
The NGM is working on an agricultural lending stimulus package

The government is working on an incentive package to assist agricultural enterprises to get loans, in accordance with EU financial regulations – Hornung Ágnes, Minister of State for Finance in...

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The utilization of logistics real estate in Budapest has improved

14.2 percent of urban logistics real estate in the area of Budapest was empty at the end of the third quarter. A year ago this ratio was almost 20 percent...

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The marketing of e-cigarettes to be tightened

The government would tighten the marketing and the use of electronic cigarettes. According to a bill, such thing cannot be bought via the Internet in the future – the Deputy...

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Natural-foods and wines at the Millenáris

More than one hundred natural-wines of about thirty producers from the Carpathian Basin, will be available to taste at the 5th Mitiszol festival on Saturday in the Millenáris Park, where...

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According to archaeological finds, humans are keeping bees for almost 9,000 years

Traces of beeswax found on ancient pottery from Europe, the Near East and North Africa suggest the first farmers kept bees. The research, published in Nature, shows our links with...

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Cooperation between GVH and OGYÉI

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) and the National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition (OGYÉI) have signed a cooperation agreement. In the future the two organisations will help one another in...

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Weak global growth in the next two years due to China and the emerging economies

Global growth will be lacklustre over the next two years as the slowdown in China and other emerging markets continues to weigh on the world economy, Moody's Investors Service said...

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KSH: agricultural procurement prices have risen for the first time for two years

In September, the producer prices were 1.2 percent higher than a year before and thus they rose for the first time since June 2013 on a year on year comparision....

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Nearly 100 groceries have entered the Budapest Nagybani Piac program already

In September 2015 the Budapest Wholesale Market (Budapest Nagybani Piac) has launched a program called “Fresh from the Nagybani”. The program emphasizes those fruit and vegetable specialist shops that buys...

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Cooperation between the large breweries and the micro- breweries

In order to increase the supply, a cooperation has been established between the large-scale breweries and the micro- and craft breweries for this year's Főzdefeszt – Bart Dániel, director of...

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Billions have been spent on purchasing online within minutes during the “singles day” in China

Chinese consumers spent a record 91.2 billion yuan (14.3 billion USD, 9.4 billion pounds) online during the 24 hours of Singles Day this year, cementing the e-commerce extravaganza as the...

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Alcohol consumption decreased in Slovakia

The per capita alcohol consumption in Slovakia shows a downward trend – the Slovak news portal wrote on its website referring to the current statistics of the Organisation for...

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30 tons of food in the anniversary donation convoy

In the middle of October the Hungarian Food Bank Association and FAO organised a donation convoy, which travelled through the city centre of Budapest to take 30 tons of donation...

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ÉFOSZ and the Association of Confectionery Manufacturers suggest partnership

A paradigm shift has become inevitable in public health – it was revealed at the conference organised by the National Institute for Health Development (NEFI). Hungarians are still less healthy...

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Magazine: Hungary’s packaging industry produces international quality

Statistical data from the Hungarian Association of Packaging and Materials Handling (CSAOSZ) reveal that the packaging industry’s turnover was HUF 482 billion in 2014, HUF 15 billion more than in...

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GfK purchasing power: a huge gap between Europe's north-west and south-eastern part

Purchasing power in Europe climbed by around four percent this year. But purchasing power levels vary substantially across the continent and within the 42 individual countries considered by GfK’s study....

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MNB: food prices also increased inflation

In October, the annual inflation rate was 0.5 percent higher, while core inflation was 0.2 percentage points higher than in the previous month. The rise in inflation was because of...

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The National Association of Agricultural Economics and the Moving Market signed a cooperation agreement

The National Association of Agricultural Economics and the Moving Market Programme (Mozgó piac program) signed a strategic cooperation agreement on Tuesday. The Chamber of Agriculture said in a statement that...

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Medium fish harvest in Tolna County

The fish farms in Tolna county expect a medium fish harvest that will be similar to last year’s amount. This year, the Polish market can improve the export opportunities. Csibi...

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Unicum’s new promotional film quotes the heroic age of the Hungarian history

Corps equipped with whips, multi-meter sturgeons, the Parliament and Hajós Alfréd in a movie. The new promotional film of Zwack Unicum evokes the past 225 years of the outstanding heroic...

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92 percent of the corn is in the granaries

The harvesting works are approaching to the end in Zala county. More than 90 percent of the corn produced on 40 thousand hectares have already been transported to the granaries....

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The consumer protection authority tested baby chairs, diaper tables and diapers

The Hungarian National Consumer Protection Authority (NCPA) tested baby chairs, diaper tables and diapers. Two out of five baby chairs and one out of ten diaper tables did not meet...

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Million HUF fine for the marketing of fake foie gras

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) obliged a company immediate to recall its frozen duck liver products labeled as foie gras. More than two tonnes products were placed under...

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Slovaks have higher purchasing power than the Czechs

The Slovak citizens have higher purchasing power than the Czechs – the independent Pravda of Bratislava reported on Tuesday citing the analysis of the GfK market research institute. According to...

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MLSZKSZ: mass migration increases logistics costs

Mass migration and the measures imposed (temporary border closings, limiting rail freight transport, etc.) because of it by the European Union’s member states pose great challenges to logistics service providers...

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Hungarian road transport firms may become more competitive

On 28 October members of NiT Hungary (International Transporters’ Guild of Private Entrepreneurs) discussed the government’s 16-point plan to increase the competitiveness of logistics, road freight and passenger transport businesses...

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Magazine: Milk as a magnet

The price of raw milk has dropped considerably this year because of two reasons: the European Union lifted milk quotas and this created an oversupply in the market; and because...

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FruitVeB: 100 thousand tonnes less vegetables has grown

About 100 thousand tonnes less vegetables has grown this year, compared to last year. This year 1.7 million tonnes of vegetables are expected to be harvested – the President of...

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The growing area of the red pepper is decreasing rapidly

Despite the more and more support, the pepper market is in crisis. The ministry that is keen to support Hungaricums seems to be helplessly watching as fewer and fewer ground...

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The recovery of domestic demand increased imports

Analysts polled by MTI explained the 7.386 billion euros import data of September, with the recovery of the domestic demand. In September, imports grew by 8.2 percent to 7.386 billion...

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