Tag "Future Talks"

Ágnes Pataki: “We have to be satisfied with ourselves’

Open to The World – this is title of the biography of model, businesswoman and producer Ágnes Pataki, who was Szilvia Krizsó’s guest in the latest episode of the Future...

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László Mérő: ‘We need to know lots of unnecessary things!’

For him playing is like praying for religious people: it is the glue that holds together his existence – László Mérő was Szilvia Krizsó’s guest in the latest episode of...

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Dénes Kemény: ‘If we do something, let’s do it at the highest level possible’

Associate professor, motivation trainer and former head coach of the national water polo team – Dénes Kemény was Szilvia Krizsó’s guest in the latest episode of the Future Talks podcast....

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Gábor Máté: ‘The biggest question is the future of theatre’

The pandemic period was hard for him, but at the same time he did his best to be a good leader and boosted the morale of colleagues with his optimism...

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Magazine: Zsófi Mautner: ‘Cricket protein can be an alternative for the third world’

Szilvia Krizsó’s guest was ‘cooking lady’ Zsófi Mautner in Trade magazine’s podcast series, Future Talks; you can read the full interview at futuretalks.hu. Szilvia Krizsó: – Why do you call...

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Péter Geszti: ‘We always think about tomorrow only and never the day after that’

He loves creating creative content, but leaves the business side to someone else. Music is the most important for him, because this is where he can find a special moment...

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Dr András Vértes: Healthcare and education are the top priorities

He would like to see a truly European Hungary in 10-15 years’ time, but he thinks many things will have to change for this – GKI president Dr András Vértes...

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Magazine: Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy: ‘We are in an accelerating time spiral’

Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy, former president of the Budapest Stock Exchange was Szilvia Krizsó’s guest in Trade magazine’s podcast series, Future Talks. You can watch/listen to the full interview at futuretalks.hu –...

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Kitti Almási: ‘What we will remember isn’t the number of our followers in social media…’

Will we have personal conversations in the future? Will we need friends? These are two of the topics that host Szilvia Krizsó talked about with clinical psychologist Kitti Almási in...

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Zsófi Mautner: ‘Hungarian cuisine will be very trendy in two years’ time’

Will we eat crickets? Will Hungary become a culinary stronghold at a world level? These are just two of the topics that host Szilvia Krizsó discussed with food writer Zsófi...

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Krisztián Nyáry: ‘Being well-read isn’t a prerequisite of being a successful member of society any more’

Krisztán Nyáry, writer and creative director of Líra Group compared the effects of reading print and digital texts, and talked about the relationship between IQ and reading books, the proliferation...

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Annamária Tari: ‘Social media stole the carefree childhood in the blink of an eye’

What happens to children’s brains if they are using digital devices? How does online presence change their personalities and the way they see themselves? Clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst Annamária Tari...

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Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy: ‘Bank system is not the house on fire. It’s the fireman’

How is the digital revolution turning our lives upside down and do we need to change to be able to stay on our feet? Can China ever overtake the United...

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András Simor: Fear motivates for saving money for the long term

Trade magazin’s Business Podcast, Future Talks with Szilvia Krizsó continues In the latest episode of the Future Talks podcast Szilvia Krizsó’s guest was András Simor, economist, a member of Erste...

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Dr István Peták: ‘The pieces of the puzzle are laid out on the table’

His team’s personalised cancer therapy medical technology device finished first in a world contest called Get in the Ring, where 25,000 start-ups were competing. Dr István Peták, physician and molecular...

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Trade magazin launches Business Podcast: Future Talks with Szilvia Krizsó – ‘Those who step on the gas too hard will come out of this badly’

…said György Jaksity, chairman of the board of directors at Concorde, the first guest in Trade magazine’s new podcast series, Future Talks. In the following you can read parts of...

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…well, as a matter of fact we have actually never closed down. There was only one day during the first wave of the pandemic when we didn’t work for a...

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Péter Oszkó: ‘Humanity has to face more and more unexpected challenges’

Although he says he can’t see the future, the former Minister of Finance and the founder of Hungary’s first venture capital trust Péter Oszkó gave a very accurate and detailed...

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György Jaksity: ‘In some sense it was us who created this situation’

Why is it a good decision to let the younger generations take leading positions? Are we able to decide rationally, or are we always influenced by our emotions? What kind...

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Future Talks with Szilvia Krizsó – Trade magazin’s Business Podcast starts now!

Have you ever thought about using a time machine to see the future? So that you know what you need to do and avoid in the present to become successful...

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