
A daily dose of green lettuce can keep the brain young

A daily dose of green lettuce can help keep memory and keep the brain fresh from age, according to the authors of a US study. Researchers of the Health Center...

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Swine fever appeared again in the Czech Republic

African swine fever was detedted again in the eastern Moravian Zlín region. The Czech authorities have imposed further strict measures. In recent days, the local population found at least seven...

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Magazine: NAV’s online eyes can watch 50,000 billion forints worth of transactions

The test period for online invoicing has already started: with the invoicing software of companies being connected online to the system of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV), the...

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FM: The year starts with a VAT reduction in the food industry

From January, a further VAT reduction is taking place in the food industry. Nagy István, the Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told M1 news channel...

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Vámos György: online retail sales could expand by 20 percent in 2017

The turnover of online commerce has grown to tenfold in ten years, by the end of 2016, reaching 300 billion forints and increased by 20 percent in 2017 – Vámos...

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SuperStore competition winners

In 2017 Trade magazin and Trade Marketing Club organised a competition – called SuperStore – for stores which have their registered company seat in Hungary. There were nearly 20 competition entries...

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Bisnode: The number of operating companies fell by 1.22 percent last year

The number of company establishments have increased slightly and the number of company cancellations has decreased considerably. The number of operating companies decreased by 1.22 percent last year in Hungary...

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The world’s most expensive vodka was stolen from a Copenhagen bar

The world’s most expensive bottle of vodka recently disappeared from a bar in Copenhagen. The bar in question, Cafe 33, has over 1,200 different vodka bottles. The missing bottle was...

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IFFA 2019: The leading international trade fair for the meat industry

he No. 1 for the meat industry – opens its doors again from 4 to 9 May 2019. As the sector’s foremost innovation platform, IFFA will once again bring together...

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FAO: Global tea consumption and production driven by robust demand in China and India

Emelkedni fog globálisan a teafogyasztás és –termelés a következő évtizedben a fejlődő országok erős kereslete miatt. Ez új munkalehetőségeket teremt a vidéken élők számára és javítja az élelmezésbiztonságot a teatermelő...

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Fish producers are preparing for the festive season with a wide fish offer

Fish producers are preparing for the festive season with a wide fish offer, but market prices have risen slightly, compared to last year – the president of the Hungarian Aquaculture...

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The Prime Minister’s Office granted 38 billion forints support for the development of grain storages so far

So far, 838 farmers have been given a grant of 38 billion forints by the Prime Minister’s Office for the construction and upgrading of grain storages and dryers. According to...

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Analysts: the increase of average earnings may be over 12 percent this year

The October growth in average earnings was not a surprise, according to macroeconomic analysts interviewed by MTI, who are expecting an average 12-13 percent wage growth this year. According to...

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13 percent of the Hungarian workers get a 13. monthly salary

13 percent of Hungarian workers receive a 13. monthly salary, and almost every fourth domestic worker receives a Christmas bonus – Világgazdaság Online quotes the latest international survey of the...

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Rétvári: nearly 80 billion HUF will be available for children nutrition next year

Against to the 29 billion HUF of 2010, next year 79 billion HUF can be used for children nutrition – Rétvári Bence, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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NGM: gross average salary can reach 300,000 forints this year

The gross average salary can reach 300,000 forints even this year and in January it can exceed 310,000 forints – Simon Attila, Deputy Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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FM: traceability has improved in the food chain

According to the experiences of the winter seasonal food chain checks, the food distributors improved their compliance, most of the problems remained with hygiene conditions, but the traceability gap was...

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Turkey Association: stable situation in the sector, reduced buying price

The position of the turkey sector is stable, sudden price movements are unlikely. The price of live turkey was lowered by 8-10 forints per tonne, compared to last year to...

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KSH: earnings grew by 12.8 percent in October

In October, gross average earnings were 295,800 forints, 12.8 percent more than a year before – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported on Wednesday. The average net earnings without family...

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“Catch it” flashmob at St. Stephen’s Basilica

The Agrármarketing Centrum and the Ministry of Agriculture popularized the fish consumption with fishy delicacies and with a real curiosity, the flashmob of the Kodály Zoltán Art School at the...

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The anti-counterfeiting panel warns of the dangers of buying counterfeit products

In the last week of the Christmas shopping season, the appearance of counterfeit and uncontrolled sources is particularly risky, so it is worth to buy cautiously – the National Anti-Counterfeiting...

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More than 3.2 tonnes of meat products were withdrawn from the market by Nébih at a market in Budapest

The destruction of more than 3.2 tonnes of expired, unmarked, moldy, heavily polluted and irregularly produced meat products were ordered by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) in the...

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Orbán: We will not be anybody’s forecourt

Hungary will not be the forecourt of any other country – said Prime Minister Orbán Viktor, referring to the importance of keeping the land in Hungarian ownership at the delegate...

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Századvég: the increase in wages explains the increase in retail turnover

October’s retail trade shows a significant increase, which can be explained by the increase in wages – Regős Gábor, economist of the Századvég Economic Researcher told M1 news channel on...

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Fazekas: 2.6 billion HUF can be used to improve the conditions of fish processing

2.6 billion HUF can be spent to improve the conditions of fish processing from the about 15 billion HUF, resources of the Hungarian Fisheries Operational Program (MAHOP) – the Minister...

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Next year will bring changes in the environmental protection product fee rules

As of 1 January 2018 the act on the environmental protection product fee will be amended again. An analysis by MAZARS has revealed that the new changes are primarily entailed by...

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Ericsson: technology will bear a human face in 2018

Consumers expect technology interactions to be controlled by intonation, facial expression and body language facilitating to track the changes of accelerating technology and will able to manage new devices –...

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KSH: retail sales grew by 6.3 percent in October

In October, retail sales grew by 6.3 percent, compared to the same period of the previous year, according to both the raw and the calendar-adjusted data – the Central Statistical...

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The food industry may grow continuously by up to 4 percent

According to Atradius’ industry analysis, the food industry’s performance in the next five years may increase by 3-4 percent annually. The sector continues to be one of the most important...

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NFM: the Consumer Protection Authority tested light chains and fondants

The Consumer Protection Authority tested light chains and fondants. Among the tested light chains 25 did not meet the requirements, while in case of fondants problems occured in only one...

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