Tag "konferencia"

GVH: World Competition Law Meeting was successfully concluded

The annual online conference of the International Competition Network (ICN), which brings together the world’s competition authorities, organized this year by the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) was closed successfully, the...

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The success of precision farming is also related to generational change

In Hungary, precision farming is mainly used by farmers with higher education under the age of 40, so the success of precision technologies also depends in part on the success...

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Finnovation is a new online conference by FinnAgora about sustainability and green solutions

FinnAgora organises a new online conference entitled “Sustainable Finance and a Green Economy in Europe” as part of the Finnovation series.  In addition to sustainability and green transition, webinarium discusses...

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(HU) Magyar Termék AGÓRA online konferencia: “Lépj ki a dobozból!”

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SAP Customer Experience Summit: customer acquisition and service at its best in the new post-pandemic market environment

According to a global research contucted by interviewing nearly 2,000 business leaders, the key to the recovery from the crisis caused by the pandemic is automating processes, while simultaneously providing...

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The pandemic has a devastating effect on the mood of workers. Fluctuations can explode after the pandemic

The world of work has changed a lot in the last year: while many continue to struggle with mask wearing and coronavirus testing in offices, even more have been working...

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Font Sándor: agriculture is one of the most important sectors in all countries

Agriculture is one of the most important sectors in all countries, so both EU member states and applicants for EU membership must pay special attention to agricultural issues – the...

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(HU) Sikeres trade marketing stratégiák Óperencián innen és túl

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How the customer experience will be a real business benefit

Recently, there has been a growing need for company decision-makers to more consciously manage the customer experience (CX), to redesign the relationship with customers. Consumer habits are changing at a...

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PLMA is actively starting the year

According to the news of the Private Label Manufacturers Association, two major online private label events will take place in February 2021. Private Label Week focuses on North America and...

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Shop!X 2020 – building a sustainable future

Shop!X will go beyond environmental issues to find solutions for the critical issues that face every part of our industry on the virtual event 9-12. November 2020. Lectures, workshops, labs...

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International Conference on Misleading Advertisings

On 6 November 2020, for the eighth time, an English-language conference will be organized by the Pázmány Péter Catholic University JÁK Competition Law Research Center to present current issues of...

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It was exactly a month ago that we opened the doors of this year’s Business Days conference

… and we were waiting for our guests for the Trade Festival. We are very much prepared every year, but better than anything this year. We are very worried and...

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Think.BDPST will be launched in a week

One of the most important regional innovation conferences will open next Friday in Budapest with the participation of Věra Jourova, Vice-President of the European Commission. For the first time, the...

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At the METU TEDx conference, we will learn what the recipe for successful innovation is

For the third time, the Budapest Metropolitan University (METU) is organizing its own TEDx conference related to the world-famous TED series of events. The event brought to life by the...

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Tokaj is one of the most prominent regions of Hungarian wine production

Tokaj is one of the most outstanding regions of Hungarian wine production, said the Minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office at a World Heritage professional conference in Tállya,...

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Expert vulnerabilities in global food supply chains

The coronavirus pandemic has shown that global food supply chains are vulnerable. The highest level of uncertainty in soybean production due to high exports – Hollósi Dávid, managing director of...

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The “Most Successful Promotion of the Year 2019” awards were presented at the online professional day

  The “Most Successful Promotion of the Year 2019” awards were presented at the online professional day. Exciting presentations, great entries, valuable awards, proud winners, and nearly 100 people attended...

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Online conference on the present and future of promotions

Who and how promotion affect people? What were your most successful promotions in 2019 and why? What could be the key to the secret to enticing promotions? How do customers...

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Healthy people and healthy planet. Our future depends on sustainable food production

While the survival of supply chains is now the key issue, we need to address the challenge of developing a sustainable food system that is essential to maintaining human and...

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Environmental protection and digitalisation are the greatest challenges

Between 13 and 15 November 2019 the Hungarian Cosmetics and Household Chemicals Association (KOZMOS) organised its annual conference. Our magazine interviewed István Murányi, general secretary of KOZMOS. How long does...

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(HU) Magyar Vendéglátók Ipartestületének konferenciája a Sirha Budapest kiállításon

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Magazine: Food waste conference report

On 11 September the Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises (KSZGYSZ)0 hosted a conference on food waste, with speakers from 10 different fields of the sector. The presentations had a connection...

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Hundreds of domestic webshops can commit infringements

It is difficult for them to comply with the law, so hundreds of domestic online shops often risk million HUF worth fines – was said at the conference of EY....

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Nagy István: Investment in the agricultural economy has grown significantly in recent years

Last year, Hungarian farmers spent 355 billion forints on development, 11 percent more than in 2017 at unchanged prices – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said at a conference on...

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Tourism Summit 2019 – Hungarian Tourism Agency: its is the golden age of tourism in Hungary

Hungarian tourism is at its golden age and the sector has never had as much support as it does now – Guller Zoltán, CEO of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ)...

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Water World Summit – A paradigm shift is needed

The most important recommendation of the 2019 World Summit on Water in Budapest, if adopted by the conference that our actions in water management had to be fundamentally rethought –...

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Magazine: Parliamentary reckoning

The Business Days conference has become ‘the’ conference of the trade by now, a real ‘PRIME EVENT BRAND’ of the Hungarian FMCG sector. It is needless to say that this status...

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Invitation to BGE’s 50th Anniversary Professional Conference

The Faculty of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism of the Budapest University of Economics (BGE) this year celebrates the 50th anniversary of the establishment of its predecessor, the College of Commerce...

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It takes two at the end of the year

In the December period logistics partners can provide quality service if the retailers give them good estimations for the expected number of parcels, and if they prepare the parcels for...

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