Tag "kutatás"

What are you going to eat when you grow up?

Most office workers have lunch in the office and they eat what they brought from home; this is especially true for 18-30 year old workers – informed a representative online...

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From the top online FMCG retail markets 4 will be European by 2023

According to IGD, calculating with a 20-percent annual growth, by 2023 the world’s top 10 online FMCG retail markets will produce a value of EUR 200 billion – and 4...

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Digitization could bring nine billion euros to Hungary according to a survey

Up to 9 billion euros can be added to the performance of the Hungarian economy by 2025, according to the recent survey of McKinsey & amp; Company. According to the...

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OMV: Hungarian motorists choose espresso

Still the espresso is the favorite of the Hungarian drivers, but they are increasingly open to other types of coffee as well – according to OMV Hungária’s data. In the...

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HENT: over 50 percent of people think that forgery is dangerous

The proportion of those who believe that forgery is dangerous increased significant since last year, with 8 percentage points to 51 percent. The forgery of intellectual property industries in Hungary...

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Price vs. speed: What is more important in the field of logistics solutions?

The results of a survey by Olcsóbbat.hu from 2018 have revealed: reliability is almost as important as the price of the service when an online shop chooses a logistics service...

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The most common herbicide can be responsible for the destruction of bees

The most common herbicide, the glyphosate can be Indirectly responsible for the destruction of bees – according to a US study. A study by the University of Texas at Austin...

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We would also pay for plastics to disappear

Due to the favorable consumer feedback, HEINEKEN Hungária has decided to continue its campaign launched in May promoting plastic-free glasses. According to the experiences of the May campaign and the...

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FM: research and development co-operations can be established with African countries

Research and development co-operations can be established between Hungary and the states of Africa. The Ministry of Agriculture also plans to establish a Hungarian- African ecological institute for organic agriculture...

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The National Agricultural Research and Innovation Center has received funding for climate change research

The National Agrarian Research and Innovation Center (NAIK) won 635.61 million HUF EU funding for climate change research. The NAIK told MTI on Thursday that research has been conducted at...

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The KETGATE project helps in the innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises

The Bay Zoltán Research Center and its Central European partners make their research infrastructure and innovation services available to the domestic small and medium-sized enterprises within the framework of the...

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Cheese is the heroine of dairy products?

The study, by the University of Michigan, took a look at which items act as the 'drugs of the food world'. The researchers discovered pizza was one of the world's...

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A joint research and development project was launched by Pick and the University of Szeged

With the help of EU support, a joint research and development project has been launched by Pick and the University of Szeged (SZTE), aiming to find innovative solutions to improve...

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Magazine: How do shoppers see retail chains?

Why is people’s perception of retailers important? Because subjective reasons also come into the picture when they decide where to do the shopping. In March Kantar Hoffmann conducted a shopping...

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The majority check whether the food is Hungarian

The vast majority of the respondents prefer Hungarian food rather than foreign products – the survey of the Research and Marketing Institute of the Budapest University of Economics (BGE) reveals....

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Hungarian households are more and more optimistic

According to internationally representative research carried out by teh Provident Pénzügyi Zrt. (Provident Financial Co.) and its parent company the International Personal Finance (IPF), one third of Hungarian respondents have...

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Collaboration to increase protein crop production

Strategic agreements were signed by organizations interested in agricultural research to make soy and other protein crops more efficient, in the framework of the National Agricultural Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK)...

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Magazine: Consumer protection: people know less than they think

I know, I have seen it, I have heard it – practically every retailer has already heard these words from complaining customers. What customers tend to forget about is that...

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Hungarians support the reduction of cash

Sixty percent of the Hungarians agree that the shadow economy can be reduced in Hungary by increasing electronic payment solutions and reducing cash – portfolio.hu reported the latest Mastercard research....

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NGM: researchers won 7.6 billion HUF grant

Twenty research institutes have won a development aid of 7.6 billion HUF in the framework of two calls from the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Program (VEKOP) – Rákossy Balázs, Minister...

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Research for food safety

Reducing food-related illnesses and deepening the knowledge of the population’s food chain security is the goal of the EU research project that was launched with the participation of the National...

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E-commerce is booming all across Europe

In Europe, the quarter of Internet users buy something every week in the online space, while among the Hungarians, the ratio is 18 percent – the Masterindex European e-commerce and...

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Logistics to miss out on digitalisation?

Logistics experts are worried that the sector will fall behind as the process of digitalisation is speeding up – revealed the Continental Mobility Study 2016. 9 percent of experts were...

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Nielsen: Are you satisfied with your salary?

According to a Nielsen survey, fewer Hungarians are satisfied with their salary than consumers in neighbouring countries. Austrians are the most happy with their present salary, followed by Slovakians, Croats...

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K&H: agricultural enterprises expect growth

The majority of agricultural companies expect increase, their investment intentions are also stronger than the investment intentions of other companies, but they expect to face many challenges in the coming...

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Ipsos: the volume of domestic online purchases may expand by ten percent

In Hungary, the volume of online spending will increase by 10 percent in 2017, while the value of orders from foreign webshops is expected to increase by 19 percent –...

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Budapest Bank: the domestic companies are cautiously optimistic

Most the Hungarian CEOs are cautiously optimistic in terms of economic prospects. As the result of the increased orders close to 90 thousand new jobs may be created in the...

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Shared property, shared reviews

Although we got not much closer to the concept of community / share -based economy, in recent years this economic model is gaining ground, not only internationally, but also in...

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The Hungarian Internet users devote 30 thousand HUF for Christmas this year

This year, the Internet users can buy 12 percent more gifts from the shops for Christmas, compared to last year. This year, the Internet users will spend 30 500 HUF...

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Young people are easier to achieve with “cool, trendy, innovative” consumer accolades

The manufacturers are in renewal compulsion not only in connection with their products but also in connection with the related recognitions as well. A consumer fee can significantly increase the...

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