
Szállá record-breaking growth last year in the tourism market

Domestic tourism ended with growth record last year, rising by 15 percent in 2017. 70 percent of guest nights were for 1-2 days – according to the comprehensive annual analysis...

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The National Chamber of Agriculture has successfully closed last year

The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) has successfully closed last year, and many of the measures to ease the economy have been created at the initiative of NAK – the...

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The Jéger may bring significant savings

It is good news for the farmers that the ice-hunting system, the Jéger will be launched nationwide at the beginning of May. The system is currently under development – Magyar...

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The National Machine Financing Program of the MFB is launched

The National Machine Financing program of the Hungarian Development Bank (Magyar Fejlesztési Bank) was launched. The framework of the loan and lease programs with a preferential interest rate is 80...

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Eurozone and EU inflation accelerated in November

In line with the expectations in November, the annual increase in consumer prices in the euro area was 1.5 percentage points higher than the preliminary data and 0.1 percentage points...

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There are new opportunities to preserve soil moisture

There are several processes and preparations that are able to preserve soil moisture, so farmers can cultivate crops where there is no possibility to irrigate – Fazekas Sándor, Minister of...

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The European Parliament proposes to ban electric fishing

The European Parliament (EP) in its plenary meeting in Strasbourg called for a ban on electric fishing in Europe on Tuesday. When electric fishing, electric wires are hung into the...

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The growth of agricultural producer prices has accelerated

In November last year, agricultural producer prices increased by 7.7 percent, compared to the same month of the previous year. The price of herbal products increased by 8.6, while the...

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Hungarians are banking online below average

More than half of Europe’s adult population (51 percent) have used netbanks in 2017. Since 2007, this ratio has doubled – quoted Eurostat’s data. There are places where 90...

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FM Minister of State: EU agricultural subsidies after 2020 will be decided in May

EU state and government leaders will decide on the EU’s after 2020 budget and on the amount of resources allocated to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in May – Czerván...

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Whimsical weather may kill bees

Contrary to belief, bees do not sleep in winter. Consuming honey in the hive, clumped in clusters, they pass through the coldest season. The mild weather of recent weeks has...

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The greatest need is towards workers and shopkeepers

In the last months of 2017, 17.4 percent more new ads were posted in Hungary’s leading jobs portal, than a year ago in the same period – wrote, after...

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Salmonella baby milk powder: Hungary is not affected

Hungary is not affected by the EU scandal for salmonella baby milk powder. The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih), however, monitors the international news. No information has been received...

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The chicken debate continues between the EU and the US

There is still a serious controversy between the United States of America (USA) and the European Union (EU). According to EU accusations, US companies supply chlorinated chicken meat to the...

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An unhealthy diet makes the immune system more aggressive in the long run

The immune system responds similarly to a high fat, sugar and calorie diet as to bacterial infections, and the body’s defensive system becomes proactive in the long run – according...

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KSH: Consumer prices increased by 2.4 percent last year

Consumer prices rose by 2.4 percent on average in 2017, compared with the previous year and in December consumer prices were 2.1 percent higher than in the previous year –...

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Századvég: consumption and investment increased imports

Growing consumption and expanding investments have boosted imports – Regős Gábor, economist of the Századvég gazdaságkutató Zrt. told M1 news channel. According to the first estimate of the Central Statistical...

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Swine fever attacks again near the Hungarian-Romanian border

African swine fever has appeared again in Romania: the disease is only a few kilometers away from the Hungarian border and the Ukrainian border. The disease was detected in Mikola...

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Fire at the Aréna Shopping Center in Budapest

A sauna caught fire on Friday afternoon at the Arena Plaza in Budapest. No one was injured in the fire. Visitors could return to each floor for the evening. There...

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Growth in retail sales slowed down in the United States

In December, retail sales in the United States increased at a lower rate than in the previous month, according to a statement released by the Census Bureau on Friday. In...

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PC sales rose in the fourth quarter for the first time in six years

The sales of traditional PCs increased in the fourth quarter of last year for the first time in the past six years – according to a survey published on Friday...

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FM: The annual support for Hungarian beekeepers have grown to more than 5 million euros a year

With the340,000 euros extension of the previous budget 5 million 35 thousand euros are available annually to support Hungarian beekeepers – Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry...

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Restrictions may come in case of the EU agricultural subsidies

Restrictions have to be taken in the Union’s new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) between 2020 and 2027, according to EU Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger. While the British withdrawal leads to...

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More than half of the Hungarians save each month

More than half of the Hungarians save a certain amount of money each month, while the proportion of regular savers rose by 8 percentage points over a year and is...

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The quality of VET should be further increased

In the development of vocational training, special attention should be paid to the rapidly changing economic environment and the labor market expectations – the Deputy Minister of State of the...

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The Romanian Government gives free piglets to the mangalica breeders

A minimum of two, up to ten free piglets will be given by the Romanian government to those livestock farmers who under certain conditions undertake the fattening of Bázna mangalica...

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The EU and Mexico are arguing on a cheese variety

An argument is taking place over the origin of Manchego cheese and it is hindering the completion of a trade deal between the EU and Mexico wrote. The Latin...

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The strongest economy in Europe has grown at a high rate

Germany’s GDP grew at the highest rate of the past six years in 2017, according to Destatis, the federal statistics agency. According to Destatis’s first estimate, gross domestic product (GDP)...

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Thousands of jobs can be created if more goods will arrive from the Far East

Thousands of jobs can be created, as well as substantial investments and will increase revenue of the state budget if it will be possible to get more merchants from the...

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Magazine: A regional event for the food and HoReCa sectors

Early next year the Sirha Budapest trade fair will be organised for the third time at the HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre. Food, bakery and pastry, hotel and hospitality, packaging and culinary...

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