
The cultivation of Hungarian vegetable gardens is extending more and more dynamically

The cultivation of Hungarian vegetable gardens is a dynamically spreading movement. Within three years, the number of vegetable gardens competing at the most beautiful vegetable gardens competition increased to 230...

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Consumer prices down 0.4 percent in September

Compared with September 2014, consumer prices decreased by 0.4 percent in September 2015. Grocery prices elevated 0.8 percent. Seasonal product prices augmented: potato, fresh vegetables and fruits cost 16.3 percent...

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40 companies have joined to the action for Sustainable Development the Action 2020 program already

In Hungary, 40 CEOs signed the Action 2020 program developed by the Hungarian Business Council Public Association for Sustainable Development (BCSDH). The 2020 Action program, summarizes the tasks for sustainable...

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Economy slowing down in 2015-2016

By the end of summer Hungary’s economy slowed down a little and risks started to grow. After last year’s 3.6-percent GDP growth this year will bring plus 2.7 percent; GDP...

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Foreigners are founding less companies Hungary

The number of the formation of foreign-owned, offshore companies decreased by a quarter in the past six years. The majority of the foreign companies registered in Hungary have Ukrainian owners...

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One can apply to 400 million HUF from the previous allocation of the fishery program

Those who deal with freshwater aquaculture in Hungary can apply to 400 million HUF from the previous allocation of the fishery programme. Kis Miklós Zsolt, Minister of State for Agriculture...

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The IMF would strengthen the role of consumption type taxes

It is important that the center of fiscal policy would be turned into consumption type taxes from income taxes, because, among other factors, this will help the long-term growth of...

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Unverified vegetables and fruits were seized by the Nébih in Nyíregyháza

Food chain security specialists checked a fruit and vegetable merchant checked in Nyíregyháza, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. At the roadside selling place a total of about 10 tons of potatoes, onions and...

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Optimistic Brits

In Q2 2015 grocery retail sales only fell more in Greece, Finland and Switzerland than in the United Kingdom, where value sales dropped 0.8 percent and volume sales reduced by...

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Demand for Hungarian wine in foreign markets

In the first half of 2015 Hungarian wineries exported 349,000 hectolitres of wine, 5.2 percent more than a year earlier. This represents a EUR 40-million value, which is 9 percent...

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The Consumer Protection Authority started the nationwide pre-Christmas consumer checks

The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) has begun its national pre-Christmas consumer checks that aims to filter unsafe products and to review legality – announced Perger Mónika, the Deputy Head...

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Entrepreneurship is stable despite the challenges in Hungary

The entrepreneurship around the world, including Hungary plays an increasingly important role in stimulating the economy and increasing employment. International and national data show that entrepreneurship both in Hungary and...

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Many big brands did not make a deal with the state tobacco supplier

Marlboro, Multifilter, Philip Morris, Benson & Hedges, Golden Gate, Symphonia, Mustang, Főnix, West, Gauloises, Davidoff – all these brands will soon disappear from the shelves of the tobacco shops, because...

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Conference for the GMO-free Europe

A Hungarian and an Austrian People's Party MEP organized a conference titled Fotr the GMO-free Europe, in the European Parliament's József Antall building. Before Wednesday's conference Hölvényi György, MEP one...

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The organizations using and distributing e-cigarettes turned to the social welfare committee

The organizations of the electronic cigarette users and distributors turned to the social welfare committee of the Parliament in an open letter to include them in the legislative process –...

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National Council of Pálinka becomes a public body

Based on the amendments to the law on pálinka, grape marc pálinka and the National Council of Pálinka, the National Council of Pálinka becomes a legal entity. The council will...

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FM: the chimney cake is a Szekler Transylvanian and Hungarian cake at the same time

Achim Irimescu, candidate for the Romanian Minister for Agriculture in the parliamentary committee hearing on Monday talked that he would register the chimney cake as a traditional Romanian product in...

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“The House of Mothers” has been opened in the Bethesda Children's Hospital

The worthy placement of the parents of the children has arrived to a milestone in the Bethesda Children's Hospital: The House of Mothers was handed over The project in the...

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Opening the door for Hungarian innovations

One of the Hungarian National Trading House’s (MNKH) goals is to support Hungarian startups and innovative SMEs, assisting them in entering foreign markets. CEO Zsanett Ducsai-Oláh and Kata Pál, director...

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The good news is that there is no bad news

In October the six-month negative trend came to an end in the financial markets. The good news was that there was no bad news – although none of the dangers...

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Demand for Hungarian wine in foreign markets

In the first half of 2015 Hungarian wineries exported 349,000 hectolitres of wine, 5.2 percent more than a year earlier. This represents a EUR 40-million value, which is 9 percent...

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EU restarts payment

After 5 months of debates the European Commission decided to restart payment in the first three priorities of the Economic Development Operative Programme (GOP). Hungary received HUF 210 billion for...

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The state can win 20 billion, while the chains can lose 40

The state can achieve at least twenty billion HUF tax revenue, if the large supermarket chains would be required to employ vendors to every seventy square meters, regardless of whether...

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A double-digit growth in the online advertising market

The domestic digital advertising market achieved a double-digit growth in the third quarter – the IAB Hungary told MTI. According to IAB Hungary, between early July and late September, the...

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Online Cash Registers may be introduced in the case of other service providers

The government is preparing further steps to fight against the black economy. Such steps will be the launch of the electronic billing system, as well as the introduction of the...

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Illegal alcohol plant in Kecskemét

An illegal alcohol plant was found by the finance guards of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) in Kecskemét. At the illegal alcohol plant almost one hundred thousand liters...

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Eeco-labeled products to be promoted

Tripartite Environment Minister partnership agreement was signed between the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) and the CO-OP Hungary Zrt. and the Environmentally Friendly Products Nonprofit Kft. on Thursday in Budapest. According...

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New investor buys

International investment firm Rockaway Capital announced acquiring a 100-percent share in Netretail Holding B.V, owner of the MALL brand. This step makes the company one of the biggest e-commerce enterprises...

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Rapid salmonella detection

A US company called BioDetection Instruments is developing a portable device for testing food quality and detecting salmonella infection. The device would primarily be used to test ready-to-go food. Presently...

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Bioenergy from Vajszló

As a result of a HUF 1-billion development project by Ormánsági Zöldenergia Kft., a 637-kilowatt power plant was built in Vajszló. The new plant’s annual production capacity is 4.5 gigawatt...

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