
Nébih occupied pesticides sold without permission

In November, the specialists of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) tested online pesticide sellers. During the action, the authority seized unlicensed products in a value of nearly 200...

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Fourfold increase in the amount of household machinery replacement

The Ministry of National Development (NFM) will raise the subsidy amount of the household machinery replacement from 600 million HUF to 2.6 billion, so every successful applicant will receive the...

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Fragrance experiences in portions

The fabric softener market continues to grow in Hungary: in the last 12 months value sales augmented by 5.5 percent and volume sales jumped 7.2 percent. Nearly 40 million litres of...

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Analysts: retail sales may continue to increase

MTI analysts expect further growth in retail sales based on the latest data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH). According to the communication of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) published...

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Here is the new Hungarian champagne that will not be sold during the holidays

A new premium quality Hungarian champagne brand arrived on the domestic market, which is not consciously sold during the most popular time of the beverage, from mid December to early...

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Nébih calls attention to the import ban on meat

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) again calls attention to the ban on imports of meat products after African swine fever (ASP) virus was detected in pig meat sample...

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Agro-research cooperation between Ghana and Hungary

With the Hungarian agricultural research results agriculture in Ghana can be developed – the National Agrarian Research and Innovation Center (NAIK) told MTI on Wednesday, after an agricultural research and...

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The retail sales of the euro area declined in October

Compared to the previous month, retail sales in the euro area declined with the largest extent of the past four years in October – the European Union’s statistical office Eurostat...

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Carpathian Basin village economist program to be started

The government has adopted the Carpathian Basin village economist program, which will increase the number of village economists in the Carpathian Basin from 41 to 100, the Minister of Agriculture...

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Cheese it’s Europe!


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What do you put your name on?

According to Ferenc Keresztesi, managing director of Present Store Kft., every company – be it small or large – needs to use promotional gifts to make sure that they are...

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Retail sales grew by 6.3 percent in October

In October, the volume of retail sales grew by 6.3 percent, according to the raw and calendar-affected data, according to the first estimate of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) published...

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The turnover of the domestic sweets market is around 180 billion forints annually

The turnover of the domestic sweets market is about 180 billion HUF annually – the Association of Hungarian Candy Manufacturers told MTI. Sánta Sándor, president of the Hungarian Confectionery Manufacturers...

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The world’s coffee exports broke record

In the 2016/17 season, world coffee exports broke record, and stocks have risen to 8-year high in the importing countries, according to the ICO (International Coffee Organization). Global coffee exports...

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KSH: Third-quarter GDP data rose to 3.9 percent

Referring primarily to the better-than-expected performance of market services, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) raised its third quarter growth data of the gross domestic product by 0.3 percentage points to...

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Bormedence 2017: Tasting of wines from the Carpathian Basin in Budapest

In addition to the wine-growing regions in Hungary, the producers of seven wine-growing regions beyond the border will be also showcased at the Bormedence 2017 Carpathian Basin wine tasting in...

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Hungarian businesses signed a deal worth more than 220 million HUF after the Agrosalon trade show in Nitra

More than 220 million HUF worth of deals have been made by Hungarian companies at one of the most prominent agricultural and agro-industry exhibitions of Slovakia at the Agrosalon in...

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European Commission: the Makó Parsley Root also receives a protected geographical indication

The European Union has approved that the Makó parsley root should also be protected as a protected geographical indication (ofj) – the European Commission said on Tuesday. The Geographical Indication...

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The pace of increase in consumer prices has slowed down in the OECD countries

Due to a more moderate increase in energy and food prices, the pace of increase in consumer prices has slowed down in the member states of the Organization for Economic...

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Magazine: A new era in everyday shopping

Data measured by Nielsen reveals that the Hungarian consumer confidence index has never been this high since 2009, there is a record-low unemployment level and the GDP has increased. Sales...

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GKI: Foundations of economic growth should be established now​​

Trends in the Hungarian economy of the first half of the year have continued in the past few months. Although the 3.8 per cent GDP growth in the third quarter...

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Most of the Hungarian families are over-spending at Christmas

Nearly 40 percent of Hungarians feel they spend more on Christmas gifts than they could do, but they typically do not finance them from loans – according to Intrum Justitia’s...

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Trade Association: the Black Friday action does not affect the December gift purchase badly

Many people anticipated the end of the year purchase during the Black Friday in November,but this will not make December spendings lower – Vámos György, Secretary-General of the National Trade...

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FM: winter seasonal food chain control lasts until the end of the year

The nationwide winter seasonal food chain control takes place from 1 December to the end of the year – Zsigó Róbert, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM)...

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German Chamber: a rise in Hungarian wages is expected next year

According to international companies operating in Hungary, in 2018, Hungarian wages are expected to rise further, because wage continues to be a determining factor in the competition for skilled labor...

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MNB: The financial situation of households and companies improved in October

In October, households repayed more loans than they incurred and increased their deposits by a significant amount, and companies received less credit for the third month than savings were placed...

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Almost a thousand products from about two hundred producers bear the National Park Product trademark

Nearly a thousand products of about two hundred producers bear the National Park Product trademark, which was launched by the government in 2011 to acknowledge local products – was said...

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Horticulture can calculate with a 90-billion-forint funding

From the HUF 1,300-billion rural development budget HUF 90 billion will be granted to horticulture enterprises. The money can be invested in building greenhouses and cold storage facilities or in buying...

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