of Hungary in 2020

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Magazine: Programmes at Sirha Budapest

Bocuse d’Or Hungarian selection 5 February 2020 – Pavilion A, competition stage On the second day of Sirha Budapest it will be decided who is going to represent Hungary in...

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Bakeries are the place to get your daily bread!

József Septe, president of the Hungarian Baker Association talked to our magazine about how the baking industry had been suffering for years from the loss they were making on the...

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Sirha Budapest 2020

According to the participants of the 7th AUTOMOTIVE HUNGARY exhibition of international automotive industry suppliers and the concurrently organized AutótechnikaAutodiga exhibition, both events were highly successful in terms of their...

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The Bakery Association reacted: this is why bread in Hungary could become more expensive

In a tight market environment, the surge in prices has reached domestic bakery companies, which have a major role in supply, which also affects the production of the most basic...

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Sirha Budapest 2020: The biggest Hungarian celebration of everything food

Our magazine asked Klára Tihanyi, exhibition director of Sirha Budapest 2020 about the food, baking and confectionery, HoReCa, packaging and gastronomy trade fair. ‘In 2018 about 300 exhibitors from 17...

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Hungary’s best breads

In 3 categories almost 50 breads have entered the 8th Bread Competition of the Hungarian Baker Association. For the first time not only association members, but anyone could enter the...

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Sirha Budapest: registration has started

The next Sirha Budapest regional-scope food and hospitality trade show will take place on 4-6 February 2020. Last time 21,500 professional visitors from 35 countries came to the HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair...

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The Ministry of Agriculture would use a single national trademark

The Ministry of Agriculture wants to create a new state qualification system that would substitute all other quality labels, creating a single strong trademark – the Minister of Agriculture said...

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It is now official: the baking industry sells the most important baked goods for less than the production cost

The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) had analysed the production cost and profitability of the most important baked goods and they found: the price retailers pay to bakers for certain...

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