
The International Chimey Cake Council has turned to Austria for the European protection of the chimey cake

The International Chimey Cake Council has turned to the competent office of the Austrian government in case of the chimney cake’s indication as a specialty product in the European Union....

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Cigarettes were found in rail freight cargoes

The finance guards found cigarettes in containers containing iron ore – the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) told MTI. According to the statement, in recent weeks, cigarettes were found...

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Animal protection is in a difficult situation: hundreds expect the winter without cover

More than 100 000 dogs are wandering today in Hungary, and around 15,000 live in animal shelters and hundreds of dogs have no doghouses in the shelters. Cofidis Hungary and...

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The law aimed at improving the competitiveness of agriculture has been announced

The amendments to the Act initiated by Győrffy Balázs, President of the National Chamber of Agriculture, have been announced. The most common amendments to the Acts were published in the...

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There will be enough fish for the year-end feasts

There will be enough Hungarian fish for the year-end holidays, and in addition to the balanced domestic supply, significant quantities will be exported – Lévai Ferenc, spokesman of the Hungarian...

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Wine market panorama before the holidays

The annual turnover from wine sales amounts to 7.5 billion forints, which comes from the sales of 9.5 million bottles – SPAR told Világgazdaság. 20 percent of the sales are...

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AMC opens towards new exhibitions: Hungarian products in Milan

The Agrármarketing Centrum (AMC) participated for the first time with a community stand at the 22nd Artisan Fair in Milan. At the stand of AMC, the Hungarian exhibitors presented high-quality...

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The 2017 prizes of the Hungarian Sommelier Association were announced

The Kreinbacher Estate in Somló, the Heinemann Brothers Ltd., the Anyukám mondta (My Mum Said) restaurant from Encs, Bányai Gábor Botond wine journalist, and Földesi Gyula teacher, won the Par...

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Nébih: care should be taken when purchasing products and medicines online

In the case of veterinary medicines and pesticides, care must be taken when purchasing the product on the Internet. In any case, it should be noted that the product has...

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The installation of the automatic monitoring units into the food vending machines will delay

The installation of the automatic monitoring units into the food vending machines has been scheduled and ongoing, The deadline for the end of November had to be extended –

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The most beautiful Christmas market in Europe was chosen

The European Best Destinations travel agency also assessed this year on the basis of traveler’s reviews, which is the most beautiful Christmas market in Europe. According to tourists, the Croatians...

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Magazine: Cocoa brown shades

Traditional cocoa powder sales jump before Easter and in the Christmas period, because these are the times when people bake a lot. Instant cocoa powder sales show less seasonality, although in...

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KSH: agriculture closed an average year in 2017

Compared to last year’s record high yields, the output of Hungarian agricultural decreased by 6.1 percent. The performance of plant production decreased by 8.6 percent and livestock production by 3.2...

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20 percent increase in egg prices contributed to the November inflation

Last month, mainly due to rising fuel prices and egg prices, the annual rate of inflation increased to 2.5 percent, Várhegyi Judit, head of department of the Hungarian National Bank...

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MFB is launching a new loan product for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises

The MFB wants to reach such market areas that the commercial banking system can not or does not want to cover. The Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) launches a new loan...

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FM: the sources of CAP should support the farmers

According to Gulyás Andrea, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture, the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) after 2020 should support the farmers. According to the Ministry’s announcement...

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The delivery of packages is well under way

According to the information, the Black Friday and the previous discounts at the end of November have increased the traffic of packages. In the 3 weeks since 20 November, 1...

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Magazine: Training and development are the foundation on which the dairy sector rests

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) organised a series of conferences this autumn, titled ‘Milk Processing’. Hungary’s milk processing sector is struggling with problems because it is lagging behind competitors in...

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The busiest time of the year starts in the stores

The two weeks before Christmas are the busiest time of the year in the shops. The National Trade Association (OKSZ) estimates that this year around 100 billion forints will be...

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The international aszú day to be celebrated for the first time this year

The international aszú day aims to draw attention to one of the best sweet wines of the world. The international aszú day is celebrated on 10 December this year. The...

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Fennel honey won the Excellent Hungarian Honey of the Year 2017 award

The results of the honey competition and the best honey of this year were announced at the 10th Honey and Gingerbread Festival in Gyula, on Saturday. The fennel honey of...

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MNB: Labor Training is the key to sustainable development

The lack of skilled workers is a major challenge for the European countries, while the new industrial revolution and robot technology are constantly transforming the labor market, which also requires...

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FruitVeB: the reclassification of producer groups will be evaluated by 15 December

This year, the number of producer organizations did not change significantly in comparison to last year, but the requests of those producer groups requesting to be classified will be evaluated...

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A megszokott külső megújult Pöttyös Tejsütit takar

Ahogy a hideg idő beköszöntött, nem csak a hangulatunk, hanem a Pöttyös Tejsüti íze is megváltozott. Érdemes lesz megkóstolni, hiszen egy sokkal tejesebb és természetesebb összetételű tejszelet várja az édesség-kedvelőket....

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The MNB warns about the deliberate recruitment of consumer loans

According to the MNB’s announcement published on Thursday, due to the different characteristics of each type of credit – credit card, personal loan, commodity loan, mortgage loan, overdraft – it...

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The “Give Joy” Christmas fundraiser campaign is organized by the Maltese Charity Service

The Hungarian Maltese Charity Service (MMSZ) is organizing its “Give joy” Christmas fundraiser campaign for the 21st time between 14 and 19 December (MMSZ) – the director of the Central...

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