
The EU's employment decreased by four million

According to the annual report of the European Commission; since the beginning of the international economic crisis, more than 4 million jobs had been lost in the European Union. The...

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European milk market revival

Mariann Fischer Boel, who is in charge for agriculture in the European Commission reported about an improving milk situation on the agriculture ministers meeting of the member states of the...

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Chocolate Santa Claus: two billion turnover expected

According to Nielsen market research company; Two billion HUF retail turnover is expected from Chocolate Santa Claus figures, if the growing trend of the past few years continues. The population...

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The improvement of economic expectations stopped in November

In the eleventh month of 2009 after about half a year-long fall then after half year of rose – the increase of the seasonally adjusted values of GKI’s economy index...

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Agriculture will be in a critical situation in 2010

The Constitutional Court will not decide in the case of the introduction of the single farm supporting scheme (SPS) this year. Thus, from 2010 the support for certain sectors should...

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Exciting special beers and beer flavorings

The hospitality professionals were able to participate on a special taste trip at Gőry Pince-Vendéglő in Szeged. The unusual event drew the attention of professionals to give their guests, beer...

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The 10th Hungarian Wine Marketing Conference will be held in Sopron

On 3rd and 4th of December, the 10th Hungarian Wine Marketing Conference will be held in the Hotel Sopron. A special wine competition will be linked again to the anniversary...

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Half of the Hungarian costumers would buy Hungarian product

According to Ipsos Zrt.’s crisis survey; The population insists on Hungarian goods mostly in cases of food products, especially meat and sausages, milk and dairy products, as well as fruit...

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Less flyers, shorter actions

According to the report of GfK Hungária Market Research Institute; the number of special magazines, leaflets and the validity of the actions also decreased from January to September this year,...

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Three hundred million of the EU dairy sector to assist

According to yesterday’s agreement of the European Parliament and the ministers of EU Member States; 300 million euros will be spent to help out the dairy sector. "It happened for...

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Great Britain is the cheapest

According to a survey that tested the chain of stores of the Western European countries; Great Britain is the cheapest in obtaining basic consumer goods. The Which? market research company...

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Europe's largest mall opened in Istanbul

The Forum Istambul is waiting its customers with a 175 thousand square meters purchasing area. This is more than four-fold of Westend City Center’s, base area. Five thousand new permanent...

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Fruit Logistica: fresh products were re-positioned

The world's largest fruit and vegetable fair, the Fruit Logistica is waiting its guests and exhibitors of course, in Berlin, from 3rd to 5th February 2010. Beside the worldwide corporations...

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Quality Santa Sweets

According to the Hungarian Confectionery Association; last year 943 tons of sweetness was taken into the boots of the children and the loved ones. This volume is the best ever...

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Hungarians eating fish mainly at Easter and Christmas

The Hungarians are seasonally fish consumers. Fourty percent come onto plate around Christmas and Easter. Hungarians like carp the most. Although the per capital amount of fish consumption increases by...

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Fewer employees are working for less real wages

The gross average earnings in the first nine months of 2009 decreased by 1.2, the net average earnings were 1.8 percent, higher than in the previous year. The real wages...

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FAO Summit in Rome: hunger is the most murderous weapon of mass destruction

The climate summit in Copenhagen in December will be essential in terms of global hunger, since “there is no food security without climate security” – said the UN Secretary-General at...

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The crisis affects beer consumption also

According to the survey of the Nielsen market research company; The Hungarian beer market decreased by six-seven percent in the last year. The Seven billion HUF fall is not new,...

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Taste manufacturers at Packforum

Between 21 and 22 October Sealed Air Cryovac’s permanent packaging headquarters, the Packforum® hosted the Tastemakers named event. On the exclusive event 70 participants represented 45 manufacturers, distributors, equipment and...

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Food can be more expensive

In short terms food prices can remain high because of the very delicate balance between supply and demand – claim international experts. Many say, it can cause a food crisis....

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Grüne Woche: Hungary in Focus

Hungary will be the partner country on the Grüne Woche food fair in Berlin, which will be held between 15th and 24th January. The Agrármarketing Center is organizing the exhibitors,...

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New Gastro-lifestyle magazine on the market

The unique taste and culinary-lifestyle magazine is entitled; ”Ízek és Érzések – Tastes and Emotions.” Beside the recipes using natural ingredients and seasonal foods, lot of useful and informative, articles...

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Conference on food security

The Hungarian Food Safety Office (MÉBiH) organises a conference named “Food safety risk assessment in Europe and Hungary,” on 24th November 2009, with the participation of the staff of the...

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Next year Budapest will be the coffee capital

Hungarian Kávétársaság Ltd. organises the Wonderful Coffee international coffee exhibition for the first time between 23rd and 25th April 2010 in Pavilion D. of the Budapest Fair Center. On the...

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Pre-Christmas season starts

At the end of the week, the Advent purchasing season starts. The real pre-Christmas events have became into real tourist spectacles in Hungary and moving hundreds of thousands of tourists...

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Bocuse d'Or Academy: the finalists

Twelve pair appointed to the second Bocuse d'Or Selection Hungary Chef Competition’s qualifying that was held between 10th and 14th November. Finalists are:Kostyál Gábor (Hertelendy Castle Hotel, Kutas-Kozmapuszta) Kiripolszki István...

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Christmas spendings are increasing in the eastern part of Europe

According to the Christmas survey of Deloitte consulting firm; the Europeans are expected to reduce spendings in the middle of the crisis for Christmas and prefer useful, durable, less expensive...

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Hungarian GDP continue to fall in the third quarter

The European Union's economy has started to grow in the third quarter of 2009, but Hungary is still ongoing to decrease, and several other countries in the region are in...

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Wine is still a good long-term investment

On the wine market, the signs of prosperity continues to appear, especially with the rising demands of the Asian markets. Since January, prices have increased by 14-18 percent, only in...

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Goods shortages due to the shy merchants

A lot of products ran out of stock in the U.S. stores, because the merchants despite the Christmas season are too shy to order large stocks, because of the crisis....

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