
IMF has improved the Hungarian GDP growth forecast for 2018 and 2019

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has improved its GDP growth forecast for this year and the next year in its autumn global economic forecast. According to the World Economy Outlook,...

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KSH: prices increased by 3.6 percent in a year

In September, consumer prices were 3.6 percent higher than in the previous year; increasing by an average of 0.3 percent, compared to August – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) reported...

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Food waste should be reduced

Food waste should be reduced, Hungary is on a good track to fight against the food waste in households – the Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture, responsible...

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EU agricultural commissioner: the level of CAP funds can be maintained by increasing the contribution of the Member States

Phil Hogan European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development highlighted in Budapest at the event organized by the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), that Hungary is a “key partner”, a...

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Exports increased by 0.9 percent in August

In August, exports calculated in euros increased by just 0.9 percent, compared to the year before, following the 11.4 percent peak in July. Import increased by 6.1 percent, after the...

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Billion HUF business modernization begins in Kaposvár

Downtown shops and parks are rebuilt in Kaposvár, spending 1.1 billion forints for the spring reconstruction – the Mayor of the city said on Monday in Kaposvár, Somogy county. Szita...

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The European Union conference on smart villages was held in Gödöllő

The Hungarian Contact Office of the European Parliament and the European Commission’s Representation in Hungary held a conference on Monday in Gödöllő titled Smart Villages. At a press conference prior...

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Nébih: metal pieces were found in one of the chocolate goji berries product

According to the United Kingdom’s announcement, the metal pieces were found in one of the chocolate grizzled raw goji berries products of which shipments also came to Hungary. The manufacturer...

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Magazine: Paying in cash will soon be history…

According to PayPal president Dan Schulman, cash will be part of our everyday life for a long time. Marcin Glogowski, general manager of PayPal in Central Eastern Europe told: a...

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Less than half of the farms are covered by insurance

A total of almost 4 billion HUF worth plant damages were generated in agriculture, which was linked to more than seven and a half thousand announcements – Világgazdaság Online wrote....

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Half a billion forints compensation for African swine fever

This year, Mangalica breeders can apply for an income replacement support of half a billion forints allowances due to African swine fever – according to the decree of the Minister...

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Be a Recognized Tracking Specialist!

The tracking in supply chains is a cornerstone, a legally required obligation that is strictly controlled and that can change the revenue and reputation of the businesses. Human life can...

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EU Commissioner for Agriculture: Hungary is a key partner in agricultural policy negotiations

Hungary is a key partner, a key factor in the bargaining process for the new EU budget period and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) rules -Phil Hogan, EU Commissioner for...

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The modernization loan is popular

In less than three weeks, claims were received to more than ten percent to the MFB Points Network. The modernization loan aims to increase the competitiveness of the small and...

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NAV withdrew 1.5 billion HUF worth smuggled tobacco

In eight months, 1.5 billion HUF worth illegal tobacco products were withdrawn from the black market by the tax authorities. The Magyar Idők Online wrote that the staff members of...

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MDOSZ: Hungarian children consume only half of the recommended calcium intake

Compared to the previous years, Hungarian children consume more calcium, but it is still only half of the recommended calcium intake – according to the survey of the Hungarian Association...

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(HU) Elindult a

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Magazine: New regulation brings improvement

In August 2017 the new Hungarian Food Book entered into force, which specifies the minimum meat and mechanically deboned meat contents of meat products – in the wiener/frankfurter category the...

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(HU) Újabb boltok használhatják a SuperStore logót!

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The Savings Bank raised its growth forecast to 4.1 percent next year

The Savings Bank (Takarékbank) confirmed its 4.6 percent forecast for the growth of the Hungarian economy this year, basically based on the boom in investment. However in 2019, the GDP...

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Minister of Agriculture: cooperation is needed in domestic apple production

In order to solve the problems of the domestic apple farming, a common proposal, agreement and the cooperation of farmers are needed – the Minister of Agriculture said on Thursday...

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The aim is to prevent the spread of swine fever

The two most important veterinary tasks of the next period are the most effective limitation of the spread of African swine fever (ASP) and the prevention of cross-contamination into domestic...

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ITM: nő az egyszer használatos műanyagok termékdíja

A termékdíjtörvény módosításával várhatóan nő az egyszer használatos műanyag poharak, edények termékdíja, és a kör várhatóan tovább bővül az egyszer használatos műanyag evőeszközökkel, köztük a keverőpálcával és a szívószállal –...

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Emlékeztetőt írtak alá visegrádi országok az EU következő keretköltségvetésének finanszírozásáról

Rendkívüli jelentőségűnek minősítette Peter Kazimír szlovák pénzügyminiszter azt az emlékeztetőt, amit az Európai Unió következő keretköltségvetésének bevételi oldaláról írt alá a négy visegrádi ország pénzügyminisztere pénteken Csorbatóban (Strbské Pleso). A...

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Több kukorica és napraforgó termett az idén Zala megyében

Kukoricából és napraforgóból is több termett az idén Zala megyében, mint az elmúlt évben. A kukorica hektáronkénti átlaghozama 8,7 tonna lett, napraforgóból pedig átlagosan 2,9 tonna termést takarítottak be hektáronként...

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New whisky record at Bonhams auction

A bottle of the extremely rare The Macallan Valerio Adami 1926 whisky was sold at Bonhams Whisky Sale in Edinburgh on 3 October setting a new world record of 848,750...

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The EU supports the introduction of new customs rules in Africa

The European Union supports the work of the African authorities for the introduction of global customs rules and facilitating trade by 5 million euros (about 1.6 billion forints) – the...

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Analysts: the increase in retail turnover exceeded expectations

The growth in retail trade in August was higher than the market expectations. It could be a good signal for the third quarter of GDP as well – market analysts...

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Agrarian digitization is the future

The main objectives of agriculture is to increase the efficiency of the domestic agriculture and the food sector in the medium term, the safe food supply of the Hungarian population...

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The plum season was average

In the average season, about 60-65 thousand tons of plums can be harvested by the farmers – wrote. Hunyadi István, the director of the Vegetable-Fruit Interprofessional Organization and Product...

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