
In trade everyone must pay a food safety supervision fee

The food safety supervision fee’s 0 percent band to be ceased, so in the future everyone must pay a food safety supervision fee in trade – due to EU complaints....

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The Nébih to test the Christmas seasonal foods

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) organizes a series of seasonal inspection before the Christmas holidays. The investigations will affect seasonal products, connected to the Christmas holidays and the...

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Negotiations about the simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy

The EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council negotiated in Brussels about the simplification of the Common Agricultural Policy and about the significant reduction in the relevant legislations. Czerván György Minister of...

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GDP growth slowed in the euro area

The growth rate of gross domestic product (GDP) decreased in the euro area, while in the EU did not change in in the third quarter, compared with the previous three...

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Container distribution centre to be built in Csepel

In April logistics company METRANS Kft. announced building their Budapest-Csepel terminal, which will open in 2017 and employ 200 people. On 22 October Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter...

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New ways in marketing

According to a joint survey by IBM and CMO Club, large companies’ marketing activity has entered a new era: the emphasis is shifting from acquiring customers to keeping them, adopting...

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Grand Prix for DanOn

DanOn programme was rewarded in the CRM and e-CRM categories at the consumer marketing Grand Prix of French magazine Stratégies. Danone first launched its international CRM programme in Hungary, creating...

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Nielsen: Hungary’s food retail sales increase continues to be on podium

Hungary is on podium again in the ranking of the European food retail growth. In Hungary, the retail revenue rose by 5.8 percent from foodstuff and household chemical products in...

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Analysts: the slowdown in growth is appropriate to the expectations

The slowdown in economic growth in the third quarter is appropriate to the expectations – according to analysts polled by MTI, who expect a growth below 3 percent throughout the...

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Russian economic relations are changing

There is still a possibility of delivering Hungarian products to the Russian market, but compared to the period before the embargo Hungary should focus on other sectors – Ducsai-Oláh Zsanett,...

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GfK: slowing the growth of long-term technical goods market

The sales of durable technical goods increased by 3.0 percent in this year's third quarter compared to the same period of the last year in Hungary. The total turnover amounted...

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Consumer prices rose in the euro zone and stagnated in the EU

According to the data, the EU’s harmonized index of consumer prices (HICP) in the euro area was 0.1 percent in October after the 0.1 percent decline of September in an...

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Jackfruit pálinka at the model farm in Uganda

A Hungarian business delegation is negotiating in Kampala of the possibilities of economic cooperation between Hungary and Uganda – wrote. After the successful negotiations it became apparent that the...

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A weapon was found at an illegal distillery

The finance guards of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) found a home-modified weapon and ammunition in an illegal distillery in Miskolc. When the raid happened the owner was...

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Price war continues in the UK

In October Lidl and Aldi improved sales by 18 percent in the United Kingdom. Both Tesco and Asda lost market share against their German competitors in the past quarter. According...

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KSH: GDP grew by 2.3 percent in the third quarter

Hungary's gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 2.3 percent in the third quarter compared to the same period of the previous year – based on an initial estimate by the...

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Tenders for the development of the fruit and vegetable sector to appear soon

In the following months, several proposals will be published to support improvements in the fruit and vegetable sector. In the applications, in addition to the individual farmers, producer marketing organizations...

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NGM: the slowdown in growth is due to the weaker performance of agriculture this year

The slowdown in GDP growth is due to the weaker agricultural performance this year, compared with last year, which is the result of the droughty summer and previous year's high...

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According to a survey the domestic online B2B trade is expanding more and more rapidly

The domestic online B2B (business to business) trade is expanding more and more rapidly in Hungary. Betwen 2013 to 2015 the annual average of proposals increased by nearly 10 percent,...

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The transit time of packages can be even fifty days during the Christmas season

The transit time of packages can be even fifty days during the Christmas period. The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) and the Magyar Posta (Hungarian Post) wrote in a...

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InternetKon: building out free wifi and VAT rate cut was proposed to the government

On the basis of the national consultations on the Internet (InternetKon), the Internet users proposed the reducing of VAT on Internet to 18 percent and free wi-fi service at all...

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Foreign trade surplus of the euro zone increased in September

According to the first estimate released by Eurostat, the European Union’s (EU) statistical office, eurozone’s trade surplus increased in September. The surplus in goods trade was 20.5 billion euros (22...

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One in twenty founding companies will be successful

Tens of thousands companies are established by domestic entrepreneurs every year in Hungary, but almost forty percent of them proves to be short-lived, and only every twentieth will produce acceptable...

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Bakers baking for people in need

On 16 October the Hungarian Baker Association organised its World Bread Day event for the 15th time. Many bakeries all over Hungary were distributing bread and other baked goods to...

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New survey on trademarks

‘HUNGARIAN PRODUCT’ Nonprofit Kft. organised a partners meeting to share the results of their latest consumer survey. Managing director Attila Kecskeméti underlined that 80 percent of respondents buy products made...

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The old fee returns

Hungary’s government decided against the new food chain supervision fee and this means that the former 0.1-percent fee returns – reported Shops with a smaller turnover mightn’t be happy...

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Sweetener is most accepted as a soft drink ingredient

A survey conducted on sweeteners by Szinapszis this summer found that the proportion of conscious buyers increased in the soft drink, fruit juice, confectionery and fruit product categories, in terms...

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Magazine: Skin care matters even more in cold weather

Women’s skin care is a category that full of challenges, because the market of widely used products is in stagnation. Economic recession made the category suffer, as body care isn’t...

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The impact of the Black Friday and the Sunday store closure on domestic e-commerce

The Christmas season begins with the Black Friday in e-commerce, while despite the Sunday store closure we still not buy more online – according to the joint Online Retail Index...

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Cofidis: the Hungarian households intend to spend an average of 43 thousand HUF for Christmas expenditure

The Hungarian households intend to spend an average of 43 thousand HUF for Christmas expenditure this year, of which 29 thousand HUF is planned to be spent on gifts, only...

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