Tag "búza"

Russia will increase its wheat production area to nearly 30 million hectares this year

In Russia, 29.535 million hectares of wheat will be sown this year, more than 818,000 hectares more than in 2021, Interfax news agency quoted the Ministry of Agriculture’s data. The...

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Grain prices are high, flour may become more expensive

We need to be prepared for the fact that meat, bread and milk will definitely become more expensive in Hungary, and if all this is not enough, another flour increase...

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Biomarkers of powdery mildew infection in wheat have been identified by ATK researchers

The first reliable biomarkers of powdery mildew infection in wheat were identified by the research group of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH) Agricultural Science Research Center (ATK). In their...

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The wheat offered in the Hungarian Bread program was mixed in Ópusztaszer

The wheat offered by the Hungarian Bread – 15 Million Wheat Grains program was mixed on Friday in the Ópusztaszer National Historical Memorial Park. Farkas Sándor, Parliamentary State Secretary of...

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Bread of Hungarians: farmers can work together pretty well

The 11-year-old Bread of Hungarians charity program has reached another milestone, as the amount of wheat donation has already increased more than 100 times compared to the first year. In...

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The average yield of wheat in Tolna County exceeds six tons

The average yield of winter wheat in Tolna County is over six tons, which is higher than last year’s average, but lower than in previous years, the Tolna County President...

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Experiments on wheat, maize and rapeseed have started this year as well

The National Association of Cereal Growers (GOSZ), the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the Interbranch Organization and Product Council (VSZT) of the Seed Association have launched the survey of...

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World cereal prices skyrocket

Consumer prices rose at an unprecedented rate in April compared with a year earlier. In addition to paying much more for fuels, not a basic food has become more expensive....

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Half of spring barley and wheat have already been sown in Zala County

Half of the spring barley and wheat have already been sown in Zala county, and spring sowing has also started in the triticale and oat fields – the county president...

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FAO Food Price Index rises for ninth consecutive month in February

Global food commodity prices rose for the ninth consecutive month in February, with quotations for sugar and vegetable oils increasing the most, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United...

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India’s wheat crop could set a record

It could be a record year for wheat production in India this year – origo wrote. India, the world’s second-largest wheat producer, is unlikely to overtake China as the world’s...

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AM: this year’s wheat crop could be about 4.7 million tons

About 4.7 million tons of winter wheat were produced this year, domestic consumption is usually 2.5-3 million tons, so there is plenty remained to be exported – the Deputy State...

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Mondelez Hungary participates in the sustainable wheat production program

Hungary participates in the Mondelez International sustainable wheat production program. The Harmony wheat grown in this way was harvested in Hungary for the first time at the end of July....

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Smaller wheat yields are expected in Tolna County

Compared to the previous years, 10 percent less winter wheat can be produced in Tolna County this year, but winter barley has grown more than last year, the Tolna County...

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Harvest prospects are good, corn prices are falling

On the Chicago Board of Trade, wheat rose 1.2 percent yesterday after several days of decline – origo wrote. The corn market also moved 1.2 percent, but in the opposite...

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These two crops could be the biggest losers of this year’s drought

Last week’s rains did not eliminate the drought either, according to information received by the National Association of Cereal Growers (GOSZ), rapeseed is in a very bad condition, wheat is...

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Barilla Switches To 100% Italian Sustainable Wheat

Barilla has committed to the use of 100% Italian sustainable wheat, sourced from 13 different Italian regions, in its products. The pasta maker has selected four exclusive varieties of durum...

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GOSZ: wheat prices are rising

Demand in the grain market has pushed up the price of the old crop, while this year’s cereal crop is being negatively affected by water shortages, so interest in the...

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Less wheat can grow this year in Europe

Winter precipitation is now being replaced in most parts of Europe by rain, but there are major differences in soil moisture among the Member States. Bad start leaves its mark...

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KSH: the solid rise in agricultural prices covers big differences

In December last year, the annual increase in agricultural purchase prices moderated from 5.2 percent in November to 0.6 percent, despite the 49.5 percent rise in the purchase price of...

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Lower wheat prices

In January the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) published a forecast that says the world’s chicken production will increase by 4.5 percent to 103.5 million tons this year. According...

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The Chinese also confirmed that the US-China trade sub-agreement will be signed next week

Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Liu Ho will travel to Washington on 13 January for a three-day visit to Washington, where he will sign a partial deal to resolve the US-China...

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Agricultural economist: Hungarian agriculture is on a long-term development path

Hungarian agriculture is on a long-term growth path. Last year, output increased by more than 3 percent. compared to the previous year – Fórián Zoltán, agricultural economist told M1 news...

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More expensive oilseeds

According to data from the National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre (NAIK), the average production price of raw milk was HUF 100.48/kg in Hungary in September 2019. The export price...

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The autumn harvest was successful

The autumn harvest was successful and the prospects for the autumn sowing so far have been favorable – the Deputy Misnister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) announced...

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International food prices are slowly decreasing

On 1 August the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations reported that in July the price index of the most important produce sold in international trade had...

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There will be more wheat in the world market

The Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) of the British government has reported that data provided by egg packaging companies reveal that egg production was up 3 percent...

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This year more wheat and rapeseed were grown in Zala County

This year more wheat and rapeseed were grown in Zala County than last year, averaging over one tonne of wheat per hectare last year – the county president of the...

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The yield of cereals is quite good

Although the picture is mixed in quality, cereal grains produce better yields than previously expected. If the weather will be good, the wheat harvest will be finished by the end...

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The average wheat yield is over six tonnes in Tolna County

The average yield per hectare in Tolna County is more than six tonnes. About two-third of the harvest is high quality – according to the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK)....

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