
Eurozone’s unemployment rate reached its 11-year peak

In the Euro-zone, the seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate is currently 9.8 percent, stagnaiting on its 11-year peak level in October, after the September rate was modified from 9.7 percent to 9.8...

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GVH would pay tracking fee

According to a law proposal; In the future 1 percent of the imposed fine, but not more than 50 million HUF would be given to the person who provides evidence...

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Traditional Viennese Christmas Fair

The traditional Christmas fair started in Vienna, with the lightening of the 27-meter tall pine in front of City Hall. The Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ) is looking forward optimistic...

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Year-end mall handover rush

While less shopping centers are handed over this year, than in the last year, at the end of the year, malls are handed over; one after the another in Europe....

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One giant leap in the Chinese credit card debt

According to the report of the Chinese central bank; The over six months credit card debts more than doubled in the first three quarters of the year in China, compared...

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Five winemakers are in competition for the Winemaker of the Year title

The Winemaker of the Year will be chosen this week, and will be named on Friday for the 19th time. The award was founded by the Seven Wine Judge Order...

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The number of dangerous products are growing due to the crisis

Although there is no accurate measurement and assessment of the impact of the crisis, in the market of counterfeit products, the turnover of the non authentic products shows an increasing...

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Environment protection product fee: a lump sum, instead of the more complex solution

From January agri-producers can pay their environment protection product fee, product registration, record keeping, reporting and payment obligations with lesser administration, as a lump sum – thanks to the legislative...

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Stagnating industrial producer prices

According to the Central Statistical Office; The industrial producer prices have not changed, compared to the previous month or to a year earlier period in October. The Hungarian industry's sales...

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The THM-ceiling may be the end of quick loans

Many people agree that now it is time to tighten the conditions of the Hungarian retail lendings, including consumer credits. One elements may be the much-debated introduction of the THM-ceiling....

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After one and a half year, the prices have increased in the EU again

Inflation returned into the euro area in November: According to Eurostat's first estimations, published on Monday, consumer prices were 0.6 percent higher than a year earlier. This is the first...

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The Americans throw out 40 percent of the food

According to an American survey; the nation's population throw 50 percent more food into the trasher than in 1974. An average 1400 calory food per capita is thrown into the...

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Germany can put an end to the monitoring of the staff

According to press reports in Germany at several chains of stores, the illegal monitoring of workers is a “daily routine”. Among others the workers are being monitored in the stores...

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GKI: The foreign market demand and the EU support can help in recovery

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co., in cooperation with Erste Bank; This year, in the Hungarian economy a 6.5 percent decline and future stagnation is expected. The...

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Marketing in Italian style: Olive oil and wine from the Riviera

Hungarian, Czech, Polish, Danish and English buyers, and journalists from each country were invited by the chamber of commerce of Imperia province to the city of Imperia to the new...

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This year, Americans spent more on Black Friday

Retail sales on Friday increased slightly, by half a percent in the United States, which is traditionally one of the busiest day of the Christmas shopping period. Retail sales showed...

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Different bargaining positions in the food industry

The domestic food companies were not prepared for the EU's competition, the high charges, only further increase their vulnerability in competition – said Éder Tamás, President of the National Food...

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The deodorants and shower gels are the most popular

According to Nielsen; decorative packaging toilet preparations and cosmetics are becoming more and more popular as Christmas gifts. More than 3 billion HUF worth of gifts were sold last year...

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ProWein trade fair: the German market is still important, although exports halved

The following ProWein trade fair will be held in Düsseldorf, between 21 and 23 March 2010. 3100 exhibitors from 45 countries are expected, on the basis of of the preliminary...

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Hungarian corruption is far above the world average

According to the assessment of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC); The most common type of abuse is corruption in the Hungarian business life. Its 81 percent incidence rate is much higher than in...

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Growing proportion of late payments

According to Direktinfo; the more than 90 day payment terms, over the past half year, rose from 9 percent to 16 percent. The average delay in payment is more than...

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Our cell phone can became our second wallet

In Hungary, 23 percent of the population over 18 year, regularly use their credit card for payment, while 81-82 percent own mobile phones providing electronic payment – states the research...

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The dangers of the liberalization of the agricultural trade

The liberalization of agricultural trade without regulation would jeopardize the global food security. Only the international investment funds and speculators would benefit from the liberalization, not the poor. Warned, Jacques...

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The JÓFEJ website has been renewed

The JÓFEJ (sober, responsible driver) campaign of the Hungarian Association of Beer Manufacturers has been renewed. The action has been expanded by the Web 2.0 community. The Hungarian Association of...

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New wine instead of old wine

The tradition of new wine is the integral part of Hungarian wine culture. The new wine means the wine that was born on St. Martin’s day. The fresh wine can...

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Growing problems in the dairy sector

The loss of producers is currently 15 HUF per liter. The processors give 55-60 HUF for a liter, the shops around 100 HUF and the customers purchase it for 180-220...

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Twenty-two thousand liters of illegal liquor will be destroyed

Twenty-two thousand liters of illegal liquor of the the past two years, will be destroyed at the Sátoraljaújhely sewer plant, like beer, wine, champagne and aroma – reported MTI. The...

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This year's Good CSR awards were handed over

The Good CSR 2009 annual awards were handed over on Monday evening in Budapest. Coca-Cola HBC Hungary, Pannon, Richter Gedeon, and the Romanian Banca Comercială Română received awards. In the...

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Christmas advices from NFH

The National Consumption Defender Office (NHF) drew the attention on conscious Christmas shopping, at the authority’s press conference. This year electrical products are likely to be the most problematic products...

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Agricultural enterprises can tender for 14 billion

According to the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture tenders can be submitted until 15th December for the certain elements of the National Diversification Program (NDP). The 52.4 million euros support is...

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