Tag "Coca Cola"

100% recyclable KeelClip™ cardboard packaging replaces shrink film on Coca-Cola aluminum can multipack packages

Coca-Cola Hungary has reached another milestone on its journey to a Waste-Free World: the company is replacing the previous shrink film used for multipack aluminum cans in packages 4 and...

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Coca-Cola reduces its plastic consumption by 230 tons per year

Coca-Cola Magyarország will reduce its plastic consumption in the country by almost 230 tons annually with an investment of more than 800 million HUF, the company told MTI on Wednesday....

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Coca-Cola is leaving Russia

Previously, Coca-Cola said it has not and will not stop its operations in Russia. Still, Coca-Cola is suspending operations in Russia. This was reported on the company’s website on Tuesday,...

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Help today, because tomorrow is too late!

The Chain Bridge Club was founded in 2003 and in 2016 members decided to establish the Chain Bridge Foundation – and together with it the ‘Join us and be the...

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Coca-Cola strengthens reusable bottle strategy with new target for low-carbon circularity

Coca-Cola has announced a target to sell 25% of all beverages globally across its brands portfolio in refillable or returnable glass or plastic bottles, or refillable containers through traditional fountains...

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Coca-Cola Foundation working to restore wetlands

This year marks the first time that World Wetlands Day is celebrated with official support from the United Nations, raising awareness of the critical state and importance of the world’s...

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Coca-Cola, Molson Coors To Launch Simply-branded Alcoholic Drinks

Coca-Cola Co will launch Simply-branded alcoholic drinks in the United States this summer in partnership with beer giant Molson Coors Beverage Company, as the soda maker doubles down on its adult drinks portfolio. Soft-drink...

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Big Brands Call For Global Pact To Cut Plastic Production

International brands, including Coca Cola and PepsiCo, have called for a global pact to combat plastic pollution that includes cuts in plastic production, a key growth area for the oil...

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Magazine: 2020 was a record breaking year in the FMCG market

At the Business Days Gábor Tolnai, division director of Kantar Hoffmann gave a presentation. As part of this he shared the results of the Kantar Brand Footprint 2021 global study....

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Cola-Cola HBC is expanding its coffee portfolio with the Caffè Vergnano brand

As of 1 January 2022, the Coca-Cola HBC Group was among the first to start selling Caffè Vergnano premium Italian coffee products exclusively in Hungary. This opens a new and...

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Constellation Brands, Coca-Cola To Launch RTD Fresca Cocktails

Constellation Brands, Inc. has signed an agreement with Coca-Cola in the US, which will see the launch of Fresca Mixed – a new line of spirit-based, ready-to-drink cocktails. The initiative...

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What happened to unemployed young people during the epidemic?

According to the data of KSH at the end of October, although unemployment among the total population decreased compared to last year’ s level, the indicators deteriorated among young people....

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Coca-Cola to acquire controlling stake in sports drink maker BodyArmor

Coca-Cola is to buy a controlling stake in sports drink maker BodyArmor in the value of USD 5.6 billion. Coca-Cola bought a minority stake in BodyArmor back in 2018, becoming...

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Coca-Cola Magyarország has developed a new, free educational platform

From the beginning of November, the #énjövőm (#my-future) program of Coca-Cola Magyarország will move to a new, free-to-use digital platform, the company told MTI on Tuesday. The materials on the...

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Pyaterochka and Coca-Cola come out with recycled streetwear range in Russia

Russian retailer Pyaterochka has teamed up with Coca-Cola in Russia to launch a limited-edition streetwear collection made of recycled Coca-Cola bottles and other recycled materials. With the collection the retailer...

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Coca-Cola’s Christmas commercial film was filmed in Hungary

The Coca-Cola Company filmed its new global commercial film at Korda Studio in Etyek, Hungary, which will be shown from 4 November, among the first in the world in Hungary....

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A Bottle Made from Plant-Based Raw Materials

Coca-Cola has unveiled a prototype of a new bottle. According to the company, it is the first bottle made entirely of plant-based plastic (bPET), apart from the cap and label....

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Coca-Cola To Commercialise ‘Next-Generation’ Biomaterials

Coca-Cola has announced the first planned commercialisation of technologies to convert second-generation biomass to plant-based monoethylene glycol (bMEG) in association with Changchun Meihe Science & Technology and UPM. Monoethylene glycol (MEG)...

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(HU) Új vezetők a The Coca-Cola Company média csapatában

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Coca-Cola HBC pledges to become carbon neutral by 2040

The CCEP’s objective is in line with the Paris Climate Change Agreement which is set to limit the temperature rise on our planet to 1.5°C. In practice, CCEP will reduce...

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New marketing strategy and communication platform by Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola is inviting the world to celebrate the real magic of humanity in its first new global brand platform for the Coke Trademark in five years. The “Real Magic” brand...

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Coca-Cola Bottles Made From 100 Percent rPET

“On the Go” bottles for the Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Zero, Coke light, Fanta, Sprite, and mezzo mix brands, up to and including the 0.5-liter bottle, will now be sold in Germany...

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Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország replaces plastic cups in its vending machines with recyclable glasses

Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország is withdrawing its disposable plastic cups from the Hungarian market. The glasses typically used in coffee and other hot drink vending machines will be replaced by fully...

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Contactless menu card

Coca-Cole has developed a contactless menu card for smartphones, which the company makes available to Hungarian restaurants free of charge. On the new platform restaurants can customise the menu template...

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(HU) A magyar fogyasztók tesztelhetik a papírpalack prototípusát

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Magazin: Labour market 2021: The FMCG sector and retail trade became more attractive to workers

The last 15 months changed the world of labour more than the previous 10 years. From the 7,600 workers interviewed by Randstad every 8th lost their job and every 9th...

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Lives and careers abroad

Our magazine interviewed four managers who had spent a long time in other countries. Zsuzsa Szak (SZZS), general manager of beauty care at Henkel Magyarország Kft., Dániel Buzási (BD), country...

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Coca-Cola Discontinues Energy Drink In North America

Coca-Cola Co said on Friday it would discontinue its energy drink in North America, a product it launched with fanfare last year as it pushed into new beverage categories. The...

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Promotional television commercials from a neuromarketing perspective

There is fierce competition between brands and service providers, and companies have great influence on the decisions of consumers. It isn’t an easy job to conquer the hearts of consumers,...

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Magazine: Emotionally the most effective FMCG commercials in 2020

2020 created challenges for the marketing profession as well. From the spring commercials that used to serve sales and brand building purposes were focusing on solidarity and on helping each...

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