
The German government would reduce the amount of food thrown out by 50 percent

The German government has adopted a strategy to reduce food waste by 50 percent on Wednesday. The 11 million tons a year to be cut by 2030 by 50 percent....

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The inspection of beef from Poland was tightened in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic tightened the inspection of beef imported from Poland on Wednesday with immediate effect. Miroslav Toman, Minister of Agriculture at an extraordinary press conference in Prague, announced that...

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The sales of smartphones have stopped worldwide

In the fourth quarter of last year, the rise in the sales of smartphones in the world market has stopped. In the fourth quarter of last year, global smartphone sales...

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The volume of plant production and livestock production increased

Hungary was among the best performing EU countries on the basis of the real income of production factors per labor unit – Világgazdaság Online wrote on the basis of the...

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Nagy István: 2019 will be the year of construction in agriculture

Mezőhegyes is exemplary from the point of view of the history and future of Hungarian agriculture, Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said on Tuesday at a press conference held in...

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The construction of a producer market and cold stores was started in Letenye

The construction of a covered producer market and a cold store was started in Letenye, with an investment of nearly 236 million HUF – the city council informed MTI. According...

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The rule of advertising for nutritional supplements is changing

The law on specialty medical products will come into force on 22 February – according to which advertising must not contain any health claim. The ÖRT draws attention that the...

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Nébih’s Complex Educational Program is successful

The Complex Educational Program of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) is successful. The program seeks to expand food safety knowledge among preschoolers, primary school students and college students...

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Laboratory meat, such as cattle breeding, can cause more damage to the environment in the long run

Meat products that grow in the laboratory over the long term may contribute to global warming more than some ways of cattle farming – researchers of the University of Oxford...

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ITM: 1,200 schools are expected to attend in the Money7 Week

This year, 1,200 schools are expected to attend with hundreds of thousands of students in the Money7 theme week, trying to make young people aware of the world of money...

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(HU) Az Év Trade Marketingese 2018 verseny díjazottjai

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Rents continue to grow on the retail real estate market in Budapest

The retail real estate market has a positive outlook, the growth of consumption and the increase in the number of tourists in Budapest help the development of the sector, especially...

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Opten: The number of animal health businesses has increased

More and more companies are providing veterinary services, while in 2015, 866 businesses were providers of veterinary care, last year their number reached 881 – according to Opten company information...

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ITM: climate financing helps the foreign market access of the Hungarian companies

The Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) provides unique support to innovative Hungarian businesses in the environmental sector. The purpose of the non-refundable grant is to reduce the adverse effects...

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Two thirds of the distillers are not used by private cookers

Only one third of the reported distillers are used by private pálinka makers – the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) told according to last year’s figures – the Pálinka...

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The new program of the MNB calls for environmentally conscious banking

The Green Program of the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) encourages environmentally conscious “Banking” – Binder István, MNB’s spokesman told M1 news channel on Tuesday. He added that the MNB would...

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British food exports to the EU cannot be guaranteed without agreement

In case of a Brexit without agreement, there would be no full guarantee that Britain could continue to export food to the markets of the European Union – the head...

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Foreign trade restrictions caused 6.3 billion USD loss to Russia

There are 159 trade restrictions in 62 countries against Russia, which resulted in a 6.3 billion USD loss in exports in 2018 – the Russian Ministry of Economic Development announced...

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More beer was sold on the domestic market last year

Seventy-six thousand hectoliters, 15 million bottles more, a total of 6.29 million hectoliters of beer was sold last year, compared to the previous year by the leading breweries on the...

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Agricultural researchers: the output of agriculture can be increased with precision farming

Precision farming is needed in Hungary to substantially increase the output of agriculture. The PREGA (Precision Farming) Conference and Exhibition, which will start in Budapest on Tuesday, will help us...

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The 79th OMÉK will be held in Budapest in September

The Ministry of Agriculture and the Agricultural Marketing Center (AMC) will organize the 79th National Agricultural and Food Industry Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK) between 26 and 29 September. The event...

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MNB: Hungarian households increased their savings with 5.9 percent of last year’s GDP

Hungarian households increased their savings by 2500 billion HUF, equivalent to 5.9 percent of GDP in 2018, of which 735 billion HUF was realized in the fourth quarter, which is...

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AM: The application for aid against grape pests to be simplified

The Ministry of Agriculture (AM) will announce a tender against pests in vineyards with a budget of 240 million HUF this year, and the application for support will be simplified...

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Domestic startups may gain new momentum

According to experts, startups can really accelerate in the FMCG and medical technology sectors. That is why the Start it @ K & H Incubator is constantly expanding its mentor...

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AM: Hungary and Slovakia support each otherat the EU agricultural negotiations

The importance and role of Hungarian-Slovakian agricultural relations goes beyond bilateral relations. An intensive joint work is also taking place within the framework of the Visegrád four cooperation, and in...

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Scottish whiskey exports on peak

Scottish whiskey exports have also reached a peak in quantity and value last year, index quotes the communication of the Scottish Whiskey Association (SWA). Last year, Scottish whiskey was exported...

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Magazine: Smart technological solutions: What can be achieved?

The 5th Innovation Food Conference was part of the programme at the Anuga trade fair in Cologne. There were approximately 200 participants and Hanni Rützler, the founder of Vienna-based futurefoodstudio...

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Agricultural producer prices increased by 2.7 percent last year

Last year, agricultural producer prices increased by 2.7 percent. The prices for plant products increased by 5.8 percent, but live animals and animal products increased by 2.2 percent, compared to...

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Tasting round to be held with the fifty best winemakers of the country

Tasting round to be held with the participation of the 50 best winemakers of the country on 2 March in Budapest. The professional competition will decide who will be the...

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