Tag "fogyasztói magatartás"

Az emberek 85%-a hetekkel karácsony előtt elkezdi az ajándékok beszerzését

A megemelkedett árak miatt az emberek kétharmada jóval tudatosabban vásárol az idei ünnepi szezonban; a válaszadók fele külön költségvetést is készít az ünnepi kiadások kapcsán – mutatják az AI-alapú globális...

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GKID research: We spend less, but order more online before Christmas

Although the number of online orders is increasing spectacularly compared to last year’s data, this is largely due to the rise of foreign e-traders, according to GKID’s current e-commerce survey...

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Survey: we would need a shopping-free period

Compulsion to buy and overconsumption, or Black Friday is upon us again. But as a result of the promotions, in many cases, some of the products purchased unnecessarily end up...

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We spend more than we originally planned

Although consumer awareness is growing in a high inflation environment, impulses are still decisive in the shopping habits of Central and Eastern European consumers – revealed the Publicis Groupe survey,...

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Euromonitor International: 6 global consumer trends from 2024

The annual report reveals emerging trends that provide insights into consumers’ evolving values and explores how their behaviour is redefining their shopping motivations and needs. It examines how the impact of Artificial...

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Hungarians plan to spend HUF 11,000 more this Christmas

Compared to last year, Hungarians plan to spend HUF 11,000 more at Christmas, and this year the price of the gift is a less important aspect, a new research revealed....

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Hungarians continue to work, yet the risk of impoverishment has increased among workers who are about to retire

Despite the population decline experienced in the last ten years, the latest census data of the National Statistical Office show that labor market activity is higher among generations, especially over...

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Stores are still more popular than webshops

Due to the rise of e-commerce solutions, many people in trade might have thought that traditional stores were dying. However, customers seem to have a different opinion and are not...

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K&H: “everyday” costs HUF 60,000 more per month

There is still hardly anyone who does not spend more on living than a year earlier, according to the second-quarter K&H secure future survey, which examined changes in the expenses...

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Media Markt CFO: Consumer habits have completely changed

The impact of the high interest rate environment has brought significant changes to consumer lending, with a decrease in 0% APR loans and an increase in loans with 15% APR....

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One fifth of the annual turnover is realized in the summer on the toy market

Hungarian families typically buy beach toys for HUF 2-5,000 in the summer, the best sellers being water pistols, inflatables and sandbox toys – according to recent research by REGIO JÁTÉK....

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97 percent of society has hit a savings glass ceiling due to inflation

Fewer than 300,000 households in Hungary have more than HUF 3-5 million in savings, but it is increasingly difficult to get into this group. For 97% of the society, the...

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More than a third of young people with reserves could live without income for a maximum of one month

According to the results of the first quarter of the K&H youth index, a significant number of young people are in a financially fragile situation. 49 percent of the 19-29-year-old...

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K&H: how much do Hungarians spend on vacation?

Hungarians planning a vacation this year spend an average of HUF 296,000 on vacation, compared to HUF 247,000 a year earlier, according to K&H’s first quarter survey, which examined the...

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Young people keep the spirits up in the world’s most pessimistic country

Even in a global context, Hungarians see their own financial situation and the fate of the country’s economy the most pessimistically, according to the Hungarian data published for the first...

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EY: It’s getting more expensive to live, many think it will get even worse

People around the world are worried about the rising cost of living, and many fear that the economic situation will get even worse, according to EY’s international survey of 21,000...

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Visa: 83 percent of Hungarians traveling abroad pay by bank card

This year, 32 percent of Hungarians plan to travel abroad, and 83 percent of them indicated that they would like to pay with a bank card or smart device during...

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K&H: thinking was completely transformed by inflation

The decisions of Hungarian customers in their 30s, 40s and 50s are now fundamentally influenced by inflation, partly they pay more attention to what they buy, partly they have reduced...

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K&H: the monthly cost of living for Hungarians has increased by HUF 10,000

Monthly living expenses have grown much more than incomes, according to the K&H Safe Future survey, which examined the situation of the 30-59 age group. 92 percent of respondents spend...

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Planned intralogistics processes as a long-term investment

While e-commerce volumes were growing steadily until two years ago, the pandemic shutdowns of 2020 and 2021 significantly accelerated the shift to online commerce and changed the world’s shopping habits....

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Where is the line drawn: when do we talk about excessive shopping?

For many of us, the beginning of the year is about renewal, starting over, and getting rid of our bad habits. Yet this is in interesting contrast to the end...

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Inflation’s impact on the food shopping of households

Analysing per capita spending data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), published in 2021, what we see is that in 2020 Hungarian households spent the most on buying food (26.1%)...

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K&H: What worries the citizens of the world?

The term “sustainability” has entered the vocabulary of everyday life. According to a research covering 34 countries, among the problems that concern people, the most frequently used concepts – such...

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Intrum: most Hungarians save on their stomachs

According to Intrum’s 2022 European Consumer Payments Survey (ECPR), about a third of society in Hungary is increasingly cut off financially: in the second half of 2022, 31.4 percent said...

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Hungarians save a lot with coupons

What else can we save? The question affects almost everyone in our country, since “thanks” to inflation, the prices of even the most basic products are much higher today, almost...

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Compulsive awareness: the price is still the most important thing when buying, but it does not matter what we get for it

We usually delve into the topic for weeks, and only after a long consideration do we decide to buy a higher-value technical item. In addition to price and functions, energy...

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K&H: there are more and more pessimistic young people now, but many are optimistic about the future

Young people have a very mixed view of their current situation and their future. The K&H youth index was only +2 points in the fourth quarter, which is one of...

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67% of Hungarians spend less than HUF 30,000 for Christmas this year

The effect of inflation has a strong influence on the budget for gifts this year: 53% of those surveyed said that they will spend less on gifts this year than...

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Most of the savings of Hungarian households are completely unprotected against inflation

While the wealthy are getting richer, the coffers of representatives of the lower income classes are extremely vulnerable in such a high inflation environment. Currently, barely a tenth of domestic...

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Consumers can spend less for Christmas this year

The effect of inflation can be felt, that is, it is clear: the monthly income is no longer enough for Christmas – it is clear from the report of ATV...

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