
Brand building is rewarding on the biscuit market

Sweet biscuits have been developing constantly in the past couple of years. This year growth stalled, but Nielsen’s data indicate that there is no need to panic. Private labels’ dominance...

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Convenience in Europe

Which products do consumers prefer, where do they buy them and when do they buy them? The Convenience & Marketing Department of the European Business School in Oestrich-Winkel published a...

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Retail done the Asian way

It is best to spend the winter where the sun shines and the weather is warm, so in November we decided to start the year in the Far East. Singapore...

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Retro 4 (in memoriam listing)

Since Act 95/2009 on the prohibition of unfair market conduct by the suppliers of the food product life cycle entered into force, several conciliation meetings were organised by the trade....

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Lower biscuit and wafer sales than a year before

According to GfK Hungária’s Consumer Scan survey, in the November 2008-October 2009 period Hungarian households bought 11 percent less sweet biscuits than a year earlier. Biscuit selection, honey macaroon and...

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Private labels leap forward

When we bought food last year, almost every 4th Forint was spent on private label products – this amounted to HUF 300 billion, according to Nielsen. In the case of...

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Wincor Nixdorf, the stronghold of cutting edge technology

One thousand Forints in the cash register is only worth 930 for a food store. The missing amount is the average cost of handling. New CINEO cash management systems, developed...

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Evil rates

From retail’s point of view, the most important question last year was whether the decline in demand and turnover already hit rock bottom or it could still go lower? Another...

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Tomato and sweet corn on top

In December 2008-November 2009, canned vegetable retail sales augmented by 11 percent in value, but diminished by 3 percent in terms of volume – states the Nielsen Retail Index. The...

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We are looking for promotions more and more consciously

Price reductions and promotions are of highlighted importance these days, especially in the case of basic food products – reveals Shopping Monitor 2009/2010, a study by GfK Hungária. It also...

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Two minutes ahead of the Chinese

– We keep analysing the work processes and looking for ways to improve productivity and to cut costs – says Markus Vüllers, who guides us when visiting the plant. We...

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Top 10 chemical categories in drugstores

Nielsen measures the retail turnover of 60 household chemicals and cosmetics. In the following table, you can find the share of the drugstore channel in the turnover of the ten...

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Home court advantage

Traditional flavours hold on to their leading position among canned products and jams. However, globalisation brought new trends as well. Nielsen’s data suggest that in the second half of the...

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New, standard measurement on the radio market

From January 2010, the Hungarian radio market applies a new, standard, hybrid method for measuring its audience: it was developed by the consortium GfK Hungária–Ipsos and soon the first official...

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‘Sweets resist the crisis’

The line cited above is the main conclusion of the Nielsen research – conducted in five countries – that was commissioned by Sweets Global Network, an international sweets trade association...

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Hungarian Product Grand Prix competition announced for 2010

The 13th Hungarian Product Grand Prix® competition was announced in 2010. Its main objective is to promote a quality-conscious approach, by which conscious consumer behaviour can be achieved. Applications are...

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Cleaning product average prices augmented

The market of household cleaning products contracted by 2 percent last year, with retail sales amounting to HUF 20 billion – states the Nielsen Retail Index. General cleaning product, scrubber...

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Healthcare: we like to buy vitamins in drugstores too

When it comes to buying vitamins we spend every fifth Forint in drugstores. In 2009, vitamin sales in drugstores surged by 60 percent; at the same time sales in pharmacies...

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ProSweets – a suppliers’ fair

Pro Form Kft. represented Hungary at ProSweets, the trade fair of confectionery suppliers. 325 companies came from 30 countries to meet 19,000 trade visitors. The fair showed that machinery manufacturers...

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World Retail Congress in April

On 21-23 April, Berlin will host the World Retail Congress, where more than 1,000 executives from 50 countries will gather to listen to at least 100 presentations – the main...

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Nappy pant sales grew above the average

Nappy pants’ turnover is the third biggest among the 60 household chemicals and cosmetics categories measured by Nielsen. Compared with 2008, value sales increased by 6 percent last year and...

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Promotion leaflets’ influence is considerable

Unaddressed promotion leaflets have a great influence on consumers, motivate impulse buying, and inform about new products or promotions – an Ipsos survey points out. In 2006, the turnover in...

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From the journalist’s Berlin notebook

“After Hungary’s accession to the EU we needed three years to accommodate. We learned our lesson and are ready to compete.” (József Gráf, minister of agriculture and rural development) •...

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Future Store

Trade magazin and Trade Marketing Club cooperated to build a 150-m² store where futuristic retail, technology and marketing communication solutions were introduced for the first time in Hungary. Magyar Telekom’s...

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Wet wipe and baby powder sales strengthened

As the Nielsen Retail Index states, baby wipe value sales were up by 2 percent and reached HUF 4 billion last year, while volume sales also gained 1 percent. Baby...

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More foreign tourists visited our western border region last year

The latest data by KSH informs that in the Western Transdanubia region foreign guests spent 1 percent more nights at commercial places of accommodation in January-December 2009 than a year...

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Wine-tastings for the public

BORésPIAC set up its BOR-island for the first time at FOODAPEST. The constantly crowded wine island gave visitors a chance to familiarise themselves with nearly 60 types of different wine...

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It is fun to learn with children’s brands

These days one of the biggest challenges for parents is to guarantee a healthy way of living to their children. Children’s brands are increasingly participating in teaching how to lead...

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Industrial production is expanding

In November 2009, industrial production fell by 6.8 percent compared to the same period a year earlier, but in December KSH measured a 1-percent growth. The quick report reveals that...

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What can we learn from each other?

Trade Marketing Club and POPAI Hungary organised their ‘Trade Marketing, My Love’ conference on 23 February at FOODAPEST. This time participants tried to find out what can Hungarian and foreign...

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