
Can an e-commerce association be the solution in competing with giants such as Amazon?

One of the reasons why Central Europe is a popular cross-border e-commerce target is that giants such as Amazon or Alibaba aren’t expanding in the region yet. This situation is...

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Those who buy Hungarian onion help our farmer

In the spring of 2017 NAK set up an onion working group with the aim of making the Hungarian onion sector more competitive. NAK organises talks between farmers and retailers,...

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Coccolino: renewal both inside and outside

Coccolino’s large-scale relaunch project has come to an end. In 2018 the fabric softener brand got a new design and improved formulas. Brand manager Judit Benczik told: new products had...

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Campaigns popularising Hungarian food products

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) promotes Hungarian produce and groceries in many ways. As part of the ‘From Hungary to our homes’ programme a lifestyle page was created on...

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New Fanta Instamixes

In mid-September three versions of Fanta: Instamix hit the shops – chocolate, coconut and raspberry-orange. The recipe is simple: consumers need to pour the Instamix into a 0.5-litre Fanta orange...

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The price of pig decreased in one year

Compared to the beginning of the year, the price of pigs declined in comparison with the previous year in August this year – Világgazdaság Online wrote on the basis of...

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Cattle can be transported to the United Arab Emirates again

The agricultural ministry of the United Arab Emirates has removed Hungary from the list of countries with bluetongue disease. As a result of this measure it will be possible to...

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Hungarian companies are still crediting their customers at a record level

The proportion of deferred payments in domestic commerce (B2B) decreased, however, while the duration for invoicing and the number of bad debts increased. According to the Atradius Credit Provider’s Barometer...

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MLBKT: PMI in September shows continued growth

The seasonally adjusted September value of the Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) was 53.8 points, which indicates that respondents reported more favorable processes than in the previous month. The index is...

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The key to Hungarian culinary success is Hungarian raw material

The key to the success of renewable Hungarian gastronomy is the Hungarian raw material – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said at the at the Cooks and Producers’ Conference in...

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Insect farms to come

Those entrepreneurs who would set up insect farms in Hungary will be given every support from the Hungarian authorities – wrote. There is a possibility of establishing insect farms...

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Hungarian cash stock is significant

Hungarian cash stock is about 5,700 billion HUF. From a part of it, the population’s securities and equity purchases could be increased – Nagy Márton, the vice president of the...

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More than 175 million HUF worth smuggled cigarettes were found in a minibus

More than 175 million HUF worth smuggled cigarettes were found by the police in an Ukrainian minibus on Saturday in Vásárosnamény – the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Police Headquarters announced on the...

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German retail turnover decreased

Instead of the expected growth in August, retail turnover in Germany was lower than in the previous month – the Destatis federal statistics agency published on Monday. In August, retail...

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Japanese retail sales grew in August

In August, retail sales in Japan rose to an eight-month peak on an annual level, and industrial production showed an increase for the first time in the past four months...

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By 2025, the robots will take the lead

Digitized machines will have more workload than people in 2025, according to the study of the Davos World Economic Forum. While digitization will make a lot of workplace obsolete, it...

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My shop, my brand, my everything

Recently European retail chains have signed many strategic partnership agreements. One of these is a cooperation that Tesco and Carrefour started. Their objective is to unite the strengths of the...

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The manager of AMC spoke about the challenges of agriculture at the Business days

Ondré Péter, Managing Director of Agrármarketing Centrum (AMC), talked about agricultural challenges of the future and solution-making domestic breakthrough points, at the Business Days conference organized by Trade magazin. At...

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Greenhouse production can be increased by using geothermal energy

The greenhouse production of safe and high-quality products should be increased. The domestic supply could be increased with the expansion of exports and by the increasing use of geothermal energy...

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Coffee Day: coffee tasting on the Erzsébet square

The leading experts from the domestic and international coffee world will introduce the audience into the secrets of quality coffees at the Aquarium Club on Sunday at the Coffee Day,...

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In June-August KSH employed 39 thousand more than a year earlier

During the June-August period, the average number of employees was 4 million 484 thousand, 39 thousand more than a year before. The employment rate of 15-64 year-olds increased by 0.8...

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EOS: Hungarians pay 77 percent of the invoices in time

77 percent of the accounts are paid in time by Hungarian customers, 19 percent arrives late and 4 percent is not paid at all, which corresponds to last year’s figures...

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Eurozone inflation accelerated in September

In September, the pace of consumer price increases in the euro area accelerated. The European Union’s statistical office, Eurostat, on Friday announced its preliminary report that euro area inflation rose...

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The spread of African swine fever has slowed in Romania

The spread of African swine fever in Romania has slowed down, no new infectious points have emerged in the last month in neighboring counties – according to the weekly report...

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US consumer spendings increased

Consumers’ expenditure in the United States increased steadily in August as a sign of strong economic growth, while annual consumer price indices excluding consumer and non-food prices had reached 2...

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The cooking oil recollecting system is tested in Kaposvár

In Hungary, so far, the collection, placement and processing of household used baking oil and grease has not been efficiently solved, but thanks to a collection system developed by the...

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US consumers are confident

The US consumer mood index has improved in June, according to Michigan University’s regular monthly survey, whose preliminary results were published on Friday. The consumer mood index increased to 99.3...

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This year 5 percent less grain was produced

This year, 6.9 million tons of grain was produced on a 1.3 percent more area, compared to the previous year, which is a 5.0 percent decline. The volatile weather had...

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Opten: the number of wineries has decreased, but revenue grew

Over the past three years, the number of Hungarian wine-making companies has been steadily decreasing, while the sector’s revenue grew year by year, according to Opten’s company information service. According...

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The gastro promenade in Etyek to be expanded with a cheese muster

The cheese muster of the Association of Hungarian Cheese Producers will be held for the first time at the gastro promenade in Etyek so the visitors in addition to the...

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